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Everything posted by CECAA850

  1. In before the edit! It wasn't anything profound or thread ending, just a gif that displayed too slowly. Too bad as it was pretty funny (or so I thought).
  2. Thanks, but I've never been much for school. Couldn't wait to get out. Wasn't my thing.
  3. I barely made it through high school. You guys debate on an entirely different level than I do. I'm the knife wielder in this gun fight[].
  4. Then that assumption is not well founded given especially the time period that North Korea went Nuclear and where we are at today. I hate to speak for Boxx but your statement has nothing to do with his comfort level of THIS administrations decision making ability. For all we know he wasn't comfortable with past administrations decision making ability either. I'll leave further comments on his statement up to him. I merely stated how I interpreted who he was referring to.
  5. I hope you were talking about the North Korean administration. I feel alot more confident in our Government playing the best hand possible now, in 2013 given what has transpired in this Century already. I'm sure he's referring to the US administration.
  6. Best of all, NO MOSQUITOS! Great pics Craig.
  7. Cirque Du Soleil in person is a really great show, their "O" show at the Bellagio is excellent with a special stage that is very impressive in itself. How do you rate the sound track? An enthusiastic 2 toes up!
  8. I'm sure we'd try be forced to clear a path to citizenship for them.
  9. I'm assuming that many take the stance that if it can't be proven to be factual it must be fiction. If you can't prove that it happened than there's a good chance it didn't. Both assumptions on my part as to their thinking however.
  10. I believe this thread still exists because of either: A) Amy hasn't seen it or It hasn't turned into personal attacks I'm leaning heavy on A.
  11. Looks like a good time to start a thread on firearms.
  12. Looks like a good time to start a thread on firearms.
  13. Their interpretation of God-- I should have said "their belief in God" One more nit successfully picked.
  14. I believe the founding fathers had a different opinion. Yes, I realize that it was a different time back then. I took this to mean that you believe the founders opined that religion should be used to form legislation. Then I'm responsible for the confusion. I personally don't think that religion should be used to form legislation. I BELIEVE that it influenced the founding fathers decision making processes and may have had an influence on legislation.
  15. Right. Notice the pattern between the two quotes. Nowhere does he say, "And we need to fashion our laws on religion." The period of Enlightenment was to acknowledge, among other things, freedom of religion - not government sponsorship or adoption of it. Whoa, I never said that government should sponsor religion. I just said that God had an influence on their thinking.
  16. Jeff, I'm sure we could both copy and paste ad nauseum but I'm sure other posters would get bored quickly. I stand by my assertation, you're free to think otherwise. Carl
  17. John Hancock 1st Signer of the Declaration of Independence "Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. ... Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us." --History of the United States of America, Vol. II, p. 229.
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