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Do You Watch the 'Dexter' TV Series on the CBS Network?


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I guess I must really be missing something. I simply cannot watch this show. I saw a portion of this season's first episode about 2 months ago and I HAD to leave the room.

For those of you familiar with it, you already know that it has a very macabre premise: A blood pattern analyst ("Dexter Morgan") who works for the Miami Metro Police Department and who secretly operates as a serial killer that exacts revenge on criminals (people he believes "deserve it") using various power tools and other crude instruments, etc, etc, etc. 'Nuff said.

I used to read and enjoy the writings of Edgar Allen Poe while I was a young man in high school and that had some mighty macabre plots. But, it wasn't graphically depicted on my TV screen like this in vivid High Definition, Technicolor.Is it just me? Because, it seems like a lot of folks can't seem to get their fill of this emmy-winning show. My wife, her brother and sister in-law, her girlfriend and others just seem to all love this show. Now please don't get me wrong: I am NOT saying for even a moment that this show should not air. I would never say that as folks who enjoy it deserve to see it as much as I can choose not to. My point is based on the fact that I don't understand WHY people seem to be so drawn to it. I find it to be very disturbing and gross.

Now, I am no "wimp" because I have witnessed my share of real-life carnage as I worked as a firefighter for several years on both structural fires and on the crash crew at a Naval Air Station as a civilian. I was also an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Perhaps, that is why it's so hard for me to view this carnage as "entertainment"; too many reminders perhaps (that's why I don't care to watch shows like 'ER', too)? But the premise is sick, in my humble opinion. I'm not trying to get the show banned. I'm just curious about your thoughts, either way.

Please tell me: Why are you drawn, or not drawn to this show?

Note: I understand that the 'Dexter' series originated on the Showtime network, but eventually moved over to CBS. -Glenn

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My GF and I have watched for maybe 4 or 5 episodes. The last 1 we watched a couple of weeks back, when Dexter got the greedy bad guy w/ wife, and nonchalantly tossed the bodies overboard in weighted bags, that maybe we were becoming a bit de-sensitized, watching a serial killer, chewing gum, and acting a bit too normal.

It occurs to me now that when others get mad, or other emotions, when watching fiction, that after all, it is just a movie. Cheap thrills at our expense is, after all, what Hollywood is about. Of course quality is not always first rate. Give me an old classic anytime.

Poe was required reading in my American Lit. class in HS in Orlando, and launched for me at least, an obssession with his works, which has lasted till this day. I have the 1968 (VHS) movie by famous Italian prod./director, with the more modern versions of Metzengerstein,William Wilson, and Never Bet The Devil Your Head. Fun obssession, I should say!

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One of the greatest shows on TV. I watched one episode on CBS (which are just reruns of the episodes that have already been shown on Showtime), but it was kinda silly how they changed all the swear words for stuff like "mother-lover." Anyway, I don't know that watching a "portion" of one episode is the best way to judge something, but hey, if it's not for you, it's not for you. I think the reason people are drawn to the show is the character development, and the slowly developing mysteries that unfold over the course of the seaon. You learn more and more about why Dexter is the way he is, and how it effects the people around him. Even though Dexter is a serial killer, you can't help but like him. And the supporting cast is very interesting, and sometimes hilarious. There is a lot of dark comedy in the series. I for one am eagerly awaiting seaon 3.

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Todd: I agree that you do make some compelling points; I too feel that just watching part of an episode is not a good or fair measure of any show. This is why I did a lot of reading on the plot, characters and such. But you are also correct that what I did see in that brief period indicated to me that what was being depicted was not for me. It's a shame too, because to hear you and my wife and her friends describe the shows characters and such, I do feel as though I am actually missing out on something, especially some good writing. I knew there had to be a lot more to the show than just gore to keep people interested. But, I'm just going to have to sit this one out. Thanks for your thoughts. -Glenn

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I thought CBS was just airing heavily edited reruns. I watched the entire first season in two sittings and found it to be pretty compelling stuff. I certainly don't think that it is disturbing and gross. You need to watch Nekromantik or Cannibal Holocaust if you want disturbing. Maybe you should give Dead Like Me or Michael Hall's other show Six Feet Under for something dark but not as disturbing.

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As Picky referred to.......the show does have an extreme macabre presence to it..............I found myself being drawn into watching. I do find the "Cut and Dice" scenes a bit much.

But It too bothers me that we as a public have given Credence to a Serial Killer, who plays Judge, Jury and Executioner............

This last episode bothered me because I think he killed the wrong man, (Lawyer) when the real Serial Killer was still out there............JMHO.

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I watch on Showtime as well...

I haven't watched on CBS, but my guess is that the editing done for broadcast TV would make it harder to follow (plot wise). Kind of like watching The Sopranos on A&E versus the full episodes on HBO. This is one of those shows where you have to see each episode (in order) to follow along IMHO.

Anyway, watching the Dexter character play both sides (with family, friends, etc) in each weekly episode is what draws me in... A true Jekyl and Hyde persona. And they have done a good job with the story lines and sub-plots throughout the season to keep it interesting.

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