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Stands for my SF-2 mains


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I'm getting a puppy and would like to know if some kind of stands exist to prop these things up a foot or so in order to keep the little nipper from making lunch out of the speaker grills. 6.gif

Actually, the imaging would probably be a bit more precise as well since it would bring all of the fronts and center in line more precisely.

I wouldn't even know where to start I guess. Any clues?

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How about some sort of barrier around the base since the drivers are up a ways? It wouldn't look the best, but it's probably the most straightforward way to keep the puppy away temporarily, and it won't affect your sound at all.

The idea of actually raising the towers on stands sounds a bit risky, unless you build a wide and stable platform to simply set them on. If you do that, a simple wooden box seems like it would do the trick.

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I've come to the same conclusion. I did purchase a small amount of nice wood in order to build (or at least have fun building) a couple tower stands. They will have a wide enough base and I'll post a picture when I'm done with them. Hopefully they'll look halfway nice 3.gif

We'll see.

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Thanks for the info friend, but I visited my local Lowes and found I could build them myself for around $12. Take a look at the pics. Whatcha think?

Oh, and can/should I take off their little feet?

The imaging for theater is so much better now also.


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I saw your stands earlier today. They look great. I have been using a stand for 4 years now that is only 12 inches around on both ends with 2x4's criss/crossed in an "X" pattern holding up a Heresy II. Is's very stable also. Maybe a small manufacturing plant is in order, offering different types of wood to accent the speakers is in order.

You think I'm kidding, talk to your tax accountant.

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Wow, those are beautiful. But question for you. Wouldn't it make sense to have the horn and such pointing down in the direction of the listener? It looks like the top of the platform is flat. Why did you decide on this? How did you decide the height etc? Where on the speaker is ear level? First woofer?

Sorry for so many of those questions. I'm just very interested in it myself. Also, how could I potentially take your design and modify it to slope downwards toward the front so I could have the speaker tilt and the horn point down toward the listener?

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It was actually a little bit tricky getting the pillars all exatly the same way as wood is never an exact science. I just used a simple pine for the bases and oak for the pillars (cheapest, but you can use birch or even all oak if you want to get really heavy). Wood tends to warp especially under pressure (which they were very much during construction) so I had to use quite a bit of opposing pressure to get everything to align perfectly (pain). Just some calculations of where each pillar would best stand, an outline of their bases on each side of the flats, a single pre-drilled hole through every one of the pillars and bases, a sinlge 2 1/2 inch wood screw through all and voila (a little over simplified). I thoroughly sanded a good wood grain into all flat surfaces and gave the edges a bit of a router. I used premium American Tradition paint since I've had very good results with it in the past. It's a little pricey, but it tends to leave a bit of wood grain (cool) while still providing a sturdy, solid color. My advice would be to use a softer wood so you can manipulate (bend) the variations of the wood.

Actually, the height (13.5") was determined only by the height of my dogs full grown head (so as no speaker grill appetizers will be served). The imaging is much better. Ear level is at the upper woofer.

In order to angle them down (unless it's only by a degree or two which is probably all you'd need) you may want a different design which would shift the center of gravity backward. This wouldn't be very difficult but would be a little different than my setup. I personally wouldn't want to change the current sound as it is outstanding.

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Thank you very much for that detailed reply!

I was considering your idea for my surrounds since I have a hard time hearing them for some reason or another. Doesn't feel spacey, but rather pretty direct. Placing them higher and tilting slightly downwards would remove that problem I am guessing.

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Sure, I can post a couple pics tonight.

Lancestorm: where are your surrounds located now? Dolby labs could probably give you a good suggestion as to where to locate your RF3-2's for better performance and a bit less directionality. Can you give them a bit more distance? Can you point them a tad more forward or behind the main listening position? Actually, the sound you receive from 5 of the exact same speakers is probably better than most can hope for.

In any case, I don't think you'd have to point them down if you raised them just a bit. Most wall mounted surrounds don't have much up/down directional capability but instead right/left directional capability. This may closer approximate the sound sound you're looking for since pointed them down from above sounds like it may somewhat defeat the purpose of raising the sound's source to begin with. 5.gif

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I think I see where you're coming into a bit of a problem. The fact that your couch and surrounds are all against the back wall is probably why the sound produced is not what you preferred and has to do with reflection.

My best advice would be to take your couch at least a foot out from the back wall and tow your speakers in a little bit to follow the listening position. Taking them a foot or so up (on stands) would also improve the directionality (or loss of). Also, apply some type of sound absorbing material to the rear wall behind your couch (some people like to hang exotic rugs and other foo foo stuff) if this is at all possible. I'm sure this stuff would make a difference.

These would be my recommendations and according to their website, Dolby would probably concur. 5.gif

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