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Everything posted by zuzu

  1. I have not tried this speaker placement procedure yet, but I will. It may give similar results to what Roger has. The procedure is from well know names in our industry. George Cardas and Alan Maher. Link http://alanmaherdesigns.com/Documents/Setting%20Up%20Speakers.doc
  2. I respect loud and clear's opinion. I like my bi-wired RF-7's with anti cables. Not that expensive and a great speaker cable. BTW, the speakers in the pic would sound better if the crappy legs were removed and the spikes put on.
  3. As an extention to the what happened to drums thread, what are some truly great drum CD's. I'll start with" Bouncin his best tunes Sonny Rollins". Incredibly well done CD. They got the sax and bass right in addition to the drums. Great "TEST CD".
  4. I have a new system profile that I want to post elsewhere, but my normal cut and paste procedure does not work here on Klipsh forum. Help.
  5. Who is a good source with good prices for silver mica caps 3650pf(500v), 360pf(300v), and 36pf(300v)?
  6. No Tiger. It's for a DIY tweak I am going to build. (HRSCF)
  7. Will you sell me some microsorb, or do you know a current source?
  8. Does anyone have some they will sell me or do you know a current source?
  9. A used Rotel RB 990 200wpc works great but a RB 1090 380wpc is even better. 990's run $350 US and 1090's $1200 US. I had the 990 and now have the 1090. Very happy. They run luke warm and easily power my RF-7's. A third level choice is NAD's top of the line 150wpc. I had it too but forget the model #.
  10. Bill, thank you for what you are doing on the 1 million contest and welcome back to the Pittsburgh area. I live in Butler Pa about 50 miles north of you. I'm inviting you to hear my system. Beverage and snacks will be served. I can't travel at present, fighting cancer and winning, but not yet won. I should be clear of it by July tho and would love to hear your system. zmanbands@aim.com
  11. Hi Seti. I'll buy it from you for $120 if it's in good condition If it doesn't sell on audiogon!!!
  12. Well said Kimball. You nailed it. I've been both bashed and helped by my fellow Klipschophiles on these forums. I knew I would be bashed on this post, but if there would be just one who tried a Shakti and benifited, it's worth it. If you bought just one of these used on audiogon for $120 and it did not work for you on your power panel you could easily resell it there for $120 in a short period of time I'm thinking a few days not weeks. Yes I love my Dean Xovers. Don't know why it works thru a power panel door. All I know is it works.
  13. You are missing something Tom. I did it and I experienced it. If you recheck my math I spent $860. I tried 2 first and only then did I buy the other 4. One could try just one first. They show up on Audiogon at $120 from time to time, but are sold in a day if not hours. I wonder why? None there now. BTW, I sold my lovely Klipshorns6 years ago when I downsized my house. Tom, I'm not an idiot. These Work on Power panels. I know I did it and was sharing my results for others since it was so stunning.. Show me someone who has used them there and found them less than fantastic. This is a no brainer once you hear the difference. Anyway, thanks for your comments!!!
  14. Shakti Stones are 6.5"x5.5"x1.5" and filter EMI, Microwave, and RFinterference. In the past one way they have been used is under and above components. More recently Alan Maher discovered they can provide excellent improvement if taped or strapped to home power panels. I tried Alan's suggestion and taped ,over a one month period. 2 stones on my main power door, then 2 to my sub panel door, then I strapped 2 to the exposed cabels in and out of my main power panel. The improvement in sound quality has been very substantial in practically every aspect across the entire listening frequency band. IE more musical, more realistic like you are there, greater imaging, detail ect. I am Sooo glad I put these in. Thanks Alan. They retail for $230 each. I found 2 at $180 on an ebay store and got 4 at $125 from a private party. Not cheap, but I would equate the improvement to a major component upgrade in the $5000 to $7000 range. They do take up to 12 days to fully settle in, but in most cases the sound gets much better in 3 to 5 days.
  15. The 7's come with spikes. Or you can get some fairly inexpensively. !/4 20. You may very well like the spikes thru carpet "ESPECIALLY" if you have concrete under the carpet.
  16. Try them without the Klipsch plastic feet! There is a !/4 hole in the wood main body.
  17. Not what you are asking, but--- You might want to try varying degrees of toe in to get better/clearer imaging. At present are those rubber footers on the hardwood floor. If so that will muddy the bass.
  18. I would strongly recommend the rotel 990 over the 980 for around $350. A newer pre amp as well.
  19. I had ARC 300w/ch monoblocks for several years until I decided the tube replacement cost was too too much. About $ 1200 EVERY 3 years. About 50 cents an hour. Like a parking meter.
  20. Phil, something else to consider. There is a 9000es on audiogon modded to VSE level 4 for $600. If this has low hours played as shown on the internal clock you might cosider it and have it shipped tp Bill in Maryland near you. He could add level 5&6 for $750. I asked the seller who modded it and hours on the clock,but he has not responded yet. The seller is in Texas. I have "NO" affilation with Bill or VSE, just a very happy customer. $1350 total is a lot less than $2100.
  21. I never heard a 1080. I compared the NAD to the RB 990. The 990 was slightly better [guessing 10%] with the extra 50w/ch head room, but the 990 used is about the same price as a new NAD ie around $350. I would still recommend the RB 1090 over either. With its 2 separate transformers it's like having 2 monoblocks at 380 w/ch. Note the 1090 weighs about 89 lbs.
  22. You should contact Bill, but I think it's $1795 up to level 6. If you get balanced it's more.When I first got my NS9000ES, based on some favorable comments from Dean, who has one unmodded, I was so happy at the sound. It was much better than my Audio Research 23 year old CD I player. Well after the mods the stock 9000 litterally sounded like crap. All the original signal path and connectors are left in tact and I tried it a few months later---UGH! Bill is a swell guy and answered my many many questions usually in an hour or two. He still does 5 months later.
  23. FWIW.I have a high regard for Vacuum State and their Maryland agent Bill of Music Technology. When searching for a great SACD/DVD player, I sspent a lot of time asking questions of Bill.One of his comments was , the modded to level 6, Sony 9000ES is better than anything out there up to $16,000. I have listened to none so I can't verify Bill's comment. I paid $2000 fo my 9000 modded. I have seen them used on audiogon as low as $1100. I have not had anyone specifically dissagree with Bill's comment, although I have posted it several times on different forums. Mods are guaranteed for 5 years and left over warranty is transferable by Bill if he did the mods. Does not play the MC layerl of a MC SACD. Will play the hybrid or stereo layer. Will not play copied CD's. Good condition 9000es's can be bought for about $350. Build quality is excellent.
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