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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. This is what I mainly do now, represent peace officers involved in critical incidents (police shootings), from responding to the scene of the shooting, through their administrative and criminal reviews, and in rare occasions, their criminal trials. Work isn't as much fun to talk about as tubes, wire, music, global warming, and the myriad of other subjects to chose from on here. What little I know of the facts I would say that this wouldn't fly in Austin or Houston. They would be terminated, but probably not indicted here. The standard this case will be reviewed under is the "objective reasonableness" test. What happened on the other case up there with the woman in the hospital parking lot? Travis
  2. Man don't you know it. Excellent observation. I don't think they teach "bad" at Penn, McCombs, Harvard Business School, or elsewhere, but they DO do a lot of case study analysis. They look at cases like Polaroid, Dr. Pepper, Kodak, Southwest Airlines, Braniff and they look at Whole Foods. What they teach now is completely different than 30 years ago In the past it was graduate level finance, and management theory, and then pretty much all management practicums, cases studies, etc. Now, the first year is typically very structured, you get finance, economics, statistics, MARKETING, and global business background. They give flexibility in what area people want to specialize in, start ups, finance, real estate, etc. Somewhere along the line they throw in ethics. They don't teach bad, but they do teach you how to create more demand for what you are selling and they do show that marketing is what keeps you alive and competitive after your intellectual property runs out, and that is is possible to completely rethink ways to retail products. I highly recommend Brainwashed - Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy by Martin Lindstrom. He covers grocery stores and explains why things are located where they are, flowers up front for example, why they cook samples in the store (it really isn't so much to sell you on what they are cooking, it is to get food aromas in the aisles), why they give in store wine samples. Where things are on the shelves, and a million other things including why there is music, how the music is selected, and what the proven market research shows about having background music. Marketing, retailing and merchandising are where it is at if you want to complete in the food business. Here is a link to a Forbes article on the Texas grocery chain, HEB, and how they use neuromarketing (I guess subliminal is a dirty word after it was discovered it was being used at movie theaters). http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerdooley/2014/01/28/h-e-b/ The article references Cialdini's book "Influence" which came out when I was in school and refers to his six principles of persuasion (influences). Googling "Robert Cialdini" will get you to all of the back ground you want. I highly recommend that book as well for anyone that sells a product, or service, or even themselves as part of getting a job. These influences work, they are proven to work. Knowing about them ahead of time helps you in negotiating, purchasing, and a lot of other real life situations. Here is another blog article, this one about Whole Foods, by Lindstrom where he is pitching his book. http://www.fastcompany.com/1779611/how-whole-foods-primes-you-shop Here is a brief quote from the article, which shows color and the brain help make your decision for you, and the markets know this, and they can manipulate your purchasing decision with it: Speaking of fruit, you may think a banana is just a banana, but it's not. Dole and other banana growers have turned the creation of a banana into a science, in part to manipulate perceptions of freshness. In fact, they've issued a banana guide to greengrocers, illustrating the various color stages a banana can attain during its life cycle. Each color represents the sales potential for the banana in question. For example, sales records show that bananas with Pantone color 13-0858 (otherwise known as Vibrant Yellow) are less likely to sell than bananas with Pantone color 12-0752 (also called Buttercup), which is one grade warmer, visually, and seems to imply a riper, fresher fruit. Companies like Dole have analyzed the sales effects of all varieties of color and, as a result, plant their crops under conditions most ideal to creating the right 'color.' And as for apples? Believe it or not, my research found that while it may look fresh, the average apple you see in the supermarket is actually 14 months old. It is "bad" that a grocery store intentionally use means to get subconsciously buy things you don't really need? To buy more than you need? I don't know the answer to that question. I do know, that after reading the book when I went into stores, specifically HEB and Whole Foods I was aware of what was going on, I am not sure that I avoided what they were selling, but it least it was a conscious decision. Of course everyone knows that this is not just limited to grocery stores, it is in everything now, they have to do it to remain viable. They, whoever is trying to influence you to make a decision one way or the other, use the Six Influences on you whether it is in your role as a food buyer, car buyer, and even as a voter. Displaying fruit of a certain color works, and they know it works. It isn't lying or misrepresentation, is it bad? Is putting putting something in bread to make it taste better bad? I guess it all depends on what it is, sour dough starter or rye, not so much, yoga mat, probably so. The two answers to this seem pretty clear to me. Transparency and awareness. I think GMO's should be labeled (transparency), that ingredients and nutritional information (in the information age) can be published on a web site, and there is a corresponding duty for consumers to make themselves aware. Maybe only 10 people go to the website, it doesn't matter, if the information is there and it is honest, what else can you do. Although having the nutritional information (fat grams) readily available at a McDonalds pretty much killed my desire for Big Macs and Quarter Pounders. Fourteen month old apple or fries. Hmmmmm. "Two super size fries please."
