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Everything posted by hobie1dog

  1. Well I bought my buddies Mirage M1 speakers and have them hooked up to my Crown Macro Reference which at a 6 ohm load is pushing about 950 watts/ch into each speaker and I can turn the preamp volume all the way up to max with the gains on the Crown all the way up and I still need more volume to get to live listening levels ( you are likely the only one on this forum who can relate to what I'm talking about)[8-)] So I'm still looking at starting off with buiding the bass bins since I have some unused corners and relieving the Mirage speakers of everything below 100hz. So I want to listen to as many possible set-ups as possible...your Jubilees have left an impression on me that will last a long time.[] Funny you mentioned another trip up to your place, as I was just telling my son the other day that I would like to go back up and max out your volume control with my demo disc to see if I could get those woofers to bottom out on the Terminator track that usually happens. I left a little in reserve the first time out of respect for your equipment.
  2. In Atlanta there is an audio dealer called, "Audio Atlanta" which is actually in Marietta(North West Side of Atlanta) that has Tannoy speakers and they had some large ones in there several years ago. I recently emailed them about which models they have but got no reply. Try your luck with contacting them. I went several weeks ago and listened to some 15" Concenntric Tannoys that are in the 36" tall cabiniets-standard ported design, but something was amiss in the system and there was too much audible distortion in the sound. So I don't know what the root of the problem was, just didn't blow me away like I was expecting. http://audioatlanta.com/Rogue_Audio/Home/Speakers/speakers.html
  3. Anyone on here give me the members name in North Carolina who has built Jubilee clones? He has a picture of them in his avatar, now I can't find him on any of the Jubilee threads.
  4. I don't know why more people don't just build large screen panels covered in grill cloth( that can even be painted the same color of the walls )so that there is no speaker to be seen at all. It would allow alot more people to have large horn enclosures hidden to greatly enhance the WAF factor(for those whose wives seem to be allowed to make the decisions in the household).[8-)]
  5. You've got to get " She was too good to me" on the CTI label with great sidemen...Paul Desmond, Bob James, Hubert Laws my all-time favorite LP of his
  6. The viscosity is very light with the original Mobil 1 spray, so I don't think that it would work out using the heavy grade motor oil that is available.
  7. I guess I should have put in the original post....I don't want substitutes of any brand....I have my own collection of lubricants(or maybe my wife has the collection[]) It has specific uses around the house.
  8. Mobil 1 quit making their spray cans several years ago....I'm just about out of my last can. Anyone have a can of it that I can get from ya?
  9. I'm bleeding, someone pass me the bacon strips
  10. Bank of America to lay off 35K people. Honda abandoning Formula One to save 500 million per year. The list goes on and on.[:'(]
  11. One thing you will find out with Monster cable is that after several years it will turn green inside with the corrosion that builds up in it.....it's very low quality wire unless you get their higher grades. I've torn out quite a bit of it lately on different jobs. Also just for fun, borrow someones really high grade interconnect or speaker wire and put it in just the left channel...then switch back and forth channels to see if you hear a difference from your old cheap stuff you still have in your right channel( get some other people to listen as well). Let us know what you find.
  12. sold both of mine due to the "green circuit " in them.....everytime there would be dialogue that went on for awhile, then an explosion would happen, I would get that delay while the amp turned itself back on. Had the local Crown dealer extend it out as far as possible, then gave up on it...bummer
  13. After my Jubilee audition over the weekend, I can't imagine a better woofer for the Jubilee....it re-defiines what tight bass is all about....I was impressed to say the least
  14. I wonder what it will take to get Mark to let me bring my Crown Macro Reference at 760 watts/ch, then get him to leave the house while I "play for awhile"? I would naturally agree to pay for any structural damage that might occur due to the system being played at a "respectable level"[*-)]
  15. That's fur sure....I'm getting older and the joy of building speakers is diminishing with age. These 8 ft. tall ones just about did me in. That's exactly why I want to hear Marks setup....there's no such thing as hearing too many speakers in a lifetime. I'm definitely looking for the set to build that will last me the rest of my life to stop this never-ending rotation of speakers in my room.
