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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. It's alright, Jeff, if you don't get it...... __________________________ I'm only sighing
  2. Wrong Jeff, see the new clues. In the right thread.
  3. the director has a way of always saying man, man. Like that is his sound, man. The writer of the tune has asked what it means to be a man, in another song.
  4. this one is for Ray: the Turtles did not write this one either.
  5. Hey, I thought this one was easy. Easy Rider? Someone might cross reference this and see the light.
  6. In the meantime, someone guess the last "name that song" challenge!
  7. Yeah, its been in and out the last few hours.
  8. For what it is worth, the analog outs on my "digital cable" motorola box also sound horrid. No ground loop problem, just bad. Every time I ask when HD will be available with spdif audio outs, I get the answer of next year, or after this spring or some such it's not soon answer. Charter Cable, slow to get with the times here. Be glad you have actual digital outs.
  9. Nothing I saw got out of hand, but I could have missed something while cooking dinner and watching the first period of the 'canes vs. 'wings game.
  10. The movie has a famous motorcycle which does not exist anymore, but was the subject of an awful movie starring two women in search of it.
  11. Good question, Jeff. I thought that the discussion was as civil as one would imagine also. The only thing I can think of is that the last few posts I read used an abbreviated form of a term for a nationality that in this hypersensitive PC world might have caused either a reaction from someone, or the perceived threat of a reaction from the administrators of this board. I hope that I am wrong (it certainly would not be the first time) but as you said, either we missed something or the French have a term for it: "I don't know what."
  12. I would imagine it would make them sound differently. The tweeters are now vertical, changing the dispersal pattern. This would be the most obvious difference. Since you are using a sub I am not sure how bass response would differ.
  13. The Pusher-- steppenwolf Next: Darkness at the break of noon Shadows even the silver spoon The handmade blade, the child's balloon Eclipses both the sun and moon To understand you know too soon There is no sense in trying
  14. Federal reserve regulations specify the maximum float allowed. I believe that today that figure is three days.
  15. I am still looking for Quartets if anyone has a pair for sale. The guy in Tulsa never communicated to make a deal and today I see them here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5852161062&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT Hopefully someone will have a pair within driving distance of Denton, Texas. Thanks to all.
  16. I totally agree with you on the location of the diamond logo. They should have asked us about it. []However, I do think it looks great overall & like the veneer. I want one! Hopefully in 10 years I'll find one on Craigslist. (yea right) I appreciate Klipsch keeping these speakers going (esp. adding the Cornwall to the re-releases) & not ditching them in favor of tall skinnies that need a sub. Fat girls make the rockin' world go 'round.....
  17. really! they were at Monterrey Pop? I guess between Hendrix and Joplin I must have gone to pee. Oh well, nothing lost.
  18. D-man and edwin what can I say? I have noticed in the last few months how much Klipsch and its People do for the people on this forum(yearly pilgrimages for example and if anyone has talked to Tech Support and how they will go out of their way to help for example I called Tech Support and spoke with Stephen Philips late one evening about the older crossovers and as we were finishing talking I realised he had stayed well past his quitting time.). People have talked of the support for the Heritage Line wasn't what it should be But I say these days business is hard and the going mentality is Older Technology isn't good and alot of companies give in to the lets introduce something new to keep sales up whether its really an improvement. Klipsch is working to hold onto the Heritage Line and I honestly don't think many companies do that these days. I've owned Klipsch since 1987 and have had the privilage of a tour of the Hope Factory twice in the early 1990s. Back then I got to know Ginney Sanders and Jim Hunter also who personelly helped me when I had some problems with some La Scalas I had bought and they tried to arrange a meeting with PWK on one of those tours I was given but unfortunatley I just missed him. ALSO for those that will understand this after years of wanting and finally getting my 1979 Khorns(bought in 1990) and can appreciate the Genius of PWK's Design, Build Quality, Craftmanship and The letters stamped U.S.A. on the back of them then yes I do take pride in owning such a High Quality Product both then and now. So again I will say Thanks to Klipsch for being the kind of company with the kind of people that will treat a customer such as me so well over so many years!!! mike[] Plus it is hard to argue with a chihuahua.
  19. Putting alot of chrome on a Pinto isn't going to make it a Porche. Not better - it's worse. _______________________________ No but it might make it more fire proof.............
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