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Everything posted by meagain

  1. Much of my issue with speaker wire is "to look cool"! My wire is exposed and looks like crap. Mostly it doesn't lay right. Not flexy. I like the look of the mesh covering and the one-wire look instead of 2 wires stuck together. I want it to be flexible/soft and not need tacking down against the floor/baseboard. I think I'm going to try to make my own. Maybe a winter project.
  2. Yea yea - I put "both" (in case Klipsch was funnin' us) - but if not both "B". So did my husband. A instantly smacked as "more enjoyable", but what I do is ignore soundstage, width, depth, feel, air, etc. and focus on the sound from the speaker itself - THEN the soundstage/feel comes later (more like icing on the cake). That's how I judged.... ignored the 'feel' part. Just thought "B" was cleaner like on Sarah Mc's vocal, etc. My husband zeroed in on the horns in the music. But surely A was fuller, etc. and I initially was going to put "A" till I started obsessing. Maybe cuz they were in the wall? I thought both speakers were pretty comparable on the face of it. One didn't 'totally suck' over the other IMO. Oh well - Sorry. I guess more accurately A: 13 B: 6. Well, if those were in wall speakers - gosh that sure would be nice. I would buy those. Are those the types one can rotate?
  3. LOL! DK - Get the Chorus!!!! [Y]
  4. Yes, that's another issue. We have the TV, cornwall, and gear/rack system between the khorns. No clue how it would sound without it. When we get around to the remodel, want to put the gear either in the wall or some type of closet thing. But will always want a TV/center speaker there. This could be sunk in sort of like building a closet behind the wall so we could recess the cornwall and DLP TV - though surely at some point have a big flatscreen on the wall. Tricky. Do you think a big flatscreen on the wall between khorns would 'do something'? And, would a recessed/flush cornwall be a problem? The other option is to put them on the 29' wall but I think that's too wide apart. Since I have 2 pairs of khorns, I could probably do something interresting like a/b between sets. Like, using the rear khorns divided up (I can't explain this well right now). I also need to determine the best ceiling height. We can do anything we want with that cuz basically this whole section of house is horrifying and is a tear down situation. Can't even use a stud finder in one room cuz the previous owners did a DIY 'remove the screen porch and make it part of the house' type thing. Obviously whilst on bad drugs or several kegs of beer.
  5. I could have brought some Koi and dumped them in there. I need to downsize!
  6. 17' x 29' is almost dead on what I was shooting for for here. We have 2 rooms that need to be made into one. The 17' part is arbitrary but I kept using 18 in my mind. Hmmm..... I'll definitely be talking to you about that in the future. The hard part is how to incorporate room treatments in a main living area. Would be easy if it was to be a dedicated room, but I don't want that.
  7. Wow - Did you veneer those yourself? They look awesome. It's nice to have pretty gear.
  8. I didn't quite get through this thread yet, but Craig's been very helpful to me in puzzling out my oddball, non-VRD related problems here. Never really heard him bad mouth anyone or at least say anything beyond what he's said to a given person here to their face publicly. It would not surprise me one bit if he's cried on others shoulders about the grief I caused him and that's ok with me somehow. Know what I mean? I would trust him to work on any piece of gear to both do a good job and not rip me off. I trust his ethics there. IDK, but I appreciate types who get to the point and don't pussyfoot around and I think he's a 'good person'. As far as VRDs, it's the only tube amp(s) I've had (besides a Scott) so I can't comment much on differences - just that I'm getting the best sound right now with them. Bass is wonderful and given the comments of great bass from others, I'd be real afraid to try anything else unless maybe in a biamp situation. I did have problems with them but it seems it pertained to my goofy house electrical and I don't really see anyone else who had the problem except for maybe Dean who also had goofy house electrical. I bought mine used also FWIW.
  9. The wood looks to not have a gloss to it. No poly (or whatever).... If that's right, I like the look. Natural finish. Hmmm......
  10. Like I said before, these 2 have an obvious guy-crush on each other. Your turn Dean - Fess up. We're all friends here.
