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DVD, SACD players with quality sound other than Denon


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Hopefully someone is on to help. I guess everyones options are that the Denon 2900 and up are the best player for the money. I am looking to nab something today to hold me over for a year or so. Wondering on other brands that will have pleasing two channel sound as well as great surround formats. I only need 5.1 right now, but would like to have SACD if possible. I think the old Panasonic is killing the sound on my refernce 7 setup. Anxious to try a real player. Remember sound is key right now. I don't have much but a 27" flat right. I will buy the big guns in a year or so. Thanks and you guys are great help since most own Klipsh and know they can get bright and crappy if not fed properly.


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No Denon! What a drag. 11.gif

I also have a Mitsubishi Dvd 8050 that decodes DVD-A & SACD that I paid $180 for less than a year ago. I use it primarily for music and have had no problems with it.

I also saw that Bestbuy put on sale a sony 5 disk Sacd player (no DVD) for $99. The reason I know this is that I paid $150 for the same unit 32 days ago.8.gif

I bought it to use in a 2 channel set up, but haven't really played around with it enough to give a recommendation.

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I'm with Bobby,the pioneer 45a can be had for around $200 used,does music pretty well too.It would be one of my few choices in that price range.

Well I am now considering the 45a because it has all the formats I want and sounds like a good cheap fix for now. My next question is am I really going to see an audible difference with CD playback from the old Panasonic cheapy? I have borrowed a Denon CD player, but found the sound no different IMO. I also used to experience hard to make out dialog with DVDs and then I would turn it up to hear better, then get blasted with an action scene that pins my ears back. I guess tired of adjusting that volume every few seconds. Granted I run the reference 7 stuff in a smaller room, I still would think I could find a happy listening point. Will the Pioneer fix this?

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Can anyone else vouch for the sonics of the dv-45a? I am also considering some mods when I get one. I will need to research what all can be done with these to help the sound and picture. I heard from another that he could not hear any differnce between CD and SACD. He runs Martin Ls so I thought that was puzzling.


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There is a trick if you do not want to move the volume setting back and forth. Most processors/receivers have a dynamic range control setting. Turn dynamic range control on in your system menus, then engage "midnight" or a similar setting.

This works best on Dolby Digital encoding. Midnight is automatically turned off if THX post processing is engaged.


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Is this actually normal to have to move the volumes all the time in a DVD? Wondering if these highly sensitive and large speakers are doing it or my system settings? Either way it is rather unenjoyable and I like it loud, but wow, DVDs like the ring are very hard to handle.

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For many people used to compressed music recordings, listening to a dynamic sound track can take some adjusting to get used to. That said there should be no/low distortion at the peaks. With good equipment and a good appropriate mix, a whisper should sound like a whisper and an explosion should sound like an explosion. The sound should help you loose yourself in the movie, not be a distraction. Are living in an apartment where you need to be aware of neighbors? You can always listen to the sound through the TV to compress it.

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No I have a home on 5 acres and noise is no issue. I am used to quality sound and my system is clear with enough headroom to shake the shingles loose, but the ultra dynamic range of the dvd gets rather dramatic. I guess I will try things with the new Elite model player in a few days and see if things sound different. I guess i may do some work with the center channel to better the vocals. If i just boost the volume of the center, then I get things out of balance. If I turn it up, I get my hair blown back. I am young and like it sometimes, but sometimes it is over the top.

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