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Everything posted by Bacek

  1. I would place something thick and soft (blanket, pillows) on the floor between mic and La Scala, some of those could be reflection effects.
  2. You are right about hijacking. My last post here on this topic. Saw for ex something like that but this is not producers info so you could be right too that those are mylar.
  3. I see you have noticed that trick too :). Anyway screenshots are old tech I'm still using.
  4. no Really? I did to you exactly same as you did to Dave post. Picked only part of his statement that makes it opposite sense to what someone said or even senseless. I see you do it a lot like that in here. What is a point? Are you in type of those new activists that try to cancel not only those who don't agree with them but also those who dare to ask a questions? Klipsch's products are good enough to speak for themselves, they don't need someone who chases everyone with baseball bat.
  5. If you say so. On the net I found some info that those are polypropylene capacitors. Maybe it was incorrect.
  6. Those black caps are not MKP's? Are you sure?
  7. Sure, I get that T2A is good equivalent for this use aldough it's not stock/original for this crossover. To make my point clear. What I ment. was If we are talking about restoring this XO then all staf needs to be in original specs (inductances, lcr's and so on) or there is no point to change anything.
  8. If they did those mylar capacitors with all same parameters like old PIO capacitors and then a the same time same as MKP's used around AK3 then that is word class archivment.
  9. So you are saying T2A is stock autotransformer for Chorus II? That is something new. But I would say BS Or autoformer is not cored coil with additional hooks? I did not say it will be any good or even usable in this application but somehow it will work . That is just physics. I was just answering strange question.
  10. You can but what is the point? It can get slightly worse or at least different results as resistance will probably different. What would you want to archive? You said that you have BEC XO. And if they work then they work. I you want to have an original XO then for it only 0,16h was air core. I'm not magic part believer. Changing one, not original XO, to another not original with same schematics will give not you much. I understand that you may want to have original XO, but then T2A same as Bob's 3654 trafo (both are fine) are not stock for this speaker and if guys don't have stock of those then ebay is your only hope.
  11. Can you point a part on the schematic that you are actually looking for. Klipsch never used autotrafo for bass although those inductors and autotransformers that Klipsch where including look similar (except of connectors of course). Possibly any inductor can be converted with some additional lead output to autotrafo but not sure if this is correct path for you.
  12. For sure it's freakin hevy. I was hunting for some top model from vinyl dusk era. Like this one or Pioneer P3, Sony PS-X9,Denon DP-100M. Trio was least expensive and least classic looking. Someone relatively close distance to me tried to sell it end of last year so I took a chance and brought it home. It needs little bit of cosmetic love but from what I checked before it's mostly repairable in case if something wrong would happen.
  13. This is one of best sound quality records in my "collection". Musically I like it too and Jarrett is not moaning too much during the play.
  14. Yep, +3dB over H1 is also niece if efficiency is what you are looking for.
  15. Count me for that. I can't say much about IV's as this is slightly different beast but I prefer I over II and III.
  16. So far I was not spinning in here so maybe first try. Lately it's my wifes favourite record.
  17. With speaker old like this there is not guarantee that what is currently inside is factory provided. Best would be to open them and check what is in place.
  18. To be clear, I'm not trying to win this discussion with you. I just want to get some background and more info on this topic. You say that plastic horns where available only from 1986. Others say that in Cornwall they were appearing occasionally already in 84 and 85 and they saw it and that is my only point. Question about picture was my curiosity, not a demand for proof. I just did not saw this combination on pic. According to the informations this version on metal horn was available so I'm not sceptical about that. Ok I have it, K-52 bolt and screw versions. And then another 84 Cornwall with plastic? horn
  19. Agree to disagree. Someone replaced those as result of failure and maybe by "matching" two different Cornwalls into a one pair. And for sure it's alway better to have matched pair, especially for the tweeters as they are more different than those mids. Do you have any picture of those? I only saw K-51 (except of 55) on K-600
  20. But as you see on picture, right one is also labelled K-57K (don't think it's a fake stamp), history codes also has same information. There was more reports that some 84 Cornwalls also had plastic horn. Check also Bob Crite's comment.
  21. So looks like right is Heppner's production K52H which was also at some point labelled as K-53K by Klipsch and left is updated version made by Klipsch after they bought Heppner's tooling, also labelled as K-53K. @Scotty Mac could you also post pictures how they are connected to horns (from the other side)? I feel you pain. When I bought my La Scalas tweeters where as yours, and woofers where also two different versions and one was partially broken (lousy reconned)
  22. Can you elaborate on this? Does it mean then K-52K + K-600 = K-57K and K-53K + K-601 = K-57K ?
  23. Aldough is still not proof, I saw industrial Cornwall's from 84 with k57 somewhere on this forum, and another breadcrumb from Klipsch employee There is no K-53 on Scottys picture above but k-57
  24. I thought all Cornwall I had K55V/K55M squaker. Anyway this is classic version I like the most. So probably this is "1.5" version as upgrading this midrangle horn to one you have makes no sense, so probably it's factory one. Juduging form discussion here B3 was used with newer/smller diaphgram drivers than K55. Round k77 are older. For B3 probably only square was used. So my bet is that K-57K/K-601 and K-77M are your factory set. And this is actually what is on heritage codes page about Cornwall "Mar 1983: The B-3 network and the K-52 midrange driver starts to be used in this model. Component designations were: Woofer Eminence K-33-E, Midrange K-57-K (K-600 Aluminum horn and K-52-K driver with the threaded snout), Tweeter K-77-M and B-3 network."
  25. You can, but new one needs to be large enough. For La Scalas I'm using 10cmx10cm (4 inch more or less) pads of firm felt with self adhesive pad. My floor is not perfectly flat so I'm using only 3 of them. For KHorn it should be even more obvious as it's triangle shaped.
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