I'm currently running an RT-12d sub with my Carver AL-III speakers in a 2 channel setup. I'm using Sunfire components w/800 wpc into 4 ohms for EACH ribbon & EACH woofer on the speakers (actively biamped, xover at 150 hz), then supplement with the sub on the lowest notes (xover at 40 hz) about 10 dB down from standard. Sounds magical~
I purchased mine new FROM THE DEALER in late 2006 for a total of $4300 out the door (Tax inc.). I sold it recently, sans subwoofer, for $2350 in mint condition.
I have the RF-12d which I am currently using to supplement the lowest notes in a 2 channel system. I've been very happy with it, but would ultimately like an Infinite Baffle setup.
Just to update & resurrect an old thread~
I ordered a crossover from Klipsch (old one broke loose & in pieces inside the speaker) and glued/clamped the enclosure back together; good as new!!
I've been enjoying them in my truck now for a loooooooong time; here's a video (forgive the crappy sound quality of the video; it's SUPER clear in person):
That'll work, too. Let us know what you find~
Room placement can make a HUGE difference in frequency response. The room is, after all, the weakest link in almost any system.
All the JL Audio subs I've ever heard were terrific. VERY musical & accurate, authoritative, dig deep, etc.....are you sure there wasn't an anomoly with the setup?
I went to that link but it was unclear what BG is; Bolenger-Graebner (sp?)?
Why is that? If they're all angled towards you and you've set your speaker distances correctly in the receiver's set up menu, should it matter?
It's been suggested in a couple of books I've read about getting the most out of your system. Supposed to image better.
One last thought; open up the speakers & make sure ALL the drivers have the + to+ and - to -
I've had two pair of Klipsch that were connected wrong internally FROM THE FACTORY~
Sorry, the pics were truncated & I don't have time to resize them....you can right click & go to the entire full size pic. It's actually six amps...
OR, more pics here: http://www.carveraudio.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=10319