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Everything posted by yamahaSHO

  1. No where in his post did he offer up La Scala's. What he does have: Two Heresy pairs and a KV-2 Center ...and an Onkyo SR-502 receiver
  2. I finally got a new audio rack after my last one ended up warping to crap (which was expensive). I wanted something simple and it seems to get something simple, it was cheap (particle board). The adjustable shelves were rated at 25 lbs, but I strengthened one of them to put 40 lbs worth of mono block amps. Eventually, when my extra garage is built, I'll have a table saw and build my own rack. Don' mind he TV on the ground, I am redoing the fire place and mantel.
  3. I go away on vacation for a few days and miss this.
  4. Got ahold of Klipsch... They are sending me out a new driver and told me to keep the other. Very easy to work with!
  5. Mine came with K-77-M squawkers, from the previous owner. They sounded great as well. The CT-120 was very noticeable, but they also complete the highs that the K-77's can't reach.
  6. I put the A-55's in when I got home from work today. Not much to comment on yet. They may seem a tad lower in volume, but they sound good. I'll probably need to listen to them for awhile. I did rerun Audessy and it did change the EQ a touch. I forgot to take a before and after pic. I likely will not make a thread about, but will when I completely refinish the speakers over winter.
  7. Ordered some K-33-E's from Klipsch the other day and received them today. I was pretty disappointed... Even before opening one of them, you could tell it wasn't packaged well, and it wasn't. No plastic bag and nothing to stop it from knocking around. I requested a replacement for the one driver as it looks beat up. Hopefully CS is easy to work with. That's thr driver cocked at an angle. It fell soon after this picture. The box looks like an outer box to the other box. Packaged very different...
  8. Picked up some A-55-G's. I'll probably install tomorrow and see what I think.
  9. I picked up some good condition La Scalas built in '78 and the wife likes they way the look over the RF-62's that they replaced. She thinks they look cooler and doesn't mind the size. We have a large living room, so that helps. I wasn't sure how she'd react... But a negative response would not have stopped me anyway. I've never heard the new La Scalas, but I know I prefer the look of the older ones... Probably because I grew up with them. I've upgraded drivers and the crossovers to my liking.
  10. I haven't owned a SHO in 6 years. I tune the fastest SHO in the world and have started tuning more these days. You'll see me on Netflix in the fall... www.jaztuning.com K-77's are still for sale.
  11. I have a set of K-77's I pulled out of my LA Scalas to upgrade and I will likely never use. Both were in perfect working condition when pulled this week. The horns have a little poly on them from whenever someone finished the cabinets. $125 shipped CONUS.
  12. Close... It's gotta Klipsch badge for a reason. My Jeep has a Mercedes diesel in it. 😛
  13. I grew up with my dad having a set of La Scala's that he purchased in 1982 and knew what they'd sound like... So I knew I'd be changing some things. Overall, I wish I had bought these sooner.
  14. Someone did some swapping on mine before I got them. They had AL's and the squawker had been replaced with a K-55-M (which sounds good and the cap is sealed). I like the high end extension of the new tweeters. Coming from RF-62's, I was missing it with the stock speakers (some of that could have been crossovers). The squawker/horn is less in your face now, but balances out nicely. I'll still need listen to them more, but I will probably just sell the old parts to recoup money from upgrading as I don't plan to put them back in.
  15. I didn't waste time in upgrading! I picked up some CT120's and A/4500's and I am very happy so far. I will likely upgrade to the A-55G soon and replace the bass drivers.
  16. So... I finally got these in my house last weekend after buying them 10 months ago. I am pretty happy with them as they are in decent shape. I will refinish them soon, but I already ordered A/4500 XO's and CT-120's. I will likely get the A-55's and replace the bass driver with a new K-33 (one of them has a noise, but I haven't opened it up yet as I could only hear it on once song). My sub is keeping up with these better than I thought.
  17. No longer for sale.
  18. The serial number has an "S" in it, which tells me 1978. I can't really ask the previous owner as they were sold because he is no longer with us.
  19. Correct. Now I am trying to decide if I want to swap to the new K-77-F setup and a new AL-3 or AA from Crites, or a Crites tweeter and a A/4500 crossover...
  20. Bought some La Scala's from this board... The location of them just happened to be in the same area of California as a good friend of mine. He picked them up for me and will bring them out next time he comes home to visit Colorado. Looking forward to getting them and upgrading them a bit (plus refinishing them), but it appears that some mix and matching had already happened on these. My buddy was told they've sat in the same spot (living room) for the last 25 years, when he picked them up. The serial number indicates they were built in 1978.
  21. Just got a reply back from him saying he has someone interested in looking at them on Friday at asking price. I just replied back with, "Sorry, I cannot come anywhere near asking price for these." He also never answered any of the questions I had... I can't see him getting half the asking price.
  22. If these were local, this is exactly what I'm looking to pickup and refinish.
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