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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. JB, I think you are exactly right, except I would be that the manual is also going to be in Chinese. Travis
  2. They are going to be made in Hope, that should tell you right there how well they are going to be made. They are very substantial, I saw and lifted a shell in Hope, had no drivers, and there was a lot to it. I hope they have some choices on wood veneers, etc. Roy designed the horns and one of the phase plugs, there were two other folks involved in the design whose names escape me right now, but I will fill in later. I am really excited to see, AND HEAR, these. I am not really happy with the name either, Palladium is too common, can you even trademark it? There should have been a contest on here to come up with a name. Travis
  3. That's nothing, I forget that I even posted in a thread, get a mail notification that someone responded, and sure enough, there I was. Well when I am mid-50's at least I can be OB2. Travis Aw Shucks Travis, I'm all choked up........Thanks !!!!!!!..............[:$]...Hey while I got you here, Did you do a Levon Helm Ramble ? Yes I have been up to Leon's place a few times. The last time was last fall. I really enjoyed your post about it awhile back. If anyone is ever in New York they need to try and check it out and fit it in their schedule. You never know who may show up and sit in on one of his deals. Travis
  4. That's nothing, I forget that I even posted in a thread, get a mail notification that someone responded, and sure enough, there I was. Well when I am mid-50's at least I can be OB2. Travis
  5. Lets see, I started using 1.0 power reading glasses about two years ago, have started to need a magnifying glass to read a couple of things during the year even with the reading glasses (of course I don't have one and can't find one). Been wearing glasses since I was 14, (was going to the Air Force until then). I got hearing aids this year, so I am 3 years early on that. Oh great, hope I am not early on anything else. Travis
  6. I forgot that the AK site does us the indignity of posting to the rest of the world that we are one year older. I did in fact get the greeting from them. Good eye PM, good eye. Travis
  7. Chicago, Thanks for asking about the dog situation, no new pup yet. It is still too soon for my wife. I think my plan is going to be that I am going to surprise her with a puppy for Christmas. It will probably be another Great Pyr. Travis Travis when you were going through the loss of your dog, I was experiencing the exact same thing and did not want to comment or even think about it. Totally sucks is an understatement. Having had at least one German Shepherd in the homestead since I was nine years old, Im 49 now, I knew that I was going to get another. So here's a pic of Gunner getting along famously with little Wilson:) My advice is don't wait, Cindy was dead set against it but now thats her baby. Chicago, Gunner is such a cute pup!!!!!! It is so funny you mentioned your German Shepard, we were at a party last night, and my friend lost his german shepard about 3 months ago. He just got a new shepard puppy a couple of weeks ago, his is 9 weeks old. Kelly was playing with that puppy a lot last night, she loved it. His ears were giant, like 4 sizes too big for his head, I think he is going to be a big boy. Seeing Gunner really makes me want to get one now . . . we shall see. Travis
  8. '60 was a great year wasn't it? [D][D][D]
  9. OB, I always answer the question, I think maybe you don't go back to the thread after I answer it, of course, could be I have not gone back to a thread or two as well. However, FOR THE RECORD, I quit 58 days ago. I used Chantix to do it, and I cannot reccomend it highly enough. I got it after hearing Gary talk about it. I was planing on quitting at the same time Gary and his wife were, but it took me a week or so to get the prescription and then I was starting a trial and decided to wait until after the trial was over. I am not sure, I am either 2 or 3 weeks behind Gary, but as of today, I have not smoked for 58 days. (I have not used nicotine in any form, patches, gum, dip, snuff, cigars, suppository, etc.). So, I am officially quit, a not smoker. I am sitting on a big investment of cuban cigars, I was really tempted to have a cigar for my birthday, kind of 2 or 3 cigars per year kind of thing, but I am so scared that if I smoke a cigar I will go back to cigs. It was so hard to quit cigs, I just don't want to risk it at this point. Travis
  10. Chicago, Thanks for asking about the dog situation, no new pup yet. It is still too soon for my wife. I think my plan is going to be that I am going to surprise her with a puppy for Christmas. It will probably be another Great Pyr. Travis
