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dtel's wife

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Everything posted by dtel's wife

  1. We were computerless for a few days,,,,, Dtel had been asking for a few weeks what I wanted for my birthday, which was Christmas Day.[<)][^] I really couldn't think of anything I wanted. A neighbor friend, who installs tile flooring, countertops, etc. came over Christmas Eve to show us some tile he had left over from a previous job. The tile was beautiful. Very muted colors, with a textured surface. I have to admit that I know very little about tile, but this stuff is gorgeous. The colors match our house perfectly. The colors are somewhat "sage green" and "bone", with light smoke grout. After a few minutes I looked at dtel and said, "I know what you can give me for my birthday". The neighbor friend then said, "Look, I am not going to charge you for any of this, I just need you (dtel) to drive my dumptruck for a few hours if the neighbor down the street accepts our bid." (The neighbor friend also owns a trackhoe and dumptruck, which he uses for small jobs) These countertops were long anticipated as the renovation of our kitchen took place two years ago. We couldn't decide what kind of countertops we wanted, let alone what colors we wanted. As it turns out, the tile is "Italian Porcelain". The neighbor did a custom pattern on the counter and our island bar. The tiles are 12 x 12 sage green and bone and 6 x 6 sage green and bone, with "light smoke" grout. The pattern incorporates "picture framing and diagonal design". It is awesome. Hopefully, we can get some pics in a few days. As I stated earlier these tiles were left over from a previous job. According to our neighbor these tiles and grout were selected by an interior designer for the previous house. It's obvious when you see these tiles with this grout. The tile portion is now complete, we still have to decide on the "trim" and what or if to seal the tiles. This is the only part of construction on our home that dtel and I did not do ourselves. Anyway, I am so glad I picked these countertops for my birthday present. It's probably one of the nicest birthday presents ever.[G] I could not have asked for a better match for our house.
  2. Marvel, As always, your posts about Barbara move me to tears, not bad tears. Tears of joy for you and the kids. Your enduring faith has kept you strong and your family ties even stronger. The gift of the rose at Barbara's funeral says it all. Barbara was thought of miles and miles away from the funeral. We never know when God will answer our cry, but like has already been said, "He never gives us more than we can bear." This Christmas season and always we wish you and yours the very best. Christy and Elden
  3. Thank you. I love you too. My birthday was wonderful.
  4. I had never heard of her before either, but dtel and I were both impressed with her vocals. She is really really good and hardly even strains! Emotional, without whining, I like that. BTW, we had consider purchasing some of her other music, but weren't sure if we would like it or not. Even for non-Motown fans Standing in the Shadows of Motown is an excellent buy. Although, how someone could not like Motown is beyond me. Even Colter thought the music was great. Not bad for a rock and roll fan.
  5. How about Joan Osbuorne? She is one of the female vocalists on Standing In the Shadows of Motown. On the CD/DVD she sings "(Love is like a) Heat Wave" and "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted". She is truly amazing on "Brokenhearted".
  6. I think it was Michael that said, "enjoy your holidays. Just leave me out of them." That is a tough request for people that really care about him, like all 21 of us dtels.[] Christmas is always special at the dtel house, especially since my birthday is Christmas Day!!![<)][^][G] Michael, I promise not to think about you on Christmas Day![*-)]
  7. Wayne we are all glad to see you back with us and feeling better. I am glad things are starting to look up. The weight loss is amazing, congratulations.
  8. I considered starting this thread when we arrived home from our cruise. I am glad I waited a few days to begin. I would like this thread to serve as an avenue for any and all forum members that would like to extend a thank you to others. If your thank you is just for someone being supportive in your time of need or to thank your wife/husband for that super duper Christmas present, please feel free to "hi-jack" the thread. Being thankful for the smallest things, make the bigger things all the more special. I will start... I would like to thank Elden for showing me what love really is. I would like to thank all of the forum members and their family members for being such good friends. I would like to thank my family for loving me, even when I probably didn't deserve their love. I would like to thank my in laws for being the family I never had. I would like to thank Klipsch and Associates for giving us a place to share our knowledge, love and friendships. I would like to thank Colterphoto for sharing himself with us for a week, allowing us to get know him and being the friend he has been since the day we joined this forum. I would also like to thank him for sharing his photography skills with us. I would like to thank arfandbark for the generous gift, the HK930 reciever. He wouldn't even accept repayment of the shipping charges I would like to thank Amy for allowing us to be ourselves with as little interference as possible, while maintaining civility when we forget to be civil. I would also like to thank Amy for being a good friend. I am proud to say I know people like Amy. I would like to thank Daddy Dee for the encouragement and advice he has given so many of us freely and lovingly. I would be proud to be a member of your congregation Dee. I would like to thank (Rick) Audio Flynn for making another family's Christmas as special as it can be in trying times. Rick, your kindness and generosity shows the true meaning of Christmas. I would also like to thank Fini and his family for being the special folks they are. His wife and kids are the greatest, just like him. Fini,thanks for making me laugh even when I don't feel like laughing sometimes. Picky and Verna, thank you for making the Pilgramage so enjoyable. These thank yous are not in any special order, just written as they came to mind. I know there are many other thanks that I probably forgot, but this is an open thread and I will post those thanks as they come to me. Please feel free to post your thanks to others.