  3. LOL No. You're are thinking of communes. Different concept.The people came to the food bank, picked up their groceries and went home to prepare and eat them with their own family. No food halls. A summarization from Wikipedia, it has been 30 years years since I read Utopia, but this was in line with my recollection: Meals are taken in community dining halls and the job of feeding the population is given to a different household in turn. Although all are fed the same, Raphael explains that the old and the administrators are given the best of the food. Travel on the island is only permitted with an internal passport and any people found without a passport are, on a first occasion, returned in disgrace, but after a second offence they are placed in slavery. In addition, there are no lawyers and the law is made deliberately simple, as all should understand it and not leave people in any doubt of what is right and wrong. When it is my turn to "feed the population" I'm serving cheese burgers and Texas BBQ, with Oldtimer's hot sauce. Mallet, as an "administrator" I will set aside the best for you. WHat is considered "old" in Utopia? I guess I will have to learn to garden, as there are no lawyers. Is there vinyl in Utopia?
  4. Welcome, welcome. What part of the UK are you in? I love my Cornwall IIs, if I don't have room or corners to work with it is my favorite speaker. Extremely versatile. Looking forward to seeing photos. Cheers, Travis
  5. MarkI need one of those. Jeff So do I, but I might be willing to part with it. Mark How much do you want? ... You will not find too, too many situations where everyone doesn't need what they have. Jeff, do you have any more vinyl laying around that you are not using?
  6. Doesn't a food bank work because demand is artificially limited? What are the economics of the supply? I would expect that our food bank gets money from city, from private contributors, from food drives all the time, bring 2 cans of food to get into concert, by a card at grocery store at check out. The food bank competes with other charities for supply. What are the economics of charitable giving? The is an economic one, slight decrease in income tax liability, makes you feel good, ego, being listed as donor or having a Dell or Gates foundation. What economic forces come into play for a panhandler, a local church, is their an economic model that explains charitable giving?
  7. Moore's Law, advancement in technology is exponential. Since graduating from law school, this is what happened the first two years. Fax machine became widely used among law firms, cell phones, laptop computer became feasible. My phone is more powerful thenthat laptop was, and in fact, more powerful and faster than the computers on Appolo 13.
  8. - yes the real answer was the gradual elimination of the wide use of CFC's , they were the ozone problem and that is now however under control -I think the CFC were replaced with HCFC. And the latest study reveals that HCFC is equally undesirable. The net might not be positive, and it might take 35 more years to know. My understanding was that HCFCs were banned by an amendment but it turned out that they don't deplete ozone but they are a more potent green house gas, so last year's amendment was to get rid of similar chemicals beyond what wad previously banned. But, I ain't no scientist. I just remember this from growing up in the middle of it and being a subscriber to Science and Scientific American. SA is not as technical. Science is the most prestigious peer reviewed journal in the United States, and I frequently misunderstand or cannot begin to comprehend articles therein. To sum up, thousand points of light, stay the course, and the hole is smaller.
