I understand what you are saying. I recently purchased the Collection by the Beatles, the crazy priced MFSL set. From what most have said it is the b est. I have what I feel is a pretty good system, when I first started playing then, I'm not really knowing what to expect. I also have the blue and red boxed set, so I kind of used that for reference. I guess if you take into consideration the equipment used back in the early 60"s and the different people doing the mixing there will be inconsistents between the albums.
Take into consideration, this is my opinion only, I don't think they sounded that great, some had way too much bass and sounded fuzzy and some were too bright, and some sounded real good, the best I have heard.
I don't know it that helps or not, but that's what I heard, or course I'm a old man and don't hear very good anymore.
Best of luck.