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Everything posted by iRONic

  1. Thanks, Joe. If you're a Hank fan or just a country music lover this is the quintessential set to own. I bought this set for my father six months before he passed. He never got to listen to it.
  2. 10 remastered CDs for a total of 223 tracks, 53 of them unissued. http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Hank-Williams-Hiram-King/dp/B00000AFE0%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q%26tag%3Dduckduckgo-d-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB00000AFE0 My terms are simple and straight forward: -email me at ironic831atgmaildotcom with your ship to zip code to secure your place in line in the event that there are multiple interested parties. -First come with a payment is first shipped. Anybody that decides to cancel a transaction prior to shipment cedes their spot to the next interested party. -Payment is your preference of a)Paypal, b)USPS money order, or c) personal check. The Paypal conditions are shipped to verified address only and you'll be responsible for their ridiculous fee. Shipment will occur upon receipt of funds. The USPS money order conditions are none. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Shipment will occur upon receipt of funds. The personal check conditions are that shipment will occur upon my bank's clearance of your check. -I only ship via USPS Priority Mail flat rate with delivery confirmation to a USA address. This is included in the item price. This item will be packed very very securely. -I'm not a slug. Verify that with any forum member I've done deals with to date. I do everything I say I will do and I do it in a timely fashion. Your funds will be promptly and cheerfully refunded if you're unhappy with the item's performance. Return shipping will of course be at your expense. This transaction requires that both parties make an effort to complete the deal. If you're unsure of your own commitment to make that effort, don't even bother. You'll just be wasting both of our time. Now is the time to ask any questions. Post in this thread or via the email address above. I have the full size pictures available to email. Klipsch Forum email and PM's are unreliable and highly discouraged. Thanks for reading. Peace! -Ron
  3. iRONic

    Trust in Thebes

    Nah, Thebes can get the votes he needs without my help.
  4. I may be talked into moving my less-than-mint Heresy IIs for ~$300 picked up in CT.
  5. iRONic

    Trust in Thebes

    With Amy out the door Thebes is hell-bent on securing the "Forum Queen" crown. Expect a flood of requests shortly...
  6. Kid's books to my 5-year old grandson. Because he's an intellectual.
  7. Magnanimous gesture. Well done, Phil.
  8. I'm looking to buy another pair of these immediately. Hit me up at ironic831atgmaildotcom if anybody is thinking about moving theirs.
  9. Have K'horns, Cornscalas and Cornwalls, but for loud rock music the La Scalas just sound better to me. Yeah, you're doing it wrong.
  10. I'll listen to PF on any Klipsch loudspeaker, earbud, or headphone! Just don't ever call them "Scalas". That's beyond dumb.
  11. Lemme see what PE search says. Gracias!
  12. And where can I buy a pair? (Klipsch/non-Klipsch) TIA!
  13. iRONic

    Save Amy!

    The creepy is strong in this thread...
  14. iRONic

    Moving on

    Please tell me the creepers didn't run you off! Best of luck to you in your new endeavor, Amy.
  15. Ahahahaha! You might wanna do juuust a pinch of research before you start slingin' "Unlike you's," newb.
  16. Excellent post and the bolded is very true! I'm gonna try to catch the Boston gig this fall even though Fenway is garbage for sound.
  17. The OP must have received a significant discount on his recent purchase of this cat's gear to litter the Klipsch forum with threads pimping his product.
  18. No wonder Amy thinks you freaks are creepy... you are!
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