  9. Well said. People like Al Gore are the problem from that side of the debate. They are great at rasing money for a documentary, but they can't walk the walk. They are like the folks you mentioned that say they don't want nuke but they don't want carbon. Unrealistic, you can't have it both ways. There are people on the other side of the debate, oil and coal, that do the same. Why MP was successful is they were able to identify problem, show risk and danger, and a reasonable solution over time to for business and consumers to adjust. What is way different about Ozone is we could see it. Firsy by ground detection, radio telescopes. People didn't believe it, said it could be a lot of things. Then we put a satellite up there to specifically look for hole. Low rez, took forever to download compared to now. They got those images in a report and it scared everybody. It took 20 years to get from the identification of the cause of the problem to signing on to a solution. They have been seriously looking at global warming/cclimate change for over 20 years. They will never be able to take a photo, other than ice caps, that shows problem. All they can do is show graphs, and both sides can debate them. There wasn't unanimity on ozone either, there rarely is in science. Einstein didn't agree with Newton on everthing, and Al was eventually proved right. The other thing aboutscience is that it is building blocks. They constantly say, upon each new discovery, that they have stood on the shoulders of giants to get to where they are. I think it is other way on the science, the science becomes pretty well settled, and policy makers/legislators try and bend the science to their theory. The surgeon general slapped warning labels on cigarettes in the 70s and there were legislators, from tobacco states, trying to argue that the science wasn't settled using studies funded by tobacco. They do what they are supposed to do, protect their constituents. Oscarear can tell you how well settled the science was, there was no question. But when billions are involved you do whatever you can. I agree we need to make this last. I do not see being able to colonize anytime before this next century, if ever. I guess we will see if we can get to Mars.
  10. So in Utopia the food is free, but we all have to eat together as I recall, in food halls. Hmmmmm? Do they serve cheese burgers? It might work.
  11. My style changes with the situation, who I amdealing with on the other side. Are they new, have we dealt on things before, what is their style? Gender makes a difference in how I may approach something. I have dealt with the same types you have dealt with. On some things it is just, NO, NO, NO there really is no negotiations but I try to be optomistic because I have worked out things I never thought could get worked out. My closest friend is superb at it, a niche practice of getting things worked out. He doesnt go to trial, if he can't work it out he sends them to someone else to try. I wish I was better at it, that is for sure.
  12. I don't think I did, did I? I wouldn't think it would have fixed it, it has only been 25 years and I would think it would take a lot longer than that. I know that the size of the hole has shrunk and that we now monitor it in real time from a NOAA bird. I have attached a pdf from the Montreal Protocol listing what they SAY it has achieved. I don't think they say they have fixed it, but they claim that it is first UN treaty to have universal ratification, some 20 years after the US was one of the first signers. They claim that is has resulted in a reduction of skin cancer and cataracts to a significant degree. I know that Reagan, despite being urged to oppose it, helped negotiate it and, as in many things, the UK followed. Here is an article from the NY Times about the history of it, I had forgotten that Reagan had skin cancer. A close aide said he thinks he supported it because he liked the outdoors. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/10/science/the-montreal-protocol-a-little-treaty-that-could.html?_r=0 The article has a nice photo of the Gipper walking in cowboy boots with Maggie at Camp David. The article concludes by saying: "Durwood Zaelke, who heads a Washington advocacy group called the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development that is pushing for the treaty amendment, told me he drew a simple lesson from all this: Durwood Zaelke, who heads a Washington advocacy group called the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development that is pushing for the treaty amendment, told me he drew a simple lesson from all this: However overwhelming global warming may seem at times, we are not powerless in the face of it.." Which was my point, it is obviously a world problem (if global warming is real, and if it is a problem). That doesn't mean that we cannot be the leader in addressing the issue and that others will follow. The MP apparently has had some impact on global warming, and I believe we adopted the amendment mentioned in the 2013 article. I remember Molina and Rowland being all over the news about the discovery, they said something had to be done, and had to be done quick. That was mid 70s when I was in high school and our chemistry teacher was all freaked out by this study. I remember people switching to spray bottles from aerosols because of "the environment." I am sure you can appreciate the culture of those times in California. Twenty years later the MP was a reality and a guy from Mexico City who wanted a PhD from Cal and ends of going to teach at UC Irving and wins the Nobel Prize in chemistry with his mentor. So now the world works on Kyoto and it's outgrowth. Two administrations ago we were in, the last administration withdrew us, and