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Everything posted by Blvdre

  1. In fact you were corrected this morning. Yes, but where's the directness and fingerpointing? Sorry, my post was a bit tongue-in-cheek, directed toward the tone of some posts. The thanks was genuine though.
  2. Thanks to all for describing Power Response and the importance of off-axis response and it's effect on the overall sound of the speaker. I'm a little disappointed that no one jumped on my earlier statement that said something to the effect, "I don't care about off-axis response because I do my listening on-axis", not realizing the importance of off-axis response. My skin is thick. Please correct me if I say something that seems uninformed (because it is, and I want to know about it). That's one of the reason's why I like this site,
  3. Tom, I'm running fairly new GPA 902's w/ trachorn and passives. I don't know squat about filter design, so had to enlist the help of software to get me in the ballpark. Before the trachorn, I was running the 902 with a 511. Tried a 1st-order crossed at 600Hz and found the 902 would distort if pushed, same as John A's experience. Built up some of Al's AP12's crossed at 700Hz, distortion gone. Added an RC contour based on an RTA plot of the 902/511 response (I found this somewhere on the forum, thanks to whoever posted that). Played around with the C a bit to dial it in, sounded nice. I'm now running the 902 w/the trachorn, same x-over; sounds better, although a bit less high-end energy, as compared to the 902/511 combo, but much more balanced sound (the 511 sounds a bit thin to me). Definitely as much treble energy as my LaScalas run stock. I may play around a bit more w/the contour, but am also curious to try three-way.All of my listening is done on-axis, don't care so much about off-axis response.
  4. Nicely done. There are a few guys doing this on drum shells, pretty impressive work.
  5. I can vouch for the 902/trachorn combo as well (and have already in this thread), very nice sound.
  6. Now's a good time for me to report on my new trachorns. I did a side-by-side comparison of my Altec 902's (GPA), one with the new trachorn, and one with a 511B (LaScala low end). I ran them two-way w/my DIY AP12's crossed at 700Hz with high-end contouring. Since I plan on eventually running a three-way set-up, I wasn't concerned about high-end extension. In my opinion, the 511's only bested the trachorns in high-end extension, so would be better for a two-way set-up (again, not a concern for me). The 511/902 combo sounds laid back and a bit lean, the trachorns are more forward and warm, while not sacrificing a bit of detail. Definitely more to my liking. I was considering sending the 902's down the road, but after setting them up w/ the trachorns and listening for a couple of days, I'm definitely holding onto them. Wonderful combination. Can't wait to get some new tweets and build some new networks. Thanks again GotHover.
  7. Looking good.I like the wrap-around on the top section.
  8. I'm guessing you meant paint the woofer frames, not the cones themselves?
  9. Ditto on whamo's suggestion, deoxit is good stuff. I'm also not a fan of slip on connectors, hard soldering is the way to go if possible.
  10. Did you contact Klipsch Service in either case, and, if so, what was their response?
  11. If my memory serves me (and often it doesn't...) The Atlas PD-5VH is not always a viable swap, depending on where your tweeter is x'd-over. I believe the PD-5VH doesn't extend out much beyond 4.5KHz. Not a problem if you have Bob's Tweeter, but not so good when using the K77, which is normally crossed at 6KHz.
  12. Oops, missed the crown as bonus. Not a bad deal then.
  13. Geez, that's a bit rich. There was a local recently selling a pair for $100, black widows functioning but beat. I don't think $200 would be unfair.
  14. Thanks for the reply, Twenty Watt - they sound promising. I just may have to see (hear) for myself...
  15. Has anyone tried the larger, lower cost 604-like offerings, such as the 15" P Audio coax drivers?
  16. I'll put a word in for the CJ mosfet gear. Although I'm presently running Wright gear, I was very happy with my CJ mosfet set-up. CJ MF200 PV-8 w/ phono Premier 10 w/o phono
  17. Why are you bitin' my guess, Michael? [] I guess that proves it then.....424 it is.We'll send you our shipping addresses, Thebes.
  18. Thanks for that Mike, that put it in context. So in all but a first order crossover (no cap in the low pass), the cap is in parallel with the woofer, so a higher ESR would not seem to be a big deal, as compared to a band or high pass filter. I'm sure there's more to that story, though.
  19. My Un-educated guess is that stuffing the doghouse would change the back-loading of the driver.
  20. Funny this topic should come up. I've happened to have built my home around an old tree trunk, northern tubewood to be exact, for this very purpose. I can't believe these philistines would even consider an "amp stand" to be as effective. They might as well use a *gasp* audio equipment rack.
  21. Glad you're enjoying the Peach, Tom. In my experience, there are sonic benefits to using old stock tubes, but as others have pointed out, it can be a bit of a gamble. I've mostly played with old 6SN7 and 2A3's; some are noisy, some microphonic, but I see it as part of doing business. If I can't get sonic assurances from the seller, I bid or pay accordingly, expecting that there will be some fall-out. Tube testers only tell a part of the story, so it's best to be wary. In your case, it sounds like you did quite well. Just sit back and enjoy!
  22. Sounds like a good idea. A little experimentation to see what yields the best result.
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