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Im building a room around my speakers any magic formula sizes?


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I am going to be adding on a room that will just be a living room/hometheater. I am also going to be purchasing The RF-83 system minus the RT-12 D and Im replacing it with two RW-12D's. Im thinking about a room roughly 18 by 20 with a cathedral ceiling But I've read never to have a room with even number dimensions to prevent reflections. I am going to treat the room acoustically in all the corners and stuff myself to save dough so I dont really see a problem do you? By the way I really love this forum I just started reading it today and almost all my questions have been answered just by paging through. I bought my first Klipsch SP-1' about a year ago and I have never heard anything like them. Those RF-83's are going to blow my freaking mind.

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Is it possible to splay your walls and ceiling (kinda like an amphitheater)? I think the "magic" number is one inch wider for every foot. So if your room is 24 feet long and 10 feet wide in the front, then it would be 14 feet wide in the back. And then if it's 8 feet tall in the front, it'd be 10 feet tall in the back.

Splaying the walls will have the most dramatic improvement over any magical ratio rectangular room so I offer it up as the best approach to start with and then we can work from there into other compromises that suit your situation better.

Btw, if this construction involves new external walls, then it might make more sense to make the outer construction a standard rectangular shape and then just frame in the drywall with the splay on the inside...splayed external walls tend to be more expensive than just doing the inside. The other benefit to splaying the internal walls and not the external walls is that you end up with a lot of dead space behind the walls in the front corners...which can be used for acoustical treatments or hidden subwoofers or flushmounted mains, etc...

Also, if you can't splay the entire room front to back, then splaying the front half is almost equally as good (and again infinitely better than an all rectangle room).

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I'm positive that I can splay the front half of the room quite easily. The back part is probably going to be used by the wife for some other things. Which way should I orient the theater though, facing the narrow wall or the wide wall? And if I splay the walls will this eliminate the need to pull the speakers away from the front wall and side walls.

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I would think that the speakers would still need to be somewhat away from the front and side walls. Welcome to the forums. The RF-83's are amazing speakers. I just picked my pair up a few weeks ago myself. Working towards an 83 system myself probably with two Velodyne subs.

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You want the front of the room to be narrower and shorter.

Splaying will definitely reduce how far you need to pull the speakers away from the front walls. The goal is to make the early reflections off the side walls and ceiling to end up being reflected behind the listening position. You'll still need to toe-in the speakers and all that, but it will make things far less picky.

Having your wife put stuff in the rear of the room is great too - especially if it's large and all that since it will naturally provide some diffraction and break up some of the specular reflections. [Y]

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Well first off Welcome to the forum.

I can tell you that I have my RF-83 setup, minus the sub, in a room similar to the one you are talking about. I would say to hold off on the acoustically treatment till everything is setup then see how it is from there.


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Wow ,thanks for all the input and the greetings. I think I've died and gone to informtion heaven. You guys are the bomb. I think I might spend a little time here........

But yea anyway about all this stuff, I really like the Idea of building the subs into the walls. Should I build them into corners or build them into the wall itself to decrease boominess. Yea I know there are alot of variables but I have no final designs so anything general is greatly appreciated. I havent moved yet and I have a Kenwood THX 7.1 system in a 12 by 12 room and the bass is just so dang overpowering. I should be resolving that just by room size but I wonder if I am presenting myself new challenges with a two subwoofer setup. Unfortunatlely I am currently unable to look at diagrams or pictures because I am on a public computer right now but I can access them later on.

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When you get it right.. it is amazing!

Good posts on here...

Look at the THX, DOLBY, and DTS, Internet sites too.

Buy the projector first, then look for the perfect screen!

Not that wider is better always, but if you have big enough speakers. When your room is 16' - 20' wide, it is a huge fantastic sound stage with say a 100+ " screen.

That will then determine how far back you should sit with the best sweet spot too.

Again dialed in... it is amazing! With the right recording you get that 3 d dimension where you can place people playing and singing.... I can do this in 2 channel and people SWEAR the center is on, and it is not. Now take that perfect placement to movies.... You get totally lost in the action. Which is the idea.

BTW, think about placement for 5.1 and maybe going to 7.1 also. Set up right, it is pretty cool!

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Hmmm does anyone know where I can get a really good loan.......