  9. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd.
  10. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd. Elden is a
  11. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd. Elden is
  12. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd. Elden is a
  13. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd. Elden is a
  14. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd. He's
  15. That would be UNCLE Elden. But kind words for a very gentle and loving guy (I know you try to act tough, it's not you) Excuse me Michael. You need to slow down a little when you read our posts. I am the one Elden convinced to go snorkeling. Indy's assessment of my statement was very accurate. Elden's patience in our "snorkeling adventure" opened a new world for me, in more ways than one. The level of fear Elden helped me to overcome in snorkeling reinforced my trust in him as my life long friend and husband. In addition, the sights of the underwater world gave me a new appreciation for taking time to see the beautiful things in everyday life. Besides, I have accepted your igoring me in favor of the younger crowd.
  16. We were out of town when you started this thread. So, in case I haven't already told you, welcome to the "Forum Family of KIlipsch". Secondly, whenever I see a "newbie" post I always try to direct your attention to the Pilgramage Section of the Forum. While there be sure to take a look at the thread called "dtels Cornwall III's". It shows the entire build process, beginning to end of the Cornwall III's Klipsch awarded dtel when his name was drawn out of the hat at the 2006 Pilgramage in Hope. We selected the veneer we wanted and Klipsch took care of the rest. How many audio companies do you know giving speakers away to their "forum members". If you ever get the chance try to visit the factory in Hope, it is an awesome experience.
  17. It appears that I have received most email notifications. There does seem do be a slight conflict between receiving PMs in my KIipsch inbox and through regular email. I yes, I do have both enabled. And yes, for some reason my emails from forum members ends up in the Junk Folder of my regular email account. I have been using standard email for the most part when communicating privately with forum members, just to make sure they get the message.
  18. For those of you that have not visited the National D-Day Museum in New Orleans (which by the way is part of our Smithsonian Institute) it is a must do if you are ever in the area. The trip to the D-Day museum was our first visit, as well as Michael's first visit to the museum. Our six year old grandson did not move or speak during the entire 45 minute documentary introduction. His attention was focused solely on the documentary. The entire forty five minutes was original footage from World War II. Other than the sniffles (crying) from the viewers in the movie viewing room you could have heard a pin drop. Excellent footage. After exiting the introductory movie I made it a point to go back to the admissions area to shake the hand of the World War II veteran that is still giving of himself every day by acting as an ambassador for all visitors to the museum. The museum is staffed by paid employees as well as volunteer veterans. Our grandson, Buddy was standing beside me when I shook the hand of the World War II veteran. Buddy overheard me telling the vet in a somewhat tearful voice "thank you for everything you have done in service to our country." When we walked away Buddy asked me, "Maw Maw why did you tell that man thank you and shake his hand". I explained that he was one of the many "armymen" in the movie we had just watched. Buddy said, "Maw Maw I want to shake his hand and tell him thank you too." A tear jerker for me and a true heartwarming experience for our veteran still serving as an ambassador at the museum. The memorabilia housed in this museum is most impressive. Everything from actual tanks, mines, rifles, matchbooks and anything in between. All authentic memorabilia which has been obtained mostly through private donors. I have always respected and appreciated the job our military does of protecting our country, however my level or respect and appreciation was greatly elevated by touring this museum. Thanks for the special request to visit the museum Michael. This museum should be on everyone's must see list.
  19. I am not doubting that you tried everything to get the DVD player to dispay the jpeg images larger. If I am not mistaken we also reset an option on the television to display jpeg images. On screen television menu which allows us to "toggle" between satellite, cable etc. I think it is called "Antenna" on our menu. Just a thought. In any event our Pioneer DVD model number DV 653A will display jpeg images (along with selecting the proper setting on TV) a little less than full screen size (full screen size is 65"), This is great for showing our photos to dtel's mother who is 73 and almost blind. (Long term effects of diabetes). This DVD player is also relatively inexpensive. Tom, I hope this helps you out.
  20. We took several of those disposable underwater cameras. Michael, what no comment on the Christmas invitation. I am insulted.[] And...it is about you, you should have came with us on the cruise. We did invite you. Heck, I invited you to go with us on the next one.
