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Chorus crossover mods??


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Please forgive me for asking this,I have read several past posts and now my brain hurts!! Too much techno stiff for my pea-sized brain.

DeanG. has my Forte' (1) crossovers for upgrading.

Is it worth it to do my Chorus' (1's the orginal Chorus') too? or does it make much a sound difference. Also anybody need a Teac turntable for cost of shipping? I got it for free at a resent audi club swap meet.

Thanks for all and any input.



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My guess would be that the parts quality in both of those networks would be similar, so you should see a similar benefit associated with either upgrade.

Plus, if you get those done, Dean gets that much closer to another component change, which we all eagerly anticipate.

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It's worth upgrading the caps on the Chorus-II crossover. I recommend either Hovland Musicaps (as long as the installer conditions them) or Jensen PIOs. I've tried both. I prefer the Jensens and find the sound of acoustic instruments through the speakers is a better match for the real thing. But, I have re-installed Hovlands, this time all conditioned (last time I hadn't discovered conditioning), to give them another try, and the sound is very articulate, dynamic, and is simply compelling. Could the slight move away, in my opinion, be that the Hovlands are more accurately revealing the sounds of my amps, sources, and the Klipsch drivers themselves? I don't know.

In the end I'll probably go back to the Jensens, but I see it definately as a personal preference, and a tradeoff. There's often just a little extra power in the upper frequencies with the Hovlands that masks some of the softer upper frequency detail that I hear in live performances and with the Jensens. The tradeoff is the Chorus-II with the Hovlands has a better overall balance and dynamic presentation. Jensens can sound a bit sloppy in comparison. Very tough call for me.


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Leo, did you and Al agree to disagree on the effects and results of the conditioning process regarding capacitors?

I think I've lost some faith in testing methods that apparently are unable to reveal the reasons why people hear differences in sound between passive parts, and the effects of voltage over time on their overall performance. On the flip side, it's also interesting how testing equipment will sometimes show differences -- but some are unable to discern audible differences. I've finally just decided that as long as I can hear the differences, then no more validation is required or necessary. Naturally, it helps that I'm not the only one hearing the "voices".1.gif

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In my case it came down to two things. 1 is that there are acoustic affects that measurements don't seem sensitive to, or possibly, the wrong thing is being measured. 2nd, Al can measure his crossovers, so if there in a cap that is having a problem, such as excessive conduction, he'll catch it. I don't have that equipment so the conditioning is an additional precaution.

When I first installed the unconditioned Hovlands in the Chorus-IIs, they were so bad I would have expected the tests that Al performed to catch the error(s). So, maybe I just happened to get caps that needed a few "clearing" events. Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to measure the difference on a set of caps that have the problem.


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