  11. Anarchist - I'd bet you money that if Craig indeed wanted to or did talk sh*t about someone..... 1) the person talked about would know/expect it cuz any disdain would've been in the open 2) would have been pre-talked about in the open on the forum. This is my theory. Kinda like how I called you an a**hole on the forum and also at the Fest. (that said, I found you pleasant enough in person)
  12. Integrated, has a remote, and handsome looking. Not too shabby on the price either.
  13. 3 pages on the VRDs. I can't read now. Too busy being pissed off I'm not in line for an iPhone on launch day. But gosh - I gotta say something changed here and last night - boom. I'm getting spectacular sound. And yes, the discussion last night revolved around our khorns probably besting the 60th's. Minimally, bass-wise. Anarchist - I know Dean and Craig have a man-crush on each other despite being in a tiff...... I'm now kinda wondering if you might have one for Craig also? []
  14. Pauln, I replied on the 15th. I talked to Dean about it and I had another trip and just got back Wed night. I guess Dean still has it. I'll PM him.
  15. Burning down the house would be a wonderful thing if I can get my cats and a few items out first.
  16. But with many things that have "specs" like gadgets, cars, gear - there is a factual side to what's better. It can be shown, proven, demonstrated. Is an Acura RL better than a Chevy Aveo? Yes. Factually. It 'should' give a better driving experience as well as comforts. Because it's factually better all the way around. Could one have more fun driving the Aveo over the RL? Sure. Personal opinion/bent. But if one is asking whether or not one is better than the other, surely the answer would be the RL. I cannot imagine a Heresey besting a Chorus myself. Personally or factually.
  17. It's working now! Swimmingly. I think something must have come loose along the way somewhere. Maybe even a chunk of lint under the laser area, etc. I cleaned the heck out of it. Craig - I just plugged in my Furman. Wall: 123.6. Furman: 119.6
  18. I have some questions about the Klipschorn room. The room was (if I recall), 17 feet wide (khorn wall) by how long? What exactly was the speaker cable? It was super thick. Interconnects? I need to get new cable. I have more questions about the treatments but need to have more coffee. I also want to learn more about the construction of the 60th's but I think that's been discussed on 2-channel before so I'll go a-searchin'. I didn't really know that the guts were different. I thought it was merely backs slapped on. I wouldn't mind investigating how to tweak mine like that but i fear mucking up my sound. Oh - for now, I'd like to know what's going on between the bass bin & top hat. There's some type of riser in there or is it more a gap? Some day, I hope to find a pair of old junky khorns to get that look. I always thought the top hat in all black looked great and seeing the 60th's confirmed that for me. I don't care for the 2-tone brown/black look.
  19. If anyone is disturbed by their photo and finding it a wakeup call....... I'll be starting a "Let's go on a diet" thread on General later today.
  20. Anarchist played James Blunt 'Your Beautiful' song really loud on the khorns. I think he was getting in touch with his feminine side.
  21. Who - What is YOUR opinion? And also the khorns. I personally want a do-over. Equal situations - proper a/b. But for me.... there was some good sounds coming out of that Khorn room IMO. IDK what steps I'd take to go far beyond that. Would have LOVED to have heard the khorns with some different amps/gear. I got to the Mixer late, after 8:30pm. IDK if there was a proper or better listening situation beforehand that I missed. Did I think they sounded good? Nope. Did I prefer the Khorns? Yep. But I can't fully judge unless they were in equal situations. Darn it. My impression was this.... They sounded bad until the few moments when cranked. Then they sounded.... "Hmmm..... OK I 'hear' them now differently"... My IMPRESSION was that they were just busting a gut to be let loose and sing. Like - they wanted to be there. I wish I could hear them again in a different situation. But based on what I heard, I'd be hanging in the khorn room. That said - I'm REALLY likeing what I'm getting out of my khorns right this moment. Maybe it's a VRD thing. [] I wish "KlipschFest" was every 6 months.
  22. Another thing about the Peach besides the Home Theatre bypass.... (Not that I'm the Peach cheerleader or anything - it's just that I have it, know it, appreciate & like it).... And IDK about the other preamps you mentioned or if others do this , but the Peach is interesting in that it can essentially be 2 preamps in one. You have Hi-Z and Lo-Z mode. Hi-Z uses one of the 3 main tubes. Lo-Z uses 2, a pair. If you wanted, you could put one brand/feel of a tube in the Hi-Z slot, and 2 of another brand/feel in the 2 Low-Z slots. Switching between Hi & Lo-Z, you can attain 2 different vibes at your whim with the flick of a switch. Again, excuse my ignorance of other preamp designs cuz for all I know, many do that. I just think it's an interesting feature of the Peach. And last I heard, he's working on a remote. I personally think that's a big deal.
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