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Everything posted by sputnik

  1. It was a beautiful afternoon here yesterday Two views of the same rock
  2. That looks like a classic 60’s coffee-shop folk music/poetry scene. Looks like you had few adoring women listening in too. I think that I had glasses like that but they looked better on you.
  3. Thanks Bruce. Looking forward to seeing what you share. There are some good photographers here but I hope that anyone will feel like posting their best shot. On photography forums, people can act pretty proud of themselves and get kind of snooty (maybe like certain audio topics here) but since photography is off-topic here, we can just share our best images without critique. I think one of the very best photography sites is 1x.com (sounds like porn but no). You can only submit one image per day (1x) to be approved by the site curators to be posted - amazing images and no attitude. Check it out.
  4. It just sort of looks like an area where my old girlfriend and I hung out a lot and the couple looks like us but would have to have been ‘82 or later. Anyway, it reminded of happy times.
  5. Do you know the date that shot was taken?
  6. Nice. Smith Rock - beautiful place and rock climbing Mecca.
  7. Bump. C’mon, let’s see your best photo. Gotta be some cool and interesting images stashed away in old slide carousels, shoeboxes, or SIM cards. Bring on some beauty.......
  8. Glad you both made it through the latest episode. I have a friend that went through the same thing multiple times with his wife. Last year was very hard on his family. You’re not alone.
  9. sputnik


    I think that I first read this apocryphal story about over-lawyering in a Clarence Darrow biography A cocky lawyer, defending a man for allegedly biting off someone’s ear in bar fight, is cross-examining a witness. Q: You have testified that my client bit off the victim’s ear. Is that correct? A: Yes sir. Q: Did you actually see my client bite off the victim’s ear? A: No sir, I did not. Note: He has just established that the witness didn’t actually see the defendant bite off the ear. Instead of sitting down, the lawyer dramatically asks one more question....... Q: So then, how can you be so all-fired sure that my client bit off the victim’s ear? A: Well sir, I saw him spit it out.
  10. sputnik


    Why don’t we just share some nice lawyer jokes?
  11. sputnik


    I just pushed the like button, you can pay me later.
  12. sputnik


    🤔 How can you have so many likes?
  13. sputnik


    I’m just as happy with good old fashioned “LOL” anytime. Most of my post count predates the “like” feature - makes it look like no one likes me.
  14. sputnik


    The IRS suspected a fishing boat owner wasn't paying proper wages to his deckhand and sent an agent to investigate him. IRS AUDITOR: "I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them". Boat Owner: "Well, there's Clarence, my deckhand, he's been with me for 3 years. I pay him $1,000 a week plus free room and board. Then there's the mentally challenged guy. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of Bacardi rum and a dozen Budweiser's every Saturday night so he can cope with life. He also gets to sleep with my wife occasionally". IRS AUDITOR: "That's the guy I want to talk to - the mentally challenged one". Boat Owner: "That would be me. What would you like to know"?
  15. sputnik


    That’s the idea, Why make it ugly?
  16. sputnik


    Emil, do you really think that any of the stuff that you’re posting is funny?
  17. sputnik


    Seriously, where would anyone ever get the idea that it was white power sign?
  18. sputnik

    Food Porn

    Eat it quick, some of the grease is escaping!!
  19. Just who is wringing their hands?? Who is trying to make you feel guilty?? Have you asked yourself if you’re just being over-sensitive?
  20. I was lucky to catch Fripp in NYC at the World Financial Center (next to the World Trade Center) in November of 2000 maybe 10 months or so before 9-11. There were Christmas decorations behind him in the atrium if I recall correctly. Still saddens me to think of the way things used to be.
  21. sputnik


    I still like to climb stuff. Had to slow down a bit due to some motorcycle injuries but here’s a shot of me from nearly 40 years ago in Alaska. My climbing partner kept telling me to move to my right a bit more as he was taking the shot.
  22. sputnik


    I like to shoot stuff.
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