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Front loaded, rear loaded horns (???)


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Can someone please give a "horns 101" and explain the differences and benefits of each type? I've been reading about them and trying to find the common thread that differentiates each one... so far, coming up empty.

Are ALL of Klipsch's the same, be it front or rear?

Does front mean the horn attaches to the "front" of the driver? As such, the rear has the horn attach on the "back" of the driver, sort of like in reverse?

Front mean FACING forward, ala Khorn? Would that mean a LaScala is a rear?

C'mon...someone come clean with all the secrets!


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No, K-honrs, Belle's, Jubs, and LaScala's are front loaded.

Front loaded, in Heritage products, the load is on the front of the driver cone. Any sound you hear is as a result of the sound traveling from the front of the cone, thru the horn path. None of the sound you hear, is from the rear of the cone.

Rear loaded, most common , is a driver in which there is some direct radiation of sound from the front of the cone as well as some attempt to use the sound waves from the rear of the cone via a capaciive loaded exit path.

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Hey Larry!

This is the first post I've really notice you put up, welcome back and glad things are on the mend (or mended?)

Back to horn... ok, so as a matter of design, is it then reasonable to think that a front loaded horn would have more energy directed through the horn, whereas the rear horn, would be "primarily" a direct radiator, picking up "some extra" energy from the rear?

If that's reasonable, since the rear is horn loaded, does that bring more distortion into the equation since part of its output is not horn loaded?

Would the front loaded, as a matter of principle, have higher efficiency?

Would front loaded, as a matter of principle, have lower distortion?

interesting stuff. Now that I understand the difference, I guess I have seen them from time to time. Just never knew what I was looking at. I guess I was thinking they were some kind of fancy port.

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q - If that's reasonable, since the rear is horn loaded, does that bring more distortion into the equation since part of its output is not horn loaded?

Depends on the driver used, given the same driver, answer would be yes.

q - Would the front loaded, as a matter of principle, have higher efficiency?

No. There is a comparison problem here...kinda like comparing a k-horn to a belle, there are room factors to consider.

Would front loaded, as a matter of principle, have lower distortion?

q - Given the same driver.

Basicaly I have found that front loaded horns allow the use of lower quality drivers . Drivers used in rear loaded horns tend to be more full-range in nature and have better mid-range perfomance.

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