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Everything posted by Tarheel

  1. Bluesboy and I were making a 10 inch reel tape today while having a sip or two of Spongeworthy's top shelf tequila that he so graciously left behind. Talking about magic moments in music lead us to the supposition that if you could go back in time what 5 events/venues would you have liked to have attended. We thought this would make a good thread and immediately came up with a few examples. These were not thought out answers but a few quick responses. Here are a few and please feel free to do your own. A day at Woodstock with whoever A night at the Blackhawk or Plugged Nickle listening to Miles Davis Early days of the Sex Pistols A day at the Monterey Pop Festival A night with Dylan and the Dead A night in the 60s with Dylan in NY A day with Hendrix Sharing a bottle of Southern Comfort with Janis Joplin on stage Okay...I know thats eight but I am the host. Lets hear yours. Chuck
  2. Hey OB, I thought about you while writing my post. I thought you might reply since you are probably the ultimate proponent of rock and roll music on the forum. If left in your hands R&R will never die....thats a given. I had only been ten years old for about a month when these three pioneers met their untimely deaths and can't say I recall the event or the news coverage that followed. If you do...please write a few words about your recollections. I don't think I remember much about that time period other than baseball and BB guns....not even girls yet. Well.... maybe a little about girls[] Don McLean's 1971 hit American Pie immortalized Holly, Valens, and the Big Bopper and was released at a time when my ear was closer to the music. It was a defining moment for a lot of us baby boomers. So many more artist were to follow and were remembered in the Righteous Brothers song R&R Heaven. I bet you can recall where you were when we got the news about Jim, Janice, and Jimmy. BTW...Mr. Berkowitz collects phonographs as well as r&r records and memorabilia...I hope he returns my call...I would love to visit. Tarheel
  3. February 3, 1959....48 years ago today...Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the "Big Bopper", J.P. Richardson died in a plane crash. Herb Berkowittz, who lives in Wilmington, NC wrote a column in the opinions section of the Wilmington Star News today reminding us rock'n'rollers of that sad day. I will take the liberty to quote from Mr. Berkowitz to share with you his sentiments. "In the pre beatles era of rock-n-roll, Holly was one of three white boys who really, really mattered, and the only one who didn't live long enough to cash in on it. " Elvis went on to stardom and Roy Orbison had 2 number one hits." "Of the hundreds who helped define rock-n-roll many are gone. (most recently James Brown and Thornton James Hudson). Only a handful of legitimate stars remain: Chuck Berry, Pat Boone, Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard." The Crickets, Fireballs, and Bobby Vee will be back at the Surf Ballroom tonight (last venue prior to the plane crashing) along with the Cleftones, Dale Hawkins and barbara Lewis. "Don McLean was only half right: Holly died that February weekend but his music lives on." Thank you Mr. Berkowitz for remembering. Tarheel
  4. Dtel's wife...this is another Bluesboy project. I brought it back in case you missed it first go around. I can vouch for Spongeworthy's khorns....they are fantastic! Tarheel
  5. This thread has had its alotted time but Dtel's wife wanted to see other Bluesboy projects so I brought it back. Keith...I know today was special for you and I too spent the afternoon with my system and some good single mault. I must say your speakers are about as close to musical nirvana as I have come. That said lets don't get Bluesboy's head too big or he may start charging for his speaker builds. Enjoy the night as well and come back soon. Tarheel
  6. Spongeworthy just now left from my house for that long dark stretch of I-40 to Raleigh. He met us at Don's shop earlier and the khorns were ready and waiting for his xovers and midrange drivers. A quick hookup and we all were in store for a musical treat. Don brought along several cds including the remastered Santana Abraxas and Keith brought along a Red Hot Chili Peppers cd. Wonderful sound...some of the best music that I have ever heard. We then went to my house for ribs, chili and mexican beer talked music, equipment, and the forum and some of our favorite forum personalities. We listened to my hybrid LS and much too quickly said so long. It was a very nice saturday afternoon. My take was that Spongeworthy was pleased with his purchase and it was really great to meet him. Chuck
  7. If Doc can't help I would recommend Jim Ellis at Sonic Perfectionist who has done some really good work for me. Contact him at jim@SonicPerfectionist.com or 206-774-0596. Chuck
