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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. Whoa, there! You are defending the former practice because the law protects the right to engage in it. Yet, when taking the side of gun opponents, you are arguing that it should be against the law to have guns. Wouldn't this position on guns, as you say, "require a logical fiction?" I am nit dedending, nor advocating, anything. His premise was (paraphrasing) abortion is killing and it desensitizes society to the point that we have devalued all human life, including kids in school. We should therefore report these deaths. That is a moral judgement, not a logical or legal progression. His argument actually supports gun control. Ban abortion, and you end them, and save lives. Ban guns and eliminate mass shootings. I don't see either one as legally ir constitutionally possible.
  2. Really? Wouldn't that infringe on her right to bear arms?
  3. They have, and it is recent. D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago which both held that you cannot ban hand guns from the home. https://www.oyez.org/cases/2007/07-290 That is a link to the oral arguments, briefs and everything else in Heller. They just declined to review a case from San Francisco where the City passed an ordinance that required handguns in the home must have trigger locks. States and cities can place reasonable restrictions on hand guns. The question is what is reasonable. Requiring gun locks while inside the home is apparently reasonable.
  4. Unfortunately, a gun-free zone is a easy soft target. IMO, gun control is NOT the answer. This loser would have gotten a weapon no matter what. There is no easy way to stop this type of cowardly violence. I agree that the killer should not be identified and should be denied the fame/infamy he was seeking. Of course, the press does not agree, and believes that you sell the most papers with the most sensational coverage of tragedies like the one in Oregon. Here's a link to the 4chan discussion group he was posting on. While a few posters tried to discourage him, some others actually offered advice on how to be more efficient. It's pretty creepy reading. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OZGEjT1ilSUJ:https://archive.moe/r9k/post One guy posts: "You're only shooting college age students, correct? I have grandparents that live up there." It’s like they actually approve of doing mass murder, as long as he doesn’t kill somebody they know. The “beta uprising” thing is disturbing, too. It’s like there’s a large number of people who are convinced they’ll always be second best to the alphas, so let’s all get guns and show the “normies” how manly we really are. It sounds like they think they’re not even second best, because the alphas are exceptional, so the betas would actually be the normal types. If some of these self-declared losers see themselves as less than normal, they’d be gammas or deltas. The Greek alphabet starts “alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon”. I had to look that up. A wanker revolt will just show them to be wankers, so nothing is gained. The whole country of Canada is in certain ways a gun-free zone. This makes us feel like we are in less danger in our everyday lives, not more. Concealed-carry permits are very hard to get. This makes it very easy to spot the bad guys. Anyone seen with a gun is suspected of being about to commit a crime, unless they have a rifle in a rural area during hunting season. Most shootings take place within rough areas in some of the largest cities, and generally involve drug gang members shooting each other in turf wars. In most other areas, shootings are rare, and attract a lot of attention. The handguns used in crimes are mostly smuggled into the country from the US, since they're hard to buy legally. In some other cases, guns are stolen from collectors by burglars, which means a gun collection can attract criminals, rather than keeping them away from your home. It's always important to look at the big picture. That is some extremely scary stuff, on many, many levels.
  5. It weakens your argument. Gun ownership and abortion are both constitutionally protected rights. If you intertwine two completely separate issues it tends to obscure whatever valid points you have concerning the discussion at hand. They cannot be compared or treated the same because different arguments apply. To accept your proposition that a termination of pregnancy be counted as a "death" or treated equally would require that one assume that it's availability is not protected under the Constitution. That is clearly not the case under current law. It requires a logical fiction. I don't see abortion as being related to mass shootings, but I could be wrong. On a more important note, congratulations on your granddaughter, she must be bringing you quite a lot of joy.
  6. Yeah I read it, here is their correction at the bottom: "EDITOR’S NOTE, June 22, 2015: We heard from several of you regarding Obama's use of the word "frequency," and that frequency could refer to the incidents of mass shootings, not deaths as we examined. Looking at Obama's claim by incident, the United States has a higher rate of incidents than Finland, Norway and Switzerland." Lafayette, LA theater is not included in that data, it involved 2 deaths, 9 injured I believe. Why on earth would anybody use deaths and not include wounded in data on mass shootings? If an incident occurs closer to good medical attention it doesn't make the list because it involves less than 3/4 fatalities? That makes no sense to me. That raises an interesting point. What's worse? 2 incidents of 4 killings each, or 1 incident of 20 killings? I guess we need to settle on this before we can continue to argue our sides effectively. This is the most recent study I have seen. It is referenced in the Wall Street Journal article I linked to. It has been oresented, but not published yet. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-united-states-mass-shooting-20150824-story.html Five percent of the population, 35% of the mass shootings.
