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Everything posted by Deang

  1. I would start with two channel HT and get some RB5's or RF3 II's. Then over time add speakers to your system. Yes...the Reference Series is that good. I would take two RB5's over a whole room full of Synergy speakers. ------------------ dean
  2. Fabian, My comment regarding the Polk forum was posted on the 9th. At that time Chris was trying to form a posse to have me rounded up and hung. Since then, Micah and Justin have reeled those folks in and the likes of you, Troy, Ron, and others have been very receptive of my presence. I apologize for my comments. ------------------ dean
  3. Hey Zandern check out this review: http://www.audio-ideas.com/reviews/loudspeakers/klipsch-rb5.html ------------------ dean
  4. Justin, Are you asking me or mobile? I never forget what i have I just figured since everything in the Reference line uses similiar drivers and crossover components/points -- I thought the impedance curves might also be similiar. Mike, You should buy a set. They have them at Brandnamez.com for $529. This message has been edited by deang on 03-12-2002 at 02:49 PM
  5. you mind as give up trying to remember who has what on this site i actually use the RF7's ------------------ deanG
  6. I'm pretty sure it's Sony They also just recently released some Pink Floyd Rush Areosmith Journey I scarf them up when I see them. Some are 22 bit, but all of them sound better than the original releases -- and dare I say it...YES...EVEN THE LP's. So the problem wasn't the CD format -- but the process utilized. Records might have sounded better than CD's 20 years ago -- but not anymore. ------------------ deanG This message has been edited by deang on 03-12-2002 at 02:04 PM
  7. In the following RB5 review: http://www.audio-ideas.com/reviews/loudspeakers/klipsch-rb5.html There is this: "The impedance curve shows woofer and port peaks, the latter at 50 ohms, a low point between them of 5 ohms, with a high of 29 ohms in the midrange. Maybe this speaker isn't quite the answer for single-ended fans after all, since frequency response will tend to track the impedance curve with these amps in such circumstances." What does the latter statement mean, and does this statement also apply to a push-pull triode design like my AE-25? ------------------ deanG
  8. nice first post - welcome aboard akshobhyavajra! ------------------ deanG
  9. So what you are saying is that my RF7's are now a special collector's item ------------------ deanG
  10. Nope - there is only one RF7. You are right though. I looked on the back of mine and they also say 150 watts max. Hmmm. What's up with that? Of course pumping 250 watts through those mammas would leave one quite deaf. ------------------ deanG
  11. look at all them knobs!! What in the hell do they all do? It looks worse than a HT Receiver ------------------ deanG
  12. i've been hanging out at the polk site this week interesting, fun people The only thing i see that MIGHT sound as good as the RF3 II or RB5 II is one of the new LSi series speakers. It really is apples and oranges though and you are going to have to decide for yourself. Good Luck! ------------------ deanG
  13. think of all the EMI bouncing off of his head he should grow a tumor in no time ------------------ deanG
  14. They are wired correctly. Your homemade straps are fine. Please answer these questions: What speakers did you used to have? How big is your listening room? How tall is your ceiling? How far away are you from your speakers? ------------------ deanG
  15. Having owned every rendition of the Advent since 1975 (including stacked and powered) I can tell you the RF3's will do a good stomping job on the old classic. No contest. ------------------ deanG
  16. are they called that because they wear those things to the beach ------------------ deanG
  17. i thought those were those things girls wore to the beaches ------------------ deanG
  18. I just paid $950 for an SFL-1 off of AudiogoN - I believe it has balanced outputs. A little out of your price range but within your reach if maybe you wait a little while. Dean, This message has been edited by deang on 03-05-2002 at 04:29 PM
  19. I've been over at the Polk site over the last couple of days and those people are generally not very informed, arrogant, and fairly immature. I have no idea why they even have a message board. ------------------ deanG
  20. I'm thinking the only remedy for the problem he is describing is Quad-wiring. ------------------ deanG
  21. Deang

    sub noise

    I agree - there is a screw loose ------------------ deanG
  22. I hope you're a Fabrication Specialist because you'll need about $20K. I don't know if you know this but your posts don't always make much sense. Why would you buy 3 sets of RF7's and then leave RF3's in as your mains? The question isn't so much would it work - but why? Lets see - you are gonna put an RF7 on top of your TV I guess. RF7's for rears - what the hell for? 3 RSW 15's? Gonna put them all on the same outlet or use a power strip? If you are going to troll - at least come up with something a little more imaginative. ------------------ deanG
  23. warm soapy water is best but is hard on the labels rinse with warm water do not use alcohol pat dry with soft cotton let the remaining moisture air dry if it's really bad you can use a toothbrush - buy one with the softest bristles you can find and gently remove grunge going in the direction of the grooves - this is a last resort kind of thing ------------------ deanG
  24. I don't really understand what benefit there is in using it (standby) because the amp is just as hot with it on as it is with it off. I didn't get a manual with it and so don't really understand what it is doing. I also just found out the following: "FWIW--regarding the Standby switch--Kirk at Cary, told me that they found leaving the amp in Standby was actually harder on the tubes. He said that it is okay to have the amp in the Standby mode when first turning it on--just don't leave on Standby for long periods at a time." So what should I do - just power the amp off when I'm not using it? I listen every day for 2 or 3 hours - so I have been leaving it on. That popping doesn't really stress the tweeter does it? I mean, if it does - then you better give me your mailing address so I can this thing to you so you can fix it ------------------ deanG
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