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About consistent

  • Birthday 02/13/1956

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    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests
  • My System
    Khorn 2004 with mods, NAD M51 DAC, Cyrus gear, First Watt, Muse & BYOB amp & DAC and a load of other interesting crap

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  1. oh...it obviously dropped the crossover to around 513hz, both revisions appear to have used a Cheyby 2nd order instead of Butterworth
  2. Hi I thought Al revised this network for the woofer value of 5 ohm not 4 ohm (mH: 2.4 instead of 1.3 and uF: 30+1 instead of 39+1 with 62 instead of 39) and respective change for the mid was placing a 10 ohm resistor across the autoformer instead of 5.6 ohm and a coil 2.0 mH instead of 1.3mH
  3. When I look at pictures of the NEW Jubilee is reminds of this mod done some years ago! Interesting to say the least!
  4. maybe they had some spares lying about to make it fit the need
  5. When I look at this network again it really is an interesting piece of work. Looks like they use LWR 2nd order to cross the woofer at around 320hz and at the top end a 2nd order Cheyby at around 6400hz. Not sure about the mid...got me stumped!!
  6. The B3 has been given a 'facelift' by a few...in the tweeter circuit from memory found somewhere in the forum B3 network.docx
  7. ...I do agree with the cost aspect, to me that is the driver in using simple and cheap resistors instead of autoformers!
  8. I agree with Curious George...I have designed L-Pads and used autoformers and compared...the resistors in an L-pad destroy the 'cleanliness' that the autoformer provides! If you wish to change the values to even out various speaker resistances (more precise matching of drivers) just use a good resistor to 'swamp' the autoformer.
  9. I was corresponding with Bob Crites some years ago on damping and sticking in bits of wood to strengthen the CW cabinet and ultimately his Cornscala. His research suggested there was not much of a difference electrically, graphically and using one's ears. I did my own testing when I built my Cornscala (two boxes/sizes) and the difference was negligible. Significant difference however comes with playing with the network!
  10. follow this thinking diagram of alk cornscala network - Bing images which changed over time when Al realised that the woofer was around 6 ohms at crossover cheers
  11. here you go Cornwall IV vs LaScala AL5 - Another epic battle for the ages!! - YouTube
  12. Yep Cardas Quad...I have used a few types but this one melts best, easier to work with and holds a stronger bond IMO
  13. http://www.mh-audio.nl/Crossover.html https://speakerwizard.co.uk/
  14. If you want to go all out http://www.azurahorn.com/ exceptional horns
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