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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. DCR is a bit of an inside joke, and sort of goes along with my personality. I don't want to make anyone mad in Indy, but when I read some comments made about the Jub in connection with a review of the Pallidum, it caused me to decide to go with the Jubs. I will give you the "R" though, it stands for Rogue Travis
  2. the entire bass bin is made out of Sapele plywood. The outside is A-1 finish grade. My Aunt lives in Cleburn and my parents live in Burleson. You better make it!
  3. Mike, The K69 is crucial for the whole thing. That is the driver that Roy has done all of the cruves and studys with. The TAD is something that Roy saw that might be an improvement, wider FR, different cross-over point that might work better in this 2 way configuration. The verdict is still way out on that. I am not very technical, and I am the last person to ask on the particulars, but I have heard those drivers in other speakers and they are pretty spectacular. I will for sure coordinate with you on being able to come out for Austin Jub Fest, and I will try to see if we can get a pair of TAD drivers to play with along with DX 38 cross over settings as well. Glad to hear you are coming out. Travis
  4. Interesting that you mentioned the wood, my first choice was American Black Walnut, however, my only choice was the Sapele. Roy had to go to great lengths to even get me that, so I am quite pleased I had an option other then regular plywood. I will indeed have a party, and you are on top o the list. Travis
  5. I am getting them. I was going to order them in raw birch and then get Wardsweb to have them done in real piano laq black, but then I got the idea of having them done in exotic plywood. Through Roy's efforts, he was able to determine that African Mahogny (Sapele) plywood was available and that he was going to try and get everyone at the factory to sign on to it. (Apparently it takes a several signatures to get approval on something custom). So as of today, everything has been okee dokeed and I am on the way to getting DCR Jubilees in raw African Mahogny. I will be getting the 402's raw,unpainted, having the holes filled in and then painted in high grade auto laq paint. Not sure on the color of that at this point. I am going with the DX-38 crossover for right now and see where that goes. I am also looking at swhtching out the K69 dirvers with the TAD Be drivers. I NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO OIL THE RAW SAPELE WITH WHEN THEY GET HERE. At least I am pretty sure I want to do an oil finish. Once we get everything set up I am going to schedule a Klipsch/Jub Fest at the house. I am erally excited for their arrival. I have had the oppurtunity to hear them several times in Hope, in very controled situations, in exactly the configuration I will have in my media room and can't wait to hear them in place. Travis
  6. You can come back to my house and listen to Jubs in about 4 weeks or so. I am going to have a Klipsch/Jub fest at my house. Bring your planters, I will buy them from you. Travis
  7. Steven Bishop. (I think) Ding, ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding You got it. Travis
  8. Ding, ding, ding ding ding ding ding ding. YOU GOT IT.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That leaves the guitar player in Otis Day and the Knights and the guitar player on the stairway. Travis
  9. Amy, So what is the realistic time frame for all of that to take place, the Tweak, audition, re-tweak, final approval, etc.? Is that usually like a 3 month thing or a 1 year thing? Are the statements about pre-orders true? That the first run has already sold? In other words are 000001 and 0000002 still available in any color? I understand they are going to be sold in pairs, so will it be 000001A and B? Travis
  10. Yahoooo---- a set of Jubs in Austin...Hint hint Travis, sounds like it's time for another Klipsch gathering in Austin. Cornman Cornman, We will do it for sure, I promise you that. I just need to make sure Eric and James are on board for all of their help again. We will have Jubs upstairs and Cornwalls downstairs. Travis
  11. Who was the guitar player? Famous song writter.
  12. I designed it!!!! That and the buttons on an Ampex are unmistakeable, and that the transport of 440 is easy to see. I have ordered Jubs (about a week ago). Travis
  13. For more bonus points who was the guitar player in the Knights? For the most bonus points (it was in the book, not the movie) why was he called Pinto?
