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Everything posted by InVeNtOr

  1. there's a trick to buying Anti-Cables wire. don't buy it as a speaker cable. buy it as bulk cable. if you do, it's $1.25 ft. so in terms of turning that into a cable, it's $2.50ft. half the cost. it's right on his web site. i even spoke to him about it. he said 90% of his buyiers buys it as speaker cable. go paul! monoprice is good. it's 4N copper. you have to get the CL rated one (white jacket). i use it. you have to take the white jacket off and possibly retwist the wires. i did that and added some teflon tape to keep the twists tight. it's not as good as anti-cables (guessing) but for anyone in HT i doubt they would hear a difference. with you having Lascalas, you might. to point out, Anti-Cables wire is 6N.
  2. when i bought mine, it had a firmware of 6.0 or something like that. it was much lower than the lowerest firmware on the site. i have had the .05 for quite a while now (vincent emailed it to me before it was available on the website) and to be honest, other than now having an "All Stereo" option, i can't tell a difference. when i did the .05 update it was the third time i have done one, and i really didn't notice any differences.
  3. it may or may not help. if you do decide, i would look at getting the monoprice brand but get the CL rated type. i would get the 12awg and remove the jacket on it. the reason why i would recommend them is the wire monoprice uses is 99.99% pure. that's really good for .15 cents a foot. there is better but your talking about $2 a foot. you never know, replacing the wire and the crossover may be better than just replacing the crossover.
  4. so you didn't like how they looked? man, that's what i love about them. i really like how there isn't a black dust cap. oddly the look of the II's is what i was going to have a freind of mine to do my speakers. the only difference was i like how the grill stands off, so i was going to take the pegs away and make it magnetic. he said he could put some wood behind the grill and to keep the shape. so did you actually hear them where you saw them? we all know here the sound changes once you get them in your house with your gear. i personally would like to get a rc-64 and trade it out with my rc-7. i just like the look of the 64 more.
  5. never mind. just pulled the remote out. it's a two function button (scan/preset) and you have to hit that, then the tune up and tune down. duh! sorry!
  6. okay my fellow experts, need help with small issue. for using the RADIO when you want to tune in a station. as it stands now, i have several preset stations, but sometimes i just want to "scan" up or down to the next station that might not be a preset. does anyone know how to do that? so far, i can't seem to find the remote function and program it to my logitech. i don't want to have to program all the stations and have them all as presets. right now my remote has 2 quick buttons (tune up and tune down) and what they do is change from one preset to another. thanks guys!
  7. i have a chance to watch some of the older episodes of A.C. and have noticed i never like any design by Sr. one in particular was the Dodge ram bike. a while back i saw the end product but not the show and thought, Jr. really missed the mark on that one. i think the bike builders featured in "biker build off" aren't better, just different. i don't think you can compare them at all. OCC/ PJD are more cooperate theme bikes and someone like Mat Hotch is a free lance designer. Mat builds from a feeling and a style, not "what would Geiko like?" i have always thought Rick (OCC) is a good fabricator, but after the Geiko bike, the new guy Jr. may be better. it seemed like his work is smoother and more refined. other than Rick, i don't like anyone else at OCC. so glad (i know it sound harsh) that Odie (PJD) got fired. couldn't stand his attitude. when your work force is 4 people, everyone really needs to get along and be on the same page. that kid just seemed too cocky for his skill set. another thing he forgets, Jr. owns that shop, he can do as much or as little as he likes. i guess he doesn't know "He who has the gold, make the rules." back to Mat, i don't watch the show much, but the last episode i saw, it said he is undefeated. good job on his part. the bikes they showed of his seem like works of art. he seems like in a class by himself.
  8. This is so weird. I spoke to vincent today at 9 am and he told me the 40% discount will apply to the xmc if u bought the umc. Initially it didn't but they figured most people would upgrade from the umc to the xmc. I have also never received any card. I just call in and ask for my discount.
