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Everything posted by Matthews

  1. Shoot Shaun, I completely forgot that I had bought them back from the 1st fella. Damn mind is slipping LOL. Glad you still have them!
  2. not sure who has them now, Wuz. I do know the fella that bought them from me had them for sale. They are power hungry monsters! The custom porting made 'em babies really dig. Fun speakers.
  3. LOL, and just what would you suggest Mr. Shakey?
  4. After a little tuning, the 1st song I listened to was Southern Cross by Crosby Stills & Nash. The hair stood on the back of my neck as I was swept away in the pure warmth and thunder of me new 2-channel rig 🥰
  5. these? They were fun! Another one of 'em pairs that got away 🥴 ... @MookieStl had his hand in these too
  6. WooHoo 🥳 well things are beginning to come back together. So nice to have a pair of Scala's in my life again. Had certainly forgot what was missing. Dancing circles around 'em ol RF-7's LOL A huge Thank You to our very special friend out of StL, @MookieStl! Sir Mookie helped me score a very nice, pristine condition vintage Onkyo TX-SV90PRO. Paired with the Scala's, I am at a loss for words... Grateful & Blessed
  7. glad these are not close for me !!! https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/661275554459275/
  8. ...and another pair, bit more reasonably priced 🤔 - only $1300 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/704973250304601/
  9. Yes Randy, they will stay black. Sand 'em down and recoat in high gloss. Cane tri-grills. Going to recreate a pair I restored several years ago ⬇️⬇️⬇️
  10. dear lord, $2200? 🥴 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/694914167752996/
  11. well damn, I'd say yes, these will work The original is easy to spot but the replica's look pretty good to me...
  12. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/638393840217552/
  13. Thanks Roger! Waiting on a fresh roll of material to do another set now. Darn waiting - OYE...
  14. ...two, one hundred pound German Shepherd's jaws clamped on ones torso & leg, not worried about someone carrying off my speakers LOL
  15. resting on ones laurels don't get things done LOL This was planned on being a Winter project but, they will probably be near complete this time next week 🤣 - Grill material will be here Friday, badges, Monday. That gives me the WHOLE weekend to sand and paint, sand & paint, Man. as soon as the new badges arrive, MIA number 2 original copper badge will make its appearance. HaHa - that's how it works, isn't it?
  16. Indeed, Lbk 😉 Yeap, an even trade for my RF-7's. Deal of the Century, no out of pocket (well, relatively speaking LOL).
  17. Thanks Budman, ordered a pair this morning. Along with 3 yards of British style small weave cane fabric 😛 Hmmm, now to address the crossovers 🤔
  18. Naw, haven't had the chance to play with placement yet. Just a quick tune and make sure everything works as it should. Get to play more this weekend 🤓
  19. Anyone willing to part with a badge 🤔 I used to have the pair but one somehow got lost over the past couple years. Have torn my house apart searching to no avail. Bueller... Bueller... