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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. I'll take a closer look at them but I'm pretty sure the foam is more visible because of the angle of the pic and the fact that the flash shows the foam more clearly then with normal lighting.
  2. The previous owner tried moving them himself when he moved into his new house. The damage occured to the cabinets during that move. Apparently they were larger/heavier than he realized and that's when they were damaged.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280089017806&rd=1&rd=1 As stated in the auction, I will deliver or meet someone up to 100 miles from St. Cloud, Minnesota for free. I posted them for sale on here before and didn't have any realistic offers or interest so its on to eBay. If any forum member ends up being the high bidder and the actual shipping costs are less than $195 I will refund the difference.
  4. I emailed the seller and told him I gave everyone on here a heads-up about his auction. He replied within a couple minutes thanking me.
  5. I can give first hand experience to the JVC HD-56FN97 1080p that I bought from Best Buy. It uses a technology called HD-ILA which is JVC's version of LCoS (Liquid crystal on silicon). Sony's SXRD is apparently their version of LCoS, so the technology is similar. JVC uses the Genessa processor which according to magazine testing is the only TV on the market to properly de-interlace a 1080p signal. Everything inputted into the TV is automatically converted to 1080p. Standard definiton (SD) looks very, very good on the JVC. HD looks out of this world. I have mine hooked up to an Oppo DV-981HD 1080p upconverting player and it is incredible. There is no macro-blocking (good idea to research that term if you're not familiar with it), the picture is incredibly dynamic and detailed and the TV keeps up perfectly with fast-moving video games and movies.
  6. I think tomorrow the Dow will be down 50. Then it will be flat for the rest of the week. Beginning of next week it will go back up a bit. Let's see how my guess plays out.
  7. I don't have any experience with that exact receiver but generally Denon is a good match with Klipsch speakers.
  8. wuzzzer

    rc7 or rc 62

    Since the RC-62 is from the current generation Reference line, it would probably match the RB-81s the best. Don't skimp on the center channel, its a crucial part of a surround sound setup.
  9. Why is it that wives have to stick their noses in situations like this? Do you think she would let you stand in her way of anything she'd want to do to improve something that she didn't like in the house? Fortunately for me when my wife and I bought our house we agreed on something before we bought it: The basement was mine to do whatever I wish with, and the rest of the house was hers. I thought this was a pretty fair deal, and I because of it I have acoustic foam, corner bass traps, oak speakers that match NOTHING else in the room, a 56" TV, a subwoofer that is 46" tall and stands out like a sore thumb, wires everywhere, and (best of all) a huge smile on my face. I agree with others who have said to move the speaker out a little bit if possible. Even very small changes to speaker position can help quite a bit.
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280084606495&rd=1&rd=1 Ends tonight...happy bidding!
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280084688294&rd=1&rd=1 Ends tonight...happy bidding!
  12. I just asked my wife and she said its called a Swiffer duster.
  13. They turned out to be great ones. About as mint as you can possibly get, passives are perfect without the pushed in dust cap that many have. The seller originally had them advertised for $400. After about a week on craigslist he dropped them to $275. I showed up cash in hand the next day.
  14. I run my Forte IIs without the grills. I like looking at the horns and woofers instead of black fabric.
  15. I just looked on eBay to see how much Fortes have been selling for...one Forte II oiled oak pair like mine went for over $600! Every time I see that I can't believe I only paid $275 for mine!
  16. My wife has one of those too. I should try it out sometime.
  17. I'm stuck at my house with about a 3 foot drift around my garage and my wife's car. We didn't end up going to Morris last night...thank God! They get crazy drifts out there anytime it snows, we probably would have been stuck out there for days. It would be fun to still go as I'm sure the freeways and main roads have been plowed well. I don't have a snowblower so it should be fun shoveling out. []
  18. Honestly you're better off leaving the sub in On mode all the time. It will draw virtually the same amount of power in standby as opposed to On as long as its not amplifying an audio signal. That way your sub is always ready to pound instead of waiting for it to power up.
  19. Watched the animated movie "Hoodwinked" last night. Pretty funny movie and it sounded great. Boosting the audio signal +5 decibels didn't seem to negatively affect the audio at all.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/Klipsch-KLF20-speakers_W0QQitemZ290087485354QQihZ019QQcategoryZ61378QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem No affiliation, looks like a good deal!
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