now we are back in. We can be a leader, or not. These world size problems tend to require that everyone acknowledge there is a problem, and then get together to fix it, which I think is the biggest lesson. The use of common sense approach to phase out the bad, bring in the new, and then to bring on as many as you can works. It is kind of everyone has to be in, or nobody is in. Special interests lost in that debate, science won out. Someone said here earlier, follow the money. Despite what some people think, university research in the United States is both privately and publicly funded. It is typically pretty solid. Look where the money is on the side scientists that say there is a problem, and look on the side where people say it is't a problem. It was the same with tobacco, it was the same with ozone, and it is true here. People can wake up on the morning and see what they see, make conclusions from local weather patterns and form an opinion that there is no warming, and it has no consequence. They are not in the mainstream if that poll in Scientific American is accurate. Or then can read one of the studies, or the studies on the studies, and make up their own mind instead of watching CNN, Fox, NBC or whatever. This thread started with a link to an article by a debunked skeptic who doesn't accept asbestos as being in the least bit harmful, evolution, or second hand smoke. He is what we refer to as a prostitute. The question was raised, "is the hype over?" Yes, but not in the sense that Steven meant it. The hype is over, America has chosen science over politics and propoganda and 70% plus of the entire political spectrum have chosen to believe the science. We are back in on Kyoto, the EPA is setting standards. Right now TODAY, coal burning power plants that don't use certain scrubbing pay a carbon tax. There were 4,000 peer reviewed studies that Dr. Green's peer reviewed study looked and, and over 90 percent of them say there is global warming, and it is man made. Peer review, as you know, means something is science. It is a big deal. It is what distinguishes science from opinion based on assumptions. There is apparently 400 or so peer reviewed studies that say there is no global warming, or not man made, in comparison to the 3,600 out there that say otherwise, but no one will cite or mention one. The warming doesn't really matter to me. What I worry about is the ocean, and the CO2 in the ocean. That is manmade, there is no question about it, and it had dropped the pH of the ocean by 30%. That has to stop and people don't even understand why. They need to understand where 50% of our oxygen comes from. When you see a study that says that sea algae is dying off due to pH it is too late. It will take 50 years to adjust it back. T
  13. Well, not really. How can anyone describe this as a problem for "Americans?" Either individually, or collectively, this is a wild claim. The climate change problem is a result of a global system of organization in place for a thousand years or more. The world is organized as a "for profit resource." That's not a decision of mine or fellow Americans, or the legislators, or the other people around the globe. Americans can do nothing about this. Nor can Germans or Chinese. 7 billion people are involved in profiting from the resource as their reason for being. Oh sure, I'm going to collect cans, turn my thermostat down and change that! Global Warming, or it's cousin Global Cooling, is not so much a scientific discovery as a philosophical one: "Profit is incompatible with sustainable civilization." Think about it. Embedded in the very concept of profit is the contradiction of sustainability. It is self cancelling. But sure, push it down and blame it on the citizens for not making a decision. As I pointed out earlier, 1/3 of the world is food insecure. Well, of course! That's exactly how you extract a profit. You take from the bottom and push it up to the top. Where else would the excess to form a profit come from if not the bottom? This is not a problem for science to solve. It's certainly not a problem for politicians to solve. How do you grab the entire world, shake it, and revise it's goals? By being a leader, by setting the example, like we have always done. We did it on Ozone depletion by being the leader in science, and then one of the first to sign the Montreal Protocol, and now in the monitoring of it. We have half the population of China but put out twice as much Co2. The top ten countries put out 70% of the CO2. When it started raining sulphuric acid in the northern states and people's car paint started peeling off and the level of mercury in our kid's tuna fish sandwiches got to a level that people stop buying it we passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act and created the EPA despite other countries continuing to burn coal without scrubbers. Then, when we insisted that others follow suit in the way of trade agreements and other means, we could say that "we are doing it, and so should you." I am guessing we emit way more CO2 than China per capita because they are using more nuclear generation. It takes 10 or 15 years to get a plant online, I think we need to get 10 up and running and the first one should be in Humboldt Bay (not really, but to say we can lower things with nuclear power is certainly true, but it takes a long time to do it). Maybe Terrapower and Bill Gates can get things moving faster on that, hopefully so. This plant used to provide Southern California Edison with 20% of its power, emission free. It is going to take 4 Billion, and twenty years to decommission it. A nuclear storage facility is in the process of getting the permits from the State to be able to store the 4,000 tons of waste that is currently stored there.