  11. PM, Thanks for remembering (I have no idea how you knew), I will have to get you back for that[] Thank you everyone for wishing me a nice birthday, it was a very nice time on Friday, a few friends, some music, cocktails (but no cigs or cigars, log time since that happened). Someone else has, a frequent poster, has birthday on or near the same day as me, I am going to have to go back and find out who that is. Thanks again to everyone for the well wishes, it was a nice surprise to see them. Travis
  12. Gil, My right speaker will not be in a corner, and entering the room you look right at it, thus at least the exposed "sides" on that right speaker with need matching veneer. T
  13. I am am in the same "boat" as JC, and was wanting to go with an exotic wood ply for bass bins. I don't know if Klipsch will even consider it, but was just looking at what the options would be. Marine ply is the most moisture resistent, best glue properities and comes in beautiful teak or mahogony. Does anyone know if these other plywoods have a problem with resonance, strength, etc. that woud make it a problem to be used in the construction of a bass bin for a La Scalla Jub? Travis
  14. How them horns sounding SMan? Did you plant anything in those subs yet? Travis
  15. Wayne, You are in our prayers, and we are wishing you a speedy recovery. Godspeed, Travis
  16. Yes, Deer Elk Africian game Dove Ducks Geese Phesant Chucker Quail Partridge
  17. Tim, You are welcome any time, you know that. That girl sure is pretty, I am surprised you have not been back for a visit already. I told you the women in Texas are the most beautiful anywhere. Come on back and after you play in Austin for a few days we will road trip it up to Dallas for a day or two and then over to Hope. Travis
  18. Seems so... Ok Travis...how bout it...veneer? Naked horns? Passive/active? Kick hiney 2A3 amps or some weenie solid state? 2 way? It's ok to tell Robbie & me...it'll be just between us three [A] Coytee, I got some stuff rolling around in my brain, and some stuff that the production department has to mull over. Let me ask you this first, are the LF sections (what is the official name for those anyway) made of MDF or birch ply? Travis
  19. Sorry OB, I have been busy herding cats. I quit six weeks ago, as reported in the quit smoking thread, and I have not had a cig since, nor any other form of tobacco or nicotine. I constantly crave for them because I quit taking Chantix about a week ago, sooner then I should have. So everything is good so far, and thanks for asking about it. It feels good everytime I say I quit and I am still quit. Travis
  20. Paul, I shot you an email, if you did not get it shoot me one. Travis
  21. They were fighting, but it wasn't much of a fight. His daughter was pretty cool throughout the whole thing. Travis
  22. Christy, Roy is a true gentleman. I had never had the plesure of a face to face prior to this trip, we had a couple of brief telephone conversations to get things confirmed, but nothing other then that. I think you can kind of get a sense of someone by reading a number of their posts over months and years. Of course it impossible to really know somene in just reading what they have to write, but you get a hint of what there personality is like, what kind of person they are. This was confirmed in my visit with Roy on Friday. You get a sense in reading what Roy has to say on the forum, and the help that he offers, that he is a really nice guy, and a dedicated Klipsch employee. However, it just doesn't translale like it does in person. He recounted story after story about the company, the history of the Jubilee, his involvment in the horn design, and of course, Mr. Klipsch. While I thourghly enjoyed hearing about all of this, what was most facinating to me was his story. His story is a great one, where he started, where he is now, how he got there, where he is going, are all inspirational. What struck me the most about Mr. Roy, is he has a great sense of balance, and I am not talking about the kind needed to walk on a balance beam. Roy was great, in every sense, and he did everything he possible could to see that the goal of my trip was achieved. I simply cannot thank him enough, and I only hope there is someway I can return the favor to him in some small way one day. Travis
  23. I sent Roy an email asking him where to send the check. I need to get him some info on some cosmetic things that I want to see if they can get done at the shop. Roy will route those requests to the appropriate people to see if it is possible and, if so, to cost them out. No diamonds, yet, I am trying to do some things that will dress them up a bit which allow the diamonds to go the wife. Travis
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