  7. When you legitimize something, it takes away the black market, which is where the violence occurs. For example my ancestors were victims of the Black Patch War which nobody has ever heard of.Drug related deaths will not end regardless, and by legalizing we are taking the last possible deterrent for someone to NOT go down that road.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Patch_Tobacco_Wars So, based on this violence alone, should we ban tobacco?Sure...its a huge killer and a terrible burden on our health care system. But its legal now and funds many campaigns( see my consistency comment) Columbine had an armed guard, that did a lot of good huh. We would have to have a full time swat team in every school as well as metal detectors for every door.Should have had way more security there cause guns will never go away and neither will evil people. Id fund that in my taxes if I had the choice. Or teach others to use and carry guns safely to protect themselves...maybe teachers should carry. The rights of the law abiding folks should not be taken away by the criminals. It just shifts power to those who want to harm us.Well that is the party line, but I haven't seen that as a legislative proposal in response to a school shooting. It certainly was not what was proposed following Sandy Hook.
  8. I think, but not sure, it's because the mass shootings get all the press. It was mass shootings in Australia and the UK that fueled changes in gun laws there.
  9. What about a cross eyed lunatic who goes to a public place, fires 20 times, and hits nothing?
  10. Oh God. It was a great conversation while it lasted. Anything else you want to throw in there while you are at it? Same sex marriage, the Affordable Care Act? As far as wrapping ouselves up in bubble wrap, we don't allow that to be taught to our kids, they only hear about abstinence.
  11. Yeah I read it, here is their correction at the bottom: "EDITOR’S NOTE, June 22, 2015: We heard from several of you regarding Obama's use of the word "frequency," and that frequency could refer to the incidents of mass shootings, not deaths as we examined. Looking at Obama's claim by incident, the United States has a higher rate of incidents than Finland, Norway and Switzerland." Lafayette, LA theater is not included in that data, it involved 2 deaths, 9 injured I believe. Why on earth would anybody use deaths and not include wounded in data on mass shootings? If an incident occurs closer to good medical attention it doesn't make the list because it involves less than 3/4 fatalities? That makes no sense to me.
  12. That's a myth. For whatever reason, we want to perceive Europe as being more "civilized" than us. Take a look at their track-record. Mass shootings exist everywhere guns exist. Our per capita rate of incidents is significantly higher and that is unique. I think this article from the WSJ is pretty accurate on the numbers and rates. They discuss Canada, the UK and Australia. They also discuss Switzerland and the reason for high ownership rates. http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-leads-world-in-mass-shootings-1443905359 As pointed out in that article, a "mass shooting" is considered 4 or more deaths in one incident. So someone could go into building and kill 1, wound 10, and it wouldn't be considered a "mass shooting." There is a website that tracks mass shooting based on 4 or more wounded OR killed. Here is a link to their list http://shootingtracker.com/wiki/Mass_Shootings_in_2015
  13. So everyone made it through ok?
  14. It is already out there, and his photo, and an interview with his father. Is that why he did it? For 15 minutes of posthumous notoriety? Why is that sheriff giving any interviews and press conferences at all?
  15. Please be safe fellas.
  16. If this is no longer viable, please object. Back in the day, the standard head check was to draw a fingernail vertically across the head. If you felt an edge it was worn. Dave The fingernail check is still the gold standard, but just where the edge of the tape rides on either side. The tape wears a grove in the head.
  17. Marty, How do the heads look? I found my service manual for the 960 that I will send you.
  18. That is nice, the amplified model. I will post more in a bit
  19. Duh, today is Tuesday. Austin didn't have it in an Atmos theater and are getting 20 a ticket so I passed.
  20. 2017 is a total solar eclipse, August 21, up to 2 mins 40 seconds of totality. Plenty of time to get all geared up.
  21. 2017 is a total solar eclipse, August 21, up to 2 mins 40 seconds of totality. Plenty of time to get all geared up.
  22. We got a thin layer of high clouds, can still see it but not as bright and clear as last night, 3/4 of the way right now.
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