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  1. True, but that doesn't mean we should be happy about it. Besides, I have a feeling Klipsch was a little more deliberate when they weighed the pros and cons of raising prices 25% within a three-month timeframe. I sure hope they didn't justify the decision by saying, "Well, if they can afford $6K, they can afford $7.5K."
  2. Exactly. For many this price leap puts the Cornwalls out of reach; in fact, many might question why all of a sudden they have to pay Cornwall IV money for Forte IV speakers. Oh well. No doubt the glowing reviews of the newest Heritage line-up have increased demand for the speakers. But still, I hoped Klipsch would hold the line after the first 10% price increase and continue to offer good value for the dollar across the Heritage range. At least I bought my CWIVs when pricing was more sane, but at this rate I'll have to take out a second mortgage to buy the Cornwall Vs when they come out in 5-10 years.
  3. I received an email from Upscale Audio this morning stating that Klipsch is raising prices on the Heritage line 15% across the board on September 1st. This is on top of the 10% Heritage price increase that took place back in June. In other words, when I bought my Cornwall IV speakers back in November 2020, the MSRP was $6K/pr. On September 1st, I believe Upscale quoted the new MSRP as $7588/pr. As you can imagine, the price hike on the more expensive speakers in the line is even more severe. What gives? COVID resurgence and “inflation” isn’t sufficient explanation for a 25%+ price increase year-over-year on an existing model. Or maybe it is, but if those are the real reasons, shouldn’t we expect prices to drop once supply catches up? I love my Cornwalls, and I’m a dedicated Klipsch fan through-and-through, but this latest price increase puts a bad taste in my mouth. Quite simply, it feels a little like price gouging, especially coming so close on the heels of a previous significant price hike. What do you folks think?
  4. +100 on Beck's Morning Phase! When I stream the 96/24 version of that album to my CWIV's the quality of the sound is otherworldly. I think Morning Phase won a production Grammy so we're not the only ones who've noticed! Beck's Sea Change is another phenomenal-sounding album. And, of course, anything by TOOL, but Pneuma and Culling Voices off of Fear Inoculum are pretty great demo material for dynamics.
  5. I don't want to break up the set just yet, but I'll let you know... Oh and bump...
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