  9. well i'll tell on myself. did close to the same thing. a member on here let me borrow his THX Demo disk (the one you can't buy). when it was time to ship it back, i bought a huge box, filled it with peanuts, wrapped the case, and then taped the heck out of it. it looked like a tank couldn't open it. so some time goes buy, he has already received the package, put the dvd up. i open up on dvd player, AND THERE IS THE THX DEMO DISK!!!!!!!!!!!!! staring right at me! i couldn't believe it! all that trouble and i never actually checked the case to see if i put the dvd back. i did the assumption thing and look where that landed me. so i call the guy up, he check the case, and sure enough, empty. told him i was so sorry and shipped it out that day. i think on the second try i had a nice case and sent it back that way. he did end up getting it, but i did feel like a fool. so i guess everyone who ships anything at some point will forget.
  10. so i'm a fan of the original show, and now more a fan of PJD. i watched the episode where they made a klipsch bike. i was wondering, will klipsch make another bike, but this time with PJD? his newest bikes have been some of the sickest bike builds ever. i won't lie, i was so jealous when klipsch donated the RF-83 for them to listen too. couldn't believe they hooked an ipod up to it either! anyways, just another random question.
  11. not really part of anything but i am going to post it anyway. i never liked the power button on the LPA-1 (as compared to the UMC-1 or any of the XPA amps). emailed Vincent at Emo and asked if i could swap it out. got a email back saying it was possible and he's sending me one now! how cool is that! what other HT manufacture is going to allow you to open up the gear and mess with stuff and still let the warranty be intact! they already gave me the green light on the iec inlet, so just another thing that is awesome about them! i know, i know, almost everybody here says the iec inlet change was a waist, but that's not the point, it's simply that they allowed me to do it and i didn't void the warranty. anyways, thanks for reading......
  12. so i assume if i do that, then the setting will be higher that way i don't have to compensate with the volume? might have to give that a look see.....
  13. in my case the stereo cables did not work. here is a link on that same web site for a mono cable. it's a wallet hitting .60 cents.
  14. not so sure that it was meant that you needed a bigger woofer, as much as a better sub in general. whats your budget on a sub? most people don't realize how expensive the goods one are. i only know of 1 manufacture that sells a great sub at a low price. it's the sub that was recommended to me by one of the sub guru's on here. A2-300 really can't go wrong with this sub. it's cheap, preforms great, and will work just fine in yours (most) set ups. A5-350 here's where the big boys start to play. if you are serious about HT and bass in general, you may want to start here. i am not a huge sub guru, but there are many on here that are. if you want or need more info regarding subs only, repost in the sub section and i am sure a guru will give you all the info you need.
  15. watched the superbowl today. i had the audio through the umc (optical) and the video by direct hdmi hook up. the cable dvr box and company was AT&T Uverse. i had no audio drop outs at all and worked/ sounded great. the only oddity i don't like is, the volume has to be much higher than a dvd would. my normal dvd viewing volume is 33-35 (30 is set at 80db) and for this game it was 45. wasn't overly loud but was at a nice loud clear volume. so i am lost when people talk about audio issues. i haven't had one since i plugged it in. in fact other than me not knowing certain settings, i haven't had an issue yet.
  16. i would call and talk to emo about the upgrade. from what i understand, based on the question i asked Vincent, the 40% will NOT apply to the XMC if you buy the UMC. the processor are in the same family and the discount doesn't work that way. it has to be a technology jump, not just an connectivity jump. there is very little difference between the umc and xmc. the biggest difference is the xlr connectors. there is going to be a different video chip but you won't really be able to see that difference. the processor is for people who have emi/rfi issues with their current RCA cables. all this info is from Vincent from emotiva. i am just passing along what he told me.