My rf-83s are settin me back alot and Im also definitely getting the complimentary RC-64 center and I will have to buy 4 of the rs-62 surrounds for 7.1. Believe it or not I only have a yearly income of around 25,000 bucks and I am raising money and paying cash for my system by selling scrap metal off my land which used to be a junkyard and by selling firewood. Dave Ramsey would be so proud, Ha ha....... This will be a long time coming by the time its done. I would love to go 100 inches on a projector but I am incredibly sensitive to the rainbow effect on the more affordable DLP projectors. Im kinda hanging around for something lcd or whatever thats a little cheaper. I will get by with my Westinghouse 42 inch 1080P for now. Do you think that those nifty new calibration microphones do a passable job for creating a sweet spot or should I just stick with math and stuff? When I say passable I mean for surround sound not two channel as I think that surround can be just plain difficult to calibrate right.

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Believe it or not I only have a yearly income of around 25,000 bucks and I am raising money and paying cash for my system by selling scrap metal off my land which used to be a junkyard and by selling firewood. Dave Ramsey would be so proud, Ha ha.......

As an FPU coordinator, I have to say that I am quite proud of you myself! Cash is king and debt is dumb. [:D]

I also am saving to pay cash for my setup. It will take me quite awhile to accumulate all my toys but when I can sit in my paid for theater room, it will make it all the sweeter.

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Yup after I move to my new home and sell my house I live in now I will no longer have a home mortgage either, but my wife says I have to buy her a dumb van (just kidding) for the kids or something....Anyways thats awesome you being a FPU coordinater, I am almost done with FPU. I would be already but we have had so many snow days up here in Maine. Thank God its almost April. I already read the Total Money Makeover about a year ago and it has changed my life. I already paid off all of my debt this very month and now we wait for the house to sell. If only I could crush that little responsibility bug ha! Cash Klipsch sounds sooooo good.

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On Dave Ramsey....

I love a lot of what he says.. Not all, but a lot of it makes sense.

Simple things like live within your means. (That should be basic 101 stuff.) We all know people with 100K + incomes that have debt up to their woo hoos..and nothing really in savings.. 2nd mortagage etc etc.. with kids about ready for college. It could / can be/ is a recipie for disaster IMO.

Play smart with your money. Take care of your family, pay yourself too, save some, invest wisely too. Simple basic stuff people forget to do and eventually teach kids to do the same.

Excess credit debt is bad.. I love how he defines it too...A Lot of good stuff!

I love people that say you "need" a mortgage deduction.. BS, you need no payments coming out of your pocket every month, and the feeling that YOU own your house. (Not the bank, your not proving anything to the bank manager you can pay a fee every month.) Trust me if you do pay it off knowing from that moment on you have no monthly payment... You will sleep better indeed!

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Take care of your family, pay yourself too, save some, invest wisely too. Simple basic stuff people forget to do and eventually teach kids to do the same.

Unfortunately, not many people are teaching our kids to do this. I wasn't taught about finances until I saw Dave Ramsey's Live Event. Changed my life forever.

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Well, were afraid to teach them in school cause mommie and daddy will look stupid maybe? Who knows? I have no idea why?

When I was in school, I took a class that explained how you should budget your life, and set up things like balancing your checkbook, and how to make a budget for living expenses. Even accounting for a small business. We learned about credit and credit cards, (good and bad) and possibly how to use them wisely when starting out after HS or College. My teacher talked about small loans or "free interest money" available from stores and finance companies.... Payday loan companies.. All of it.. Especially how to make good choices for later in life on your credit rating too.

Just as an example...Just take 100 dollars on any credit card, and just pay the minimum. (Which usually has very little principle, and mostly interest, and see how long you take to pay it off and what you spent.) It will make you sick!

This really should be your jr year or sr year of high school, make it a class EVERYONE must take and pass like Government was when I took it in HS.

When I built this last house, I put the appliances on a in store credit deal, instead of the mortgage which would be paying them off for 20 years. (Less time on the mortgage if I have any say in it..LOL) Anyhow, we got "free money" for a whole year, if paid off before 12 months. The appliance store had this big (Free money, free Interest*) plan, so we took advantage of it. When I went into the loan center to pay it off 10 months later, (2 months early) they were shocked that I wanted to do so. (Why anyone would want to go from free money to 22% interest is beside me???) Anyhow, wrote the check for the whole amount and asked him, "Out of say 100 people, how many pay it off, to avoid the high interest charges." Not only that, but your interest would be backdated monthly to the original price, too, btw... What floored me, was he said maybe 3 to 5 people out of a 100 pay the loan off before the years end. That is what was the crime, the consumer was screwed.

Kinda like Vegas with the fancy lights and Hotels..Somebody is paying for it!

I did not know what was worse? Being stupid enough to pay for your appliances for 20- 30 years for most people. Or not paying it off in time, and getting that wonderful 22% rate at that time 12 months later. BOTH, in my opinion, were very bad choices. I used the deal as it should be done. But realised most did not,+ 95% of the time.

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