  14. Best frys, bar none. They still taste great, I knew they went from tallow to some kind of vegetable oil, it wold make since they would have to use beef flavoring now because they are not using the beef fat any longer. The best mexican food or Tex-Mex cooks, whether it is at someone's home or eating out, you look in their kitchen and you will nearly always find a block of lard from Mexico. They sell it in every store here, both organic lard, and regular, whatever you want. I figure if I hit McD's twice a year for fries it isn't going to matter. T
  15. I pretty much agree with that, but believe it can go from both sides. We had to read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" in high school. That book, at the time it came out, apparently stood the country on its ear. It may have even contributed to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration, I can't remember exactly. So how do you motivate the fast food industry, the tobacco industry, the meat packing industry to do the "right thing." They will not, absolutely will not, ever do the right thing when they learn of a problem, or at least when they do the right thing they don't have the right PR people to say they did the right thing. Example after example after example shows that they were aware of the problem (or a condition which they didn't perceive to be a problem, for example trying to make cigs more addictive), but made a conscious BUSINESS decision to keep doing what they were doing. Subway, from what I heard, finally had to acknowledge that it was using this material in their bread because it was a preservative that made the bread the way customers wanted it, and the material wan't toxic. Really? It usually takes a whistle blower, or a consumer advocacy group or a lawsuit or sometimes even an agency that regulates/inspects them to push/pull them along. It seems like the only thing that keeps them on their toes is the threat of fines, being shut down or being sued. Just never, ever trust the source. It is hard to know, but you can buy locally grown from farmers markets (of course you never know what they do, but after twenty years I can even figure out what is an organically grown tomato or not), growing it yourself, etc. We have the luxury of Whole Foods being based in Austin, they are all about the source, where it is from, what the impact is, who picks it, etc. They go to the source of the coffee, or the bananas, the fish, and inspect them themselves. You pay a premium, but they are just packed, all the time. I think it is double, by the time you grab all of the stuff you don't really need and isn't available at HEB. HEB, our major grocer, I think pretty much all over Texas now (there are some Randal's, Albertson's/Safeways still around) has taken notice. They thought my having a store every mile or so in Austin would get people to shop there out of convenience (and it is a great store, reminds me of Ralphs or Fry's in CA), but people will drive the extra 15 minutes to get Whole Foods, at a way higher cost. Somehow Whole Foods has an image that you can trust them. For the last two years HEB is doing commercials about the growers, fishermen, wine producers, etc. that supply them with food. They are trying to show that they are selective and put a human side to who they buy from, because they have seen what Whole Foods has done. But how long did it take for people to realize that when purchasing food you may want to consider something else besides price. It used to only be "those" people did that and they had to go to the health food store to get that stuff. Now I am going to go eat lunch, checking every carefully that there isn't a finger or a mouse in my salad. T T
  16. Been looking for 5 years; good but not REAL good Have you tried Josie's? I thought those were great, but it has been a long time. If not you still have Water St. and the corporate HQ Whataburger restaurant.
  17. It was me Dave, I ended it. I went out and got florescent or LED bulbs last night to replace all of the regular bulbs in the house, hit the switch this morning and I must have thrown everything off the grid. Moved what was here back to the original thread now what it is back going again.
  18. I am afraid to read that article, just like I am afraid to watch "Fast Food Wars" based on what I have heard it uncovered. Subway being made out of yoga mat material. I thought no way, that has got to be a hoax. My quick go to source for an instant BS test is SNOPES. Comes back true. I heard that someone had asked Subway what their bread was made out of, got the stall, sent it to a lab on their own, yoga mat. Several years ago I was reading the the label on a loaf of bread, and I am going down the list, whole wheat flower . . . and then saw "sawdust." I couldn't believe it, had to check it three times. Not particlized cellulose or some other watered down version, just "sawdust." I was a fast food fiend for years and years, I just almost completely avoid it now, (well, I am assuming that Franklin BBQ is not considered fast food) but you have to be just as careful with processed foods at the grocery story.