  17. go to DD or THX and snoop around. theres a lot of information there. a good starting point is have everything set to 80Hz. the sub is very tricky and isn't a simple set up. something i do to get a good starting point is after all the speakers are to your liking, then try to tune in the sub. the easiest way i do it is, play a track and with your eyes closed, listen to the sub. if you can pin point its location when it hits, that's BAD. try and adjust position, crossover, or phase until you can't pin point it. i know that's not the optimum way but it works to get a good starting point. tuning in a sub can take months if doing it correctly. it takes specific equipment and someone who knows what they are doing. from what i have found out most people in HT don't set their sub correctly. (i didn't either). most people have 1 maybe 2 spots their sub can go. well since most people are limited, you don't get optimum results. for the majority it comes down to getting the best results with where it's at and then be done with it. good luck with it. btw, tuning in 1 sub is hard enough, trying to do 2 (for a novice) is down right impossible.
  18. kde, i agree with the first guy. if you are going straight HT, then you just can't beat the umc-1 with any amp for that matter. the chepaer end would be the upa-7 but i am sure any amp emo makes would trump any AVR.
  19. i have something else.....disreguard the color. you can't see the finish behind the false wall. since i have the 7's i know what is possible. i would stick with them. sell the 83's get more money, have it to play with the 7's, and do something fun with the family. if you are asking for advice, that's mine. good luck, i am sure you will make the right decision for you.
  20. you shouldn't count the grills against the 7's. you should have them off in the first place behind that false wall. take the grills off and store them (in that false wall could be a good place) and don't think about them again. i have an idea, i'll trade plus cash my rc-7 for your rc-64! sound good? i thought so! i'll ship it out monday! lol. the stock 64 doesn't quite match the stock 7's, but if you did a crossover upgrade they all would play nice. i don't think you would notice anything if you kept them all stock though. just to let you know, i replaced my inductor (LF board) and now my 7's have much more big boom! lol. the bass did get increased quite a bit. don't know all the correct words to describe it except, inventor like! i am stealing someone elses line......."Mmmmmmmm Maple......." no, all caps are not created equal. it's like saying all guns are equal. special mission, special gun.
  21. now you have to do a crossover in one of them! i can say having stock vs upgrade, i really like the upgrade way more. my only very strong piece of advice is if you do do a crossover upgrade, please please please pick your caps intelligently. don't just assume the upgrade is a one trip solution. there are thousands of different caps with different ways of changing the color of the final output. first decide what the main use of the speakers are and then see what your wallet has to say about that. i would talk to a professional and tell them what you have and what you want to acheive. after that talk then chose the caps that suit you the best. that is if you want to go that route. take care and nice purchase.
  22. I don't get the plx option with ps3 games. Its all 2ch options. The all stereo is the best option in the choice. That way I still get the 5.1 sound effects. It still seperates the would like DD would. Your right though the All Stereo tag is a very lose term. I talked to Vincent about that sound option and why I didn't get the plx option and he said it has something to do with the way the games are encoded. I haven't really played with the sound options on my HDDVD that much because I have only watched 2 movies since I got the Umc. I will say the HDDVD's did sound great. Not entirely sure what the sound option was. Was told it wont say "DD TrueHD" even if selected. Something out trade mark rights and a way around it.
  23. nope, "All Stereo." you get that option if the audio codex is "PCM Multichannel." i get that when either i play a HD-DVD or a PS3 video game. i agree PLIIx is pretty good. i'll use that if it's available.
  24. well i hated it. i had it set to "max" because after reading about it it sounded like "sliced bread." i would get weird audio drop outs or pauses and it would annoy me. the sound was also "funny." when i would play a ps3 game and have it set to "stereo" i would have the volume set to 0.5 and it would still be loud. then i would change it to "All Stereo" and i would need it at 12. sometimes the dialogue would seem "mushy" and and when i would switch the audio source to "stereo" it would sound better. some "dialogue" or "non action" movies i would watch in stereo because other wise i wouldn't understand half the dialogue. i even called Vincent at Emo and he said he didn't like it or use it. i am glad it just wasn't me. since turning it "off" everything in all movies sounds so much better. everything became more clear and sounded like it was meant to. that's how i feel, just didn't like it, so now it's off!
  25. thanks for the input! sounds like something to look into. maybe if i find one as a deal.
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