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Tom Adams

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Everything posted by Tom Adams

  1. Not one to let a sleeping dog lye..... www.petitionproject.org Oh - and Mark, you asked once about peer review. I believe there's a button on the website for you to click on. Tom
  2. Man.....don't EVEN talk about car buying around my wife. OMG!!!!! She is the most even tempered, patient, accepting person I know. But when it comes to car buying she gets totally wrapped around the axle. She hates it - and I mean HATES it. Me? I learned a long time ago to just do my Edmunds.com homework, and either walk in or email dealerships and tell them this is what I want to buy and this is what I want to pay for it - yes or no. Some years back I was in the market for an Acura TL-S. The local dealer (I too believe in trying to support the local economy) was a complete jerk. Southern Motors has survived for years on the back of the blue-bloods in Savannah who walk in and pay sticker price regardless of what it is. Their version of a "deal" is knocking $500 off MSRP. Anyhow, I emailed two dealerships in Jacksonville, FL (about 2.5 hours away). One replied that he'd do "my deal". I called him and made it very clear that if I showed up and there was ANY attempt at deviating from what I had specified, I was gonna make a scene and walk. He assured me that if I came down I would be in & out in an hour. He was wrong - I was in & out in 45 minutes. Acura of Orange Park is awesome. Car dealers in the U.S. seem to be the last businesses who's model is based on haggleing. From my understanding, it is not this way in other countries. My wife's vision would be to purchase cars at Wal-Mart. She says that you should be able to look at scaled-down replica of vehicles, pick the one you want, then view/select the options you want, get a print out and head for the checkout along with your hairspray and Conway Twitty's latest CD. Tom
  3. If you're not totally sold on the Pioneer, I know the Denon two-channel receivers have a sub out. Just a thought. Tom
  4. I wanna know who totes around a digi camera when they're off to clean out some leaf infested pond - especially when they've got to walk 50 feet of hose one way?? And if you didn't have a camera....why would the first thing you do after seeing those poor hapless taddie poles be to run back to the house so you can document your rescue mission?? (I get this image of coytee of saying, "Oh CRAP - I gotta shoot some photos of this" and then starting to haul butt to the house only to slip in the mud. Look at that third photo - there's a butt print for sure) This is starting to smell fishy to me........... [:^)] Tom
  5. I know many of you here don't watch American Idol nor care too much for it. Honestly, I've never been much of a fan for various reasons. However...... There is a guy this year named Adam Lambert and he has just a ridiculous set of pipes. I'm not sure when I've heard a guy's voice that was so versatile and rangy. Sure there are trained male singers with great vocal ranges, but for a males voice to naturally have a multiple octave range is rare. Last night he sang Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" and there's no doubt that Robert Plant would've been pleased. I kept wondering if Michael Colter was watching. Indyklipsch => Have you heard this guy sing?? Tom
  6. Why buy plain when you can buy them tasty....... Tasty Nuts http://www.tastynuts.com/site/frameset.htm Tom
  7. Second-hand sexual harassment is (and I'm not making this up) when you're having a conversation with someone that's sexually inappropriate and someone else over-hears the conversation and THEY are the one who's offended. Tom
  8. Really? Sure, it means making sexual comments to fellow workers, or inappropriately touching them, or in some cases threatening them to exchange sexual favors for promotions and so on. I'm surprised your company hadn't provided training in that area - most that I knew of were sticklers for it. Well alrighty then..... Since you're on a roll. What's second-hand sexual harassment? Tom
  9. Interesting. I worked for a couple of big companies for about 20 years before getting off that wagon and striking out on my own. I know there is a thing called "office etiquette" - and I know there is a thing called "sexual harrassment" but I don't recall people using the "PC" phrase. I generally figured that if someone is buying your labor, and you are willingly selling, they probably have bought the right to tell you what you can or can't do while you are earning that money. That's why I stopped selling it to them. JB, can you give me an example? (tom hangs his head, shaking it side-to-side and laughs) Mark......you and only you would post something like that in a thread like this. LOL..... Dude - you crack me up. Tom
  10. Did a little math and figured out that if Michael stopped posting today..... And I started posting at the rate of 25 replies a day..... I could catch up to Michael in 2.5 years. [:S] Tom
  11. With the way kids are nowadays.....good luck with that. [] [:#] Tom
  12. That's one contest that I really for sorry for the contestants. I wonder what that means? Can anyone explain that to me? My stab at explanation, Deleted. This is a forum for audio not this discussion or my rant on PC. DAMMIT......I read through the whole thread and it looks like it's starting to get real good and then you pull out? (flying term - not the other [6] ) Sheesh....... Tom
  13. I'm very hesitant in posting this, but jacksonbart's post about gerbils kinda compells me to say this........ It just p*sses me off to no end that this swine flu gets all this press and no one, and I MEAN NO ONE, says a dad-burn thing about the horribly dispicable things caused by Tarapin cancer or Dolphin salt water rash. Tom
