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Went to a garage sale and came home with a slice (two actually) of Heaven!!

Dave in ABQ

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Hello everyone! This is a followup to a question in the technical forum regarding the use of a variac.

I went garage saleing this Saturday and after looking for hours asked a lady if she had any old audio gear. She responded that she did and that she's been wanting to get rid of them for some time sinse her husband passed away. When I went in her home, there was a pair of Klipshorns and some great audio gear.

Long story short, I'm now the very proud, and extremely pleased owner of a pair of KHORNS!! I got them, the Scott, and some other great gear for a scary low price. She actually was thanking me as my friend and I "hauled" them off. I still keep expecting to wake up. : )

At first I thought I'd keep the Klipshorns and sell my Forte's to make up the money. But I can't bare to do that. I'm keeping both and will sell some of my other gear instead.

The sound of the Klipschorns is unbelievable. I've played them with both my HK430 and my Kenwood surround sound receiver and they sound spectactuar with both. The sound is not harsch or shrill in the slightest and the bass is thunderous. With the HK430, the speakers have a warm and lush sound to them and yet can shake the house with bass (all from 30 watts)! The cabinets have some chips and small scratches, but I they don't bother me. From the build codes, I believe these are 1978 models. All hail the greatest speaker I've ever heard.

I can't wait to eventually get my Scott 299B rebuilt and connected to my new Klipsch.


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Wow, you are one lucky dude, what a find a set of k-horns and a scott 299b too boot. Looks like you might have a sansui 9090db in that audio rack of your also, cant tell for sure from the picture thow. The hk-430 does sound nice with the k-horns its a little bass monster actually outdoes my scott 299a in the bass department, but falls way short in the midrange and treble department campared too the Scott 299a. Get that 299B rebuilt and you will love those k-horns even more. Enjoy your k-horns glad they went too a good home.

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Thank you guys! I can't express how excited I still am.

I've asked near a hundred times for old gear at garage sales, and this is one of the dozen times (and the best), that I've found something. I figure all they can do is look at you funny. LOL!

Good eye on the Sansui 9090. To her right is my main powerhouse receiver the Pioneer SX-950 which is suprisingly smooth and non harsh on my Forte's. My Akai GX-266 II RTR was found at a garage sale with a couple dozen tapes included, and my beautiful Sansui Turntable was found at an estate sale. I've been an addict for over a year and a half; ever sinse I found my Forte's at a Goodwill store. It takes a dozen or more times of nothing before you find one decent piece. Another couple dozen more for a real gem. Worth the work to me though when your an audiophile on a budget..........

Craig, your right about the old gent having great taste. If I wasn't planning on keeping most of the "hual", I'd feel mightly guilty, and afraid of chains rattling in the night. : ) I just couldn't believe his wife had no care for the equipment. I believe she would have called Salvation Army to hual it away if I hadn't asked.

I still can not believe how spectacular the Klipshorns sound. My daughter has the Matrix reloaded CD,and there's a drum/grotto/dance track that blew my whole family away. The bass vibrates your bones and the highs and mids are clear and smooth. This with my little 30 watt HK430. Almost made me start tearing up.

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LOL Scott! I forgot to take that ol thing off before taking pictures. She's in near perfect condition, looks a lot better then the flashed picture makes it out. [:D] I'm waiting for my Variac in the mail before I fire it and my 299B up. I see you have a 10B in your sig. Does it live up to its reputation as well as the Klipschorns? Unfortunetly I'll probably have to sell the 10B to pay for all the other toys I want to keep.

DaddyD, I will always be greatful to the lady and her husband for the beautiful music these wonderful speakers will provide me and my family. I still feel like I might wake up and find I've been dreaming.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I see know why the Korns have such a devoded following.

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ranjith, and Andy Thanks for the thumbs up! I've heard the ALKs are better, but to be honest my AA's seem real smooth and mellow. I'll probably at least change out the capacitors though.

Paul, a genteleman never kisses and tells (at least thats what I've heard). [6]

Lets just say I paid less then a used, decent pair of Heresys go for. [;)]

I have a silly question for those of you with more knowlege then me.... My receiver has a 4ohm switch for playing two pairs of speakers at the same time. Could I use that to safely play both my Korns and Forte's at the same time? My receiver can handle the load, don't know if its safe with the two pairs of Klipsch though.

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