  19. How did you get a pass on the "points." She didn't say she wanted first class to Paris?
  20. What stands out? Just all of it? On the sites I have been on that compare Mp3 to uncompressed/lossless it is pretty dramatic, an overall difference. I figured the clips used were for a reason, to show the difference but I could not place it on anything specific like vocals, bass, drums, etc. I know that it is almost impossible to describe it, but wondered if what you were hearing on that song was what I had heard by streaming examples. Travis
  21. I agree 100% with that. I used to surf right in front of a reactor growing up ("The Boobs"). It has been shut down now, not over safety issues per se, but it was refitted with new steam generators that turned out to be defective. Edison was going to try and get it back on line but I am sure the cost of overcoming the opposition and all the red tape it was cheeper to shut it down. It is interesting that a part of that state that wants clean air, that has had some of the worst air, would rather have much increased CO2 and whatever else. Apparently 20% of our power in the U.S. is generated by nuclear plants. There is only one left in California now (that sits on a fault), we have two in Texas. I am hoping that TerraPower/Bill Gates can make some headway in Washington on it and get that number up. Politics makes strange bedfellows, not only is he having to get environmentalists to under stand it is in their interest, he has to fight coal, oil and natural gas. If is quite a story to see those guys lined up on the same side. Texas has paved the way for the Dallas billionaire who has a nuclear storage in West Texas for low and mid-level waste to accept, at least on an interim basis, spent rods and other high level waste from all over the country. They may be getting the 4,000 tons that are sitting at The Boobs. How they are going to get it there is going to be a major fight, but the big problem was the waste. It was going to be at Yucca Mountain in Nevada, but that got shut down. The facility in West Texas has been expanding and requesting approval for higher levels from the state. I keep seeing articles that they can burn coal absolutely clean, and are getting better and better at it, but I can never find out what it costs to do that. It has to be astronomical, but they never seem to comment on that. Ohio state is going to enlarge their experimental clean burning power plant to something that is commercially viable, http://www.crainscleveland.com/article/20140623/FREE/140629930/babcock-wilcox-ohio-state-university-to-design-clean-coal-power On fusion, I have been hearing that it is 30 years away all my life also. But I thought we put several billion into a facility at Lawrence Livermore, and that they have (created, achieved, ??) fusion. Granted, it was something like a fraction of a second and I guess the key in that area is how long you can keep it going. They seem to be all hyped up about getting it to one minute. But as I recall, this was a breakthrough because it was REAL fusion, meaning that output exceeded input which has not been the case with the type of fusion achieved at other locations. I attached a photo of the San Onofre reactor for those who have not seen it and wonder how it got its name. Travis
  22. Well I guess the hype should be over. Now the "scientific" story is about whether consensus in the scientific community should even be the story. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-determine-the-scientific-consensus-on-global-warming/ A partial quote: The point of contention is a peer-reviewed study published last year by Green, a chemistry professor at Michigan Technological University; John Cook, a research fellow at the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland in Australia; and 10 other scientists who blog under the collective name of Skeptical Science. The scientists examined 4,014 abstracts on climate change and found 97.2 percent of the papers assumed humans play a role in global warming (ClimateWire, May 16, 2013). That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media to a much simpler message: that 97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans. President Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus. Comedian John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. Predictably, climate change skeptics challenged the study. The Skeptical Science group fended off their attacks. Then fame beckoned. The paper has been downloaded more than 200,000 times, making it among the most popular scientific studies of 2013. Lately, the Skeptical Science researchers have been battling a rear guard attack from within the climate science community itself. Some social scientists, political scientists, climate change communicators—and Tol—question whether informing people of a scientific consensus serves any purpose. To them, climate change is no longer a debate over science. The latest surveys show that 89 percent of Democrats, 79 percent of independents and 70 percent of Republicans already believe global warming is happening and is at least partly caused by human actions. Rather, the climate debate is now ethical and political; it comes down to what Americans are willing to do today to address a problem that will largely affect their grandchildren. In this realm of moral choice, the 97 percent consensus can be polarizing, said Dan Kahan, a professor of psychology at Yale University. The article from Scientific American brought out something I had not realized before, that people were saying it was the number of scientists, not the number of studies. It is nice to see a guy from Yale get the pleasure of stating one of the few absolutes (not "the obvious", after all he is from Yale) about the debate, "it is "polarizing."
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