  21. Carnival Cruise Line was great, especially since we took Buddy(six year old grandson) with us. Club Carnival (for kids) proved to be a wonderful adventure for him. He did everything from sand art to Build a Bear. The last night of the cruise the kids at a huge party and we could hear them above us in the main dining room. This may sound crazy but it felt great to "hear the kids" having a good time, while the adults were having a formal dinner. Travis, if you can do it, go snorkeling in Cozumel, it was unbelievable. I was extremely stressed because I am not terribly fond of water. It took me about fifteen minutes standing in the water to even get up enough nerve to put my face under water with the mask on, not to mention the "tube". Once I overcame the fear of being underwater and breathing through a tube it was totally awesome. I am extremely grateful to Elden. He spent a lot of time convincing me to snorkel, even though he knew how fearful I was. He stood by patiently and waited for me to overcome the fears and then he showed me a world that I had only seen photographs. The opporunity to view the underwater world was "life changing". Thank you. Travis, how many days are you going?
  22. You are a rock star... aren't we all? I am so glad you got to experience what true southern hospitality is supposed to be. Besides, you learned the real meaning of "Southern Belle". Your visit with us put a new spin on "family" for you as well. It means a lot to me that you feel like family, because in case you haven't noticed....you have been indoctrinated into the "dtel family". The invitation to visit the "Nut Hut" is always open. You would love the holidays here. Plus, Christmas Day is my birthday Michael. What a wonderful birthday surprise a visit from "my favorite rock star" would be. Our house is always open to you, didn't I tell you where we hid the spare key?[] Besides, insane travel for us insane people just makes the holidays all the more special. In any event, you know the way here, the door is always open and we'll leave a light on for you. We love you too! Christy
  23. We were on Carnival Cruise Lines, the ship was the "Fantasy". The food was excellent, especially the dinners in the main dining areas. This cruise surpassed any expectations I may have had about "taking a cruise". Talk about service with a smile. Every and and I do mean every crew member was thrilled to be onboard to serve us and it showed. The ship offered so many different viewing decks.The top deck included an Olympic Sized Jogging Track (not used very often) and a nine hole Putt-Putt Course. The deck just below had numerous ping pong tables set up. There was a variety of music and entertainment onboard, including a casino, a couple of live bands, a couple of djs, as well as several lounges. You could enjoy breakfast outdoors, right beside the hand railing. DWI, we went to Cozumel and Costa Maya. As our daughter so aptly phrased it, "Cozumel was breathtakiing", as least the snorkeling. We also hit some of the shops along the main road that follows the coastline in Cozumel. We all had lunch at Pancho's Back Yard which was provided the right atmosphere for a day in Cozumel. And, of course, we hit Carlos and Charlie's. We were able to bring Buddy in Carlos and Charlie's and he thought it was pretty cool. All the animals hanging from the ceiling and he enjoyed the music, especially with the DJ sitting in the little bus. When you disembark in Cozumel go past all the tourist shops to the taxi area, (just ask any local where to catch a taxi). Tell the taxi driver (most speak enough English to communicate with you) you want to go to Chakkenaub State Park(sp). This is also where "Swim with the Dolphins" excursion is. The taxi will cost about $20.00. Upon arrival at Chakkenaub, go to the entrance gate and decide what you want to do, (basic, snorkeling, dolphins, etc.). Pay your appropriate entrance fee. Once inside the gate, enjoy your day on the beach. The snorkeling is awesome in that area. When you are ready to leave go back to the entrance gate and the taxi's are lined up to take you whereever you want to go. We took the taxi to Pancho's Back Yard. The taxi ride to Pancho's took us along "Beach Road"and provided a good opportunity to see what shops are in Cozumel. After a very enjoyable meal at Pancho's Back Yard we headed back towards the pier, did some shopping and ended up at Carlos and Charlie's. After a couple of drinks at Carlos and Charlie's we hailed a taxi back to the pier. Total taxi fees were under $60.00. Entrance to Chakkenaub including snorkeling was around $16.00 each, that includes snorkeling gear. Or, you can book this excursion through Shore Excursions on board. I was not impressed with Costa Maya. We had very little time in port which did not provide much opportunity to get away from the "shopping area". Any excursion would have taken too long to enjoy any of Costa Maya, so we thought. In retrospect, the shopping in Costa Maya was okay, but I would definitely go snorkeling or to see the "Mayan Ruins" next time. Someone did say the snorkeling in Costa Maya did not provide as much underwater beauty as in Cozumel. We had heard the reef at Chakkenaub State Park in Cozumel is the second largest in the world. Travis, what cruise line are you taking and where is the embarkation? What cities are on your itenerary? Is this your first cruise?
  24. You guys are great. Just so you all know we made it home from our cruise. It was beautiful. The water was crystal clear and the prettiest color blue I have ever seen. I have to get the suitcases unpacked, but will post a thread later on our adventures. We were going to call and check in, but what the heck, we had such a good time. Yes, we did have to provide a "nearest living relative" just in case we hit an iceberg while "cruisin the Carribean".[]
  25. What? We have to pay you to hang out here with us now? All this time I thought you were here for the "conversation". We love you and miss you. We got your telephone message and we hope your day went well.
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