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George Wright WLA12A Preamp


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I have been listening to the Wright preamp for about two weeks now and I could tell a difference from the second I put it in place. First of all I have not listened to as much gear as most of the members of this forum and I can only compare this to a handful of ss preamps and one other tube preamp.


I was absolutely stunned and I could not believe that such an improvement was even possible and now I know why audiophiles are such tweakers. If getting a preamp could make such a dramatic change in my system what can I do next to make it better ah the sickness starts. I understand what people mean now when I read descriptions like accuracy, detail, and bloom because that is what I realized my system had after listening to this preamp almost immediately. I went through cds like crazy listening to the creatures,ween,beastie boys,paul simon,dead can dance,kama sutra soundtrack,ravi shankar,st.germain,bob marley,the clash,art of noise, and most of that without skipping a song. I am going to get a second opinion from an audiophile friend who is going to be in town next week and he did hear the system before the preamp was in place.

I would definately recommend this preamp and if anyone else has this preamp I would like to know which tubes you prefer and what phono stage you would recommend.

Tube Compliment

2 x 6SN7

1 x 6EM7

1 x 6X5


Very Linear 6 SN7 voltage and driver stages

Frequency Response: Better than 20 Hz to 20 kHz , plus/ minus 1 dB

Distortion: Less than 0.4 percent total harmonic distortion

Input Impedance: 100 kilohms, nominal

Output Impedance: 2 kilohm, nominal; will drive loads down to 600 ohms with some loss of output level

Voltage Gain: 12 to 20dB, switchable on back

Noble Audio Mastering pots

Hovland Musicaps© in line stage

Tube rectifier and regulation for truly quiet operation

Output Level: 1 volt PP nominal; will drive up to 20 volts PP

Stereo-mono-stereo reverse switch

Output level control: 0dB- -10dB- -Full mute

Tape record and playback compatible

Size: 6 x 10 x 5 inches


Belle's,George Wright Pre,300b SET Monoblocks(no flame war please)

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Congradulations on your new addition.

Wright equipment is very nice stuff.

I have a pair of 3.5's and came really close to buying the same preamp as you bought.

I called George and no answer. I called the second pre on my short list and they answered. When I want something I try and move fast before I talk myself out of it.

I hope you have MANY years or enjoyment.

What pre did you replace it with. If you don't want to mention it on the BB send me an email. I don't want to start any flame wars either. I'm just wondering.


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I have been building this system piece at a time since November and it has been very hard to have patience and show restraint as far as purchasing equipment goes.

Most of the time I have been playing directly from cdp which will get replaced with an AH! Joeb 4000 very soon and based on my experience with this preamp I am very excited! I have listened to onkyo, sony, akai, spectral and bat preamps. The bat and spectral were very nice but just didn't sound the same to me. I am a newbie so I am basing this on my limited experience so far.

When the funds permit I will be watching audiogon for a george wright phono preamp unless a hagermann coronet comes up at a good price.

this hobby is wallet lightening.....

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On 8/9/2004 2:00:17 PM seti wrote:

When the funds permit I will be watching audiogon for a george wright phono preamp unless a hagermann coronet comes up at a good price.


What are you looking at in the price category? I'm a GW dealer (one of about 4 nationwide) - drop me a PM, let's see what we can work out?

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On 8/10/2004 8:52:19 AM mdeneen wrote:


I didn't know GW had dealers? Is this a new thing? How long have you been a dealer? Sounds like a great idea.



George has 8 products that he markets exclusively through dealers - a 12AX7 phono pre, a 300B SET, two 6GU7 preamps, a phono matcher, and a series of push-pulls - 2A3 (15W), 300B (30W), and KT88 (70W) based. Some really nifty stuff, frankly. The KT88 PP was in pre-production when I signed on with him back in March - I can't wait to deploy a stack of those monsters in a home theater configuration...

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What processor will you use when you start using KT88 amps for HT?

I have one pair of KT88 amps and one pair of 3.5's. I was going to get another pair of amps and use the above for HT.

My problem is what processor to use. I have been kicking around Parasound or Outlaw. I have used a SS pre with tube amps and the sound just wasn't there for me. I have had better luck using a tube pre and SS amp.

Thanks for any input,


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On 8/10/2004 11:16:15 AM dbflash wrote:


What processor will you use when you start using KT88 amps for HT?

I have one pair of KT88 amps and one pair of 3.5's. I was going to get another pair of amps and use the above for HT.

My problem is what processor to use. I have been kicking around Parasound or Outlaw. I have used a SS pre with tube amps and the sound just wasn't there for me. I have had better luck using a tube pre and SS amp.

Thanks for any input,



For the amount of money a client will be investing into such a system (retail $2250 per channel, although I'll likely give them a nice break for the package) for me the natural choice for a pre would be the Bel Canto PrePro. Their DSP is just absolutely outstanding, and those differential 24/192 DAC's are phenominal.

Between your two choices, though, I'd go to the Parasound. I sell the Sherbourn PT-7000, which is a much nicer version of the same OEM platform that Outlaw uses - but I still wouldn't use it with tubes. I pair it up with the LDS 12/900 for 6.1 or the 7/2100 for 7.1 in my midlevel package systems - but I typically recommend the Bel Canto for clients who want the real deal sound. Yeah, it's a big jump in price, but it's just such a gorgeous unit.

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