  14. Here's a nice write up about challenges to skeptics to show any bias. You can read the whole thing, but here was the bottom line. >>> snip <<< I'd put it more directly: If 99% of scientist believe "A" and 1% believe "B", what portion of air time should be devoted to each in say, a one hour program? You know, in the USA, if you don't have 15% polling support, you can't even get on the stage in a Presidential Debate! You get ZERO TIME. My observation is we give the skeptics way, WAY to much time relative to their merits. See?? Now there ya go - bringing politics into it. I thought you told me to stop?? As for the professor....no I don't take him as the all-knowing, all-seeing with respect to climate change. Nor do I view others - from BOTH sides - as all-knowing, all-seeing. I guess I didn't make that part of my position clear - my bad. Listen, at the risk of sounding like I'm defending the guy (which I can assure you I'm not), that professor did nothing more than A LOT of professors and those in academia who write "papers" or give presentations.....and that is to insert certain other folks' cites to either refute or substantiate their position/hypothesis. This method, if you will, goes back a loooooong way. Many "brains" have used others' work to build upon. BUT - once that person's theory/hypothesis/whatever is out there, then it's open season IMHO to verify or shoot it down, no?? And I have to disagree with the statement that none of the skeptics has "put forward a compelling, rich, and variegated theory." C'mon Mark.....can you honestly say that's true?? Please don't go asking me to quote them or point you to such-n-such for I don't keep a laundry list of such on my hard-drive just waiting for the opportunity to shove it up someone's behind. But I can tell you for a fact, I've read several "compelling, rich, and variegated theory(ies)". And it's for that reason I remain skeptical. Again, I'm driven by facts (well....except for religion in which I make no excuses for my faith in things. HEY - gimme a break.....I managed to work politics into this, why not religion?? [:#] ). And yes, Mark, I took your question seriously (thanks for the benefit of the doubt [] ). I thought we're talking about greenhouse gas emissions and hence my focus on CO2. In hindsight, we probably should be focused on water vapor. Anyhow, I didn't realize that you wanted to drag in all the other crap that comes from burning coal. If that's the case - have at it, I'm all ears. But if the topic is greenhouse gases, then I stand by what I said. Oh - and thanks for the link. I haven't read it all yet (sssssshhhhh......I'm at work ya know). Tom
  15. Awwwww.....c'mon, you'll be fine. Just keep one eye closed. Tom
  16. But you can hang on to what you have, no? Tom In a longshot, yes Then it's settled....... It ain't over. Tom
  17. I agree. However, from my vantage point, the skeptics don't seem to be given the same amount of "air time" so-to-speak and IMHO there seems to be a rush to judgement about "Global Warming". From my small research, for every bit of evidence "for" I can find similiar evidence against. And to make matters worse, it's the scientists that disagree. So what does that tell you? And I fail to see how someone publishing only one paper in 2000 makes them a "hobbyist skeptic". That would be like you being judged solely upon the merits of the posts you make here. I've only had one employee suggestion in my 24 years here that resulted in a monetary reward for saving the company some money. Does that make me any less knowledgeable/valuable or some kinda of "hobbyist Mfg. Engr."? As for pumping billions of CO2 in to the air.....I would agree that from an observation perspective, it would "seem" bad. But that doesn't mean that it is bad. Only through research can we determine that. I mean, what if we were to find out that the Earth, treated as some sort of conversion machine (which it is), is able to convert X amount of man-made CO2 per year. And that X amount is less than what man pumps into the atmosphere. Do we still look at the smoke stack and label it as bad just because it LOOKS bad? Shoot - there's some folks here who have speakers that LOOK bad. [] Seriously though, I shall remain true to the scientist I believe myself to be and be a skeptic until I see non-tainted evidence of "Global Warming". And anything that comes out of ANY politician's mouth will not be viewed by me as evidence. Tom
  18. Don't even make me go there, pal. Tom
  19. This could be a good thing for some. I mean, maybe I'll be able to afford some McIntosh gear if they have a fire sale. Seriously though....I understand the pain. My company is giving me a 5 week vacation - I'm being furloughed for 5 weeks in July. There goes $5K+ of income out da window. So I guess that cheap McIntosh gear will not be coming home to papa afterall. Tom
  20. Personally.....I think this particular outbreak of swine flu needs to be looked at closely due to the manner in which it has mutated. I have no factual evidence to support my "hunch", but when all is said & done I feel very strongly that we'll start to see some patterns that inevitably will cause one to suspect what I think is possiby not just the source of all the angst, but the real reason for the outbreak. To wit and ergo.....I offer this opine into the abyss of this potential mankind killer......this, this.....take-no-prisoners disease......this sickening, vile organism, this, this....... uhhhhh.....where was I??? Oh yeah...... The search for the truth is being lost in the shuffle for sensationalism and other such media circus propoganda tirades to whitewash what certain men (unscupulous, if you ask me) know about this life robbing sickness. I'm sure by now you know where I'm going with this. And that's good - for I've succeeded in making you THINK for once. But what is really important is that YOU KNOW where I'm going and not your ignorant neighbor who listens to his avant garde loudspeakers in his posh isolated Paul Anka world thinking everything is rosey yet not considering that his radon levels could be rising. But I digress.... I would love to continue this diatribe and purposely pull you deeper into the mindless drivel that streams from my conciousness, but why subject you to that when you can watch commercials all day while your iTune sends compressed audio through your Jolida onward towards your happy Klipsch?? See?? I knew you would agree. Suffice it to say.....swine flu is HERE and it's REAL and will prove to be the undoing of those non-believers. And you know who you are. So look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I immune?" HA - I laugh in your face at your smug answer. Tom
  21. http://chemistry.oregonstate.edu/~drapelan/Climate%20Change.htm Tom
  22. (hi-jack mode on) Why in the sam dickens don't the paint makers put their paint in one gallon containers that are similiar to the 5 gallon plastic containers?? You know - the ones with the smooth lip. You'd have thought that by now, someone would've gotten fed up enough with pouring paint out of your typical metal gallon container and having to wipe the paint out of the groove (not to mention all that ran down the outside of the can) and would've quit putting paint in those metal cans!!! ARGGGGHHHH!!!! (hi-jack mode off) Tom
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