  16. Quick tidbit fact for today: There are more chickens in the world than humans. And plenty of happy hoot owls in Greenback, TN.[]
  17. I didn't know that you could not buy the 402 horn by itself.[] You would not have to design a crossover when you are bi-amping already.[Y]
  18. Anyone ever heard the big 50 pound driver from Gauss? I read where it is compared to the JBL driver with very similar sound quality. This is an Audiogon link with some great pictures of it. Might work on a 402 horn really well, and a lot more cost effective. This ad wants 1300.00 for the pair...another ad on Audiogon had a pair for 900.00 http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrfull&1232550299&/Gauss-4080-Reference-Horn-D
  19. I was just telling my son ( who if you don't know, designs and sells his own brand of subwoofers with the utmost accuracy and tight bass out there) that I may have found a new " standard " for tightness of bass. That one kick drum hit I'll remember the rest of my life.[Y] Whoever said that horn loaded bass cabinets produce "boomy PA bass" was full of sh#t.
  20. Got up and hit the road at 5:30 AM to drive the 4+ hours to Coytee's house in Tennessee..amazingly found his place which is back where the hoot owls f#^k the chickens.[] I started off playing a synthesizer based song which has alot of deep bass drops, which I'm sure made him think, " What the hell is playing on my speakers", but I kept the volume in reserve as I was afraid of going too far with someone elses stereo. Low frequency extension was impressive to say the least. The second song is an Large scale Symphonic Band song- "Trittico" by Frederick Fennell with the Cleveland Symphonic Winds on the Telarc label. It has a large bass drum they haul off and wallop- it is tuned to 27hz...I use this to test the dynamic capabilities of speakers. I could tell these speakers had the potential to meet my dynamic needs in a speaker, which is not easily met, as I like it LOUD and CLEAN. Other selections which were more delicate had me make the comment that they were very much like my Martin Logan ReQuest models in the 2k hz on up range without the beaming I suffered with them in my former room. We had some competition from the guys out on the new deck that was being built as they were hammering away and dropping boards.[:@] Then the gains were turned up on the amp and he put on the Gordon Goodwin Big Phat Big Band CD and he grabbed the volume control and CRANKED THE BEJEEESUS out of these babies.....MAN O MAN ....now that's what I'm talking about, the whole 16-piece BIG BAND suddenly was in the room with us and the bottom end also sounded like he added (4) 15" drivers to the system. Felt like you were leaning up against the drummers kick drum. After playing in Big Bands for years, this was one of the few home speaker systems I've heard that has that dynamic power. The sleeping giant was now awake, and I found out that I only had the volume about 3/4 of what it should have been on my previous selections. After that first song, I said " That was worth the 4 hour drive right there". One could only imagine these things in a dedicated room in a basement with concrete walls all around you...one of these days....[] And they passed the "Terminator" track test on the Telarc disc which usually always makes the drivers bottom out on the final explosion. The amazing part of the bass is how dag gone tight it is, I've never heard a horn based sub have this tight of bass, which to me supasses all the sealed designs I've heard in the past, and it flat out is in another league over the ported designs out there. One track he played had a kick drum slap in it that was just startling. For no bigger footprint these bass bins take up, it would be hard to surpass the output in a home setting with another type of cabinet design. Overall, there was a very even sound, with no "horn in your face" characteristics. We discussed that it would be fun to have these behind a screen so that all the "audiophiles" couldn't tell what they were listening to, and tell them that they were listening to a new slender tower speaker to hear their comments. Everyone should listen to these before they criticize horn speakers. Thanks again to Coytee for his generous offer to come up and listen to them and to take up a whole Saturday for my audition. He also has good taste in Mexican food too that he provided as well. [] Now, if I can just end up with 4 of these in a listening room one day.[Y]
  21. Hobie was my Chocolate Labrador Retriever for 14 glorious years.
  22. What do you guys think is the Grandaddy of all RTR machines(consumer models)? Cosmetics, build quality, reliability.
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