  14. Oh you stole mine. But I think it was more like: Do' yo mine if we's dance with you dates? "We're the only white people here" "I'm not kidding"
  15. It has taken a long time, a lot work, but thank to many on this forum with their ideas, support, and encouragement, the prototype of my new system is done. This system, which you will see is complety matched, eq'd and synch'd,, front end to speake,provide the most encompassing listening experience known to mankind. You cannot a deeper sense of the music. Also notice, I have gone with Analog source (Ampex AG 440 2 Track). Digital broke down under demands of this most transparent and revealing of all systems. I invite you to take a look and your comments. (Unfortunately, due to the high cost of this venture, I was forced to take on a sponsor, an outfit in Chicago that is into baseball and gum. This has resulted in some compromise in the design on my part, however, I believe the orginal concept and specs for the most part have been maintained.) adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/wrigley_5_gum_rain http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/wrigley_5_gum_rain Travis
  16. Stunning, and the speakers don't look bad either. Travis
  17. It is like the Mythbuster guys said at the end, some people simply cannot wrap their heads around the fact that airplanes do not derive power from the ground like cars do. They even did an example with the car on the conveyer and then applied thrust (a hand) from behind. I am the first to admit I was like the pilot who thought for sure it would not take off. Then someone pointed out to me that the problem was really asking. Flawed? The only flaws could be that the speeds were not matched with precision, or that the plane was lighter then normal, lower take off speed, etc. However, the experiments showed that the plane moves forward regardless of the speed of the converyer belt. Thats the whole point, if the plane moves forward it takes off if you can make the stuff big enough or long enough. Now what I want to know is how many Peter Piper pecked, on a conveyor belt while chasing a woodchuck. Travis
  18. I'm a member, and they sound great. Josh, let me know if you are ever coming to Austin. Travis
  19. Roger, I'm really glad to see that you are planning on going. I was about 90% sure that I was going to go up with Luther, but now that I see that you are going I will seal the deal. I will be bringing Miss Rose's bottle of Booker's that I never managed to get sent off to her. Travis
  20. You forgot that she is the smart one in the family too. She's an international lawyer and she ordered you Jubs. Travis
  21. Chris, You are in luck, two very knowledgable people live in GA that can answer a lot of your questions. They are both very familar with the Klipsch products, specifically Jubs, and can provide you with a lot of information. One is Mark1101, he lives near Athens, the other is JWCullison, he lives in Funkbrain (it's a sub of Atlanta). Travis
  22. Gravity takes over the moment the bullet leaves the barrel, whether it is a bb or a 300 Wby Mag, If it is fired level to the ground it drops at the same rate as any object dropped from that same height regardless of the speed it travels. Travis
  23. A bullet, fired perfectly level to the earth, will fall to earth in the same time as if the bullet were dropped from a fix point. In other words, if you fire a bullet from a barrel 10' off the ground, that is level to the ground, and you drop a bullet from 10' at the exact same time, they will hit the ground at the exact same time. Thrust alone will not keep a bullet "airborne" longer then simply dropping one from a fixed height, it has to have a positive trajectory in order to put gravity in issue. I think your other points are right on. Trust is one factor, but if it is the main one, like with the Harrier, thrust is converted from verticle to horizontal in a smooth transition to make a runway immaterial. However, there are compromises made with the airfoil used, which limits top speed in favor of more lift, more forgiving stall charistics, etc. It will take off. Travis
  24. How do we know that? That's based on sales no doubt, which would be the usual way to do it. Is that based on Harmon International (stock went down 26% yesterday) being counted in pieces as opposed to adding them all up, JBL, JBL Pro, Infinity, and Revel? Travis
  25. How cool is Audio Classics, this appears at the top of there home page http://www.audioclassics.com/: In his Playback article last month, Mike Klipsch highlighted the importance of exclusive technologies and Klipsch's latest skew horn patent. Well, Fox 59 in Indianapolis found interest in the topic and paid a visit to Klipsch's technology center to see what they're all about. Both Mike and Roy Delgado, the skew horn designer, were interviewed on camera. Watch the clip in Quicktime or Windows Media Video. I have seen the links discussed previously on the forum, but I did not realize that Audio Classics had this displayed right up front on their homepage. Travis
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