  8. Thanks Dtel's wife...I am looking forward to Keiths visit...its really fun connecting with folks with the same interest....some just don't get our interest in music/equipment. Last weekend I had some friends over for dinner and they said my system sounded really great but they just didn't see sitting silently in front of a system passively listening. He talked of buying a new plasma tv and being entertained that way. It doesn't have to be an either/or situation you can have either or both. I agree...I would like to meet more forum members....this will be the first visit..excluding bluesboy...and he's no fun...but seriously if you ever get to the east coast give us a call. Chuck
  9. It would be worth the trip from dowm south just to meet Old Buckster. I think he is a shoe in for the classic rock hall of fame. Is the Duke going to be there? Chuck
  10. Not to steal Spongeworthy's thunder but tommorow Spongeworthy comes to the port city to pick up yet another set of speakers. How many pair does that make? I know he just bought some Cornwalls and now he is picking up a pair of khorn hybrids built by Bluesboy and decked out in piano black lacquer and paduak trim. After a stop at Bluesboy's shop to audition the speakers and eat some ribs, we will go to my house to listen to my hybrid La Scalas. We don't get many forum members down our way so this is kind of a big deal for us. I am sure Spongeworthy will give everyone a full report once he gets them home and set up. Four sets of klipsch....what an understanding wife.....I've got to meet her someday. Anyway...a great Saturday in store. Keith..plan to spend the night if you want we have the room. Chuck
  11. Hi Keith....yes I will be here this weekend...come on down. Been in Rocky Mount on business the last two days and Just got in....a little road weary. Time for a scotch and some music. Suppose to be very cold Friday but moderating for the weekend. I will check with Don and see how your speakers are coming along. Looking forward to seeing you. Chuck
  12. Keith...are you going to sit those on top of your new khorn hybrids.? They look mint. Good score. Hope to see you down this way soon. Chuck
  13. William....I did get your pm when I got to work Monday and sent a reply. I gave you my home email address since the other one is only good when I am goofing off at work weekdays. Try me at blackweldercmjr@bellsouth.net. or cblackwelder@hcpplanning.com. Just checked the forum after checking out reel to reels on ebay and saw your thread. I don't need a fourth RTR but if a mint one comes up I like to look. Saw your reply about reel tape prices today and that link you mentioned is a keeper. I had them send a catalog. Keep me up to speed on your second system as things progress. If I had a house and budget large enough I would probably have a house full of equipment especially vintage. What do you think of the replacement tubes in your preamp? I have been using Dougs Tubes as well and need to retube my preamp soon. BTW..the new avatar...your car? If so drive on down this weekend and will get Bluesboy and Spongeworthy together and audition some speakers. Chuck
  14. Dave...before you check yourself into a clinic please try a couple of these selections. I frequently am bummed about how bad cds from the 80s and 90s sound and bemoan the fact that I own so many from that era. I need to cull about 300 from my collection. With a great recording I am usually happy with my system. Maybe we can start a thread getting folks to list their 5 favorite cds for sound quality. Here are my five. Sonny Rollins-Saxaphone Colossus Mark Knopfler-One Take Radio Sessions Miles Davis-Kind Of Blue Mark Knopfler-Shangri-La Van Morrison-Pay The Devil Sonny Rollins-Way Out West Tahe 2 of these and call me in the morning. Chuck
  15. I may have missed this point in someones comments and if I did please excuse me...I am getting older along with my ears. Trying to recreate a sound we remember or thinking the music sounded better back when could have something to do with our point of reference. My first reciever was a Bellewood with tiny speakers that I bought from a furniture store. It had a built in 8 track player and I thought it was great. It couldn't have been great but it was a step up from a transistor radio. See where this is going? So in 1971 or there about I bought a Pioneer SX-780, a Pioneer PL-12D, and Radio Shack Nova 8s? and later added a Teac 3300S reel to reel. This too sounded great. I thought I was on the cutting edge. From there A Pioneer SX-1280 and Mcintosh ML-1Cs, and a AR tt. Then a Denon cd player was added and the AR was sold (mistake). By then the disco 80s were here and I quit listening. About five years ago I started trying to ressurect a system or put together a new one by buying back the reel to reel I had given to a friend. I gave him 4 classical cds and he gave me the Teac back. I still had the 1280 in storage and dusted it off. Then I bought a Denon DP-1250 and ordered a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood cartridge. I sent the reel to reel off for repairs and had the McIntosh speakers reconed. Everything sounded okay but not the improvement that I had heard going from car radio to the Bellewood. So now I am on my second set of LS, tube preamp, mono amps, tubed cd player, record vac, stylus force gauge, silver interconnects, hepa filter to control the dust and a dedicated music room. Know what....it sounds great but the difference is less noticeable than the difference between the car radio and the Bellewood to my then twenty something ears. The quantum leaps were made in the early stages and now they are less dramatic and cost much more for incremental improvements. BTW ....I had glass cut for the top of the McIntosh speakers and they are doing duty as end tables in my music room. The Teac 3300S now rebuilt joins a X-10 Teac and both are played daily. So Dave.....take a break as Phil suggested...go for a hike on the AT, collect or drink Scotch, or whatever...I am sure your system sounds wonderful and will when you come back to it...maybe not as good as your first system did in your minds eye...but still very good! Chuck
