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Everything posted by richieb

  1. Watching Carl follow a dance rhythm - now That would be priceless and worth the price of admission -
  2. Can’t argue with that. Although Corona is a very, very close second. The lime/lemon routine is not just trendy - makes it palatable.
  3. We’ve been on the $70 geezer plan for years, nothing to complain about with T-Mobile service. I need to look into their plan that provides new phones. Are these iPhone plans for two lines at $70?
  4. $99 / month // $499 / hardware according to their website, my address. My area targeted for late this year. Living in the country we use a company offering satellite internet which for our use works damn near as well as the city fiber we had. Current is $55 / month.
  5. Ahhh yeah, that’s it. Let’s call it your mistake, place a bit o’ blame on Elden just cause, and move on. Nuthin’ to see here - 😏
  6. What? We can’t even talk about The Golden Years of Television? I so miss The Skipper, Gilligan, Jedd, Granny and Jethro, Andy and Barney. You know the good ol’ days - 😉. Just another reason we moved to Green Acres - I could use an Eb -
  7. Oh my Jubilee friend. You Can bring the helm around. Just not with the current skipper on duty. Even Gilligan would jump ship at this point -
  8. Find them or not, just boys being boys. They’ll be back out on the streets “having fun” in no time. Wouldn’t want prosecutors to punish the little rascals. As a famous rocker once said “it’s a free for all” - . Some folks getting exactly what they asked for -
  9. Man, this could certainly go in several directions, none of them good. And the idea is to keep Mr. ‘Heels famous thread free and open - right?
  10. Joke or not - I wish people that have finally “woke” up with so much idle time on their hands would go the hell back to sleep - 😴. Society is much better off when you’re sleeping -
  11. ^^^^^ Saw that coming from the get-go. As one famous deputy sheriff said- “Nip it, nip it in the bud” — . Or - spend the night with Otis -
  12. richieb

    What I Got Today!

    Better known as an “infinity fence”. Goes on forever, like most fencing that enclose a property. Wood and creosote went the way of the dodo 🦤 bird. Along with most things of our past — you know, the good ol’ days.
  13. ^^^^^ Yes, I’m the same way. And when shuffling two or three speakers in and out I mark the corner placement on the floor with small pieces of painters tape so I don’t need to measure each time.
  14. - truth be told if I were hit in face today, even by you, I’d probably cry - 😭
  15. When Carl jabs, I weave. When Carl punches, I bob. It’s so easy and apropos with Carl - get him where you want him and “rope-a-dope”. I follow closely the form of Mohammad Ali - just sayin’ .
  16. — the best haircuts from Mayberry to Mount Pilot
  17. Cool your jets, Sir. I believe a toaster is already in transit to a palatial estate in the Great Midwest — Tarheel, correct me if I’m wrong.
  18. Islander you forget we are a bunch of Wild and Crazy guys. Moderating yet another offshoot of CCCC is akin to herding cats - can’t be done. Ask Carl - look what being a moderator did to him. Bless his heart —
  19. - To the funny boiz- babadano and dtel. Carl ain’t that funny. The last thing you want to do is encourage a mediocre comedian - 🤡
  20. — And I like how you count. I prefer a bagel capable toaster preferably with four slots. Something nice, maybe from Williams Sonoma or the like. And nothing used or “tested” containing crumbs. With your healthy eating habits a toaster full of berries, bird seed and wheat husks is frowned upon. Brushed stainless will do nicely —
  21. The word for a tobacco/dope smoking apparatus widely used around the word is censored? Wow - a bit touchy we are? Or is the word too intellectual for the word police software - ?
  22. No doubt. Our current group of incompetent fools make these two fools look like geniuses. Maybe a ****** capable of handling a couple pounds with a few dozen hoses attached is what this current group of ineffectual idiots needs. — I take that back - that would be wasting prime vegetarian on USDA Grade Stupid human beings -
  23. Oh my - you need to raise your standards my friend - 🧟‍♂️
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