  16. Sorry...that thread I mentioned is on 2 channel entitiled "can you go too far?" Chuck
  17. William.. Did you see the QS line stage preamp on audiogon.com for $550. Another deal. I have decided my next system build will be to get the best sound at a very reasonable price by shopping used equipment and building the speakers. I think a very good system can be put together for less than five grand if you go this route. Its amazing how quickly the price of stereo equipment drops in a year or two. You are probably right about calling Mike Sanders. He will probably say to leave well enough alone. One of the reasons I like my monos is the reliabilty and I haven't had a seconds problem with mine so I guess he builds them to last and be trouble free. Let us know what you do with the caps and the results....until then keep squeezing everything you can from your already great system. BTW there is an interesting thead on updates and modifications about someone who has tweaked ad infinitum and is still disillusioned with the results. Its a pretty good read. Its about recapturing a sound he remembers from college days. Anyway.....have a great weekend. Chuck
  18. William... my system is at it's best yet. As you may recall the hybrids replaced the 2005 LS and recently ALK Engineering designed xovers for the 511b/902 combination for me. Bluesboy put them together and I have been listening to them for about 2 weeks now. Still running the KT-77s in the horn monos. Two Mark Knopfler cds came in the mail yesterday and the sound quality of those 2 recordings was excellent. Way more bass than ever and absolutely all I need. As soon as the second reel to reel gets back from rehab in florida all will be well with my world. You know what bothers me from time to time is that I find some remarkable recordings (remastered or not as long as the recordings used 21 or 24 bit processing) that sound so good that I don't want to hear the cds from the 80s and 90s. What do you do with old cds that don't sound good? That is more of a rhetorical question unless someone has a really good solution. Donate them to the library? ***** shooting? I have probably 300 cds like that and maybe 100 that sound really great. It sounds like you continue to tinker/upgrade your system. Any changes planned other than the caps? Have you talked with Mike Sanders about the cap question? Chuck
  19. Hi William.....can't answer your question but thought I would mention the 3 sets of Quicksilver Audio amps on Audiogon.com. A set of horn monos, a set of silver 60s, and a set of vo4s all at about half the retail price! Go to tube amps and then look under classifieds. Chuck
  20. Welcome to the forum Vixenvamp6. There were so many BSR TTs made you shouldn't have too much trouble locating a cartridge. Do a google search for stereo cartridges, Microphone solutions.com or try audiogon.com and search analog/cartridges. Needledoctor is a good site as mentioned above. Ebay may have what you need. Good luck. Chuck
  21. Thanks BS. The wait was well worth it. The xovers were icing on the cake. Now I am content with my system and can get to the business of listening to the music. Bluesboy is now building a pair of khorns in the black/paduak look like my speakers. Can't wait to hear those. Chuck
  22. Absolutely beautiful work...some of the finest ever and I love the overkill aspects of the job. What a way to end your upgrading. Congratulations and now enjoy the fruit of your labor. Chuck
  23. Bluesboy soldered late into sunday morning on the custom designed xovers making him late for the playoff games and the first rack of ribs. Reed and I had to occupy ourselves with Sam's Boston Lager and football. A quick hookup expedited by dangling ribs on a stick in front of Bluesboy and we were ready to go. Sonny Rollin's "Way Out West" and Stevie Ray Vaughn "Couldn't Stand The Weather" never sounded so good. Much tighter bass. A very good upgrade. Not bad for a rainy sunday in Carolina. Looking forward to hearing Spongeworthy's new hybrids very soon but for now its off to work and 2 days on the road. Chuck
  24. Good thread Coytee. Let me add Over The Rhine, Natalie Merchant, Joan Armatrading. Sunny Sumter, Kendra Shank and Monica Worth from Mapleshade records. Nana Mouskouri, Sara Brightman. Chuck
  25. Christina....that does sound like a deal. Someone will likely snap those up. I prefer my LS hybrids with Altec, Beymas, and ALK Egineering xovers but the new LS ll has been getting good reviews. Thanks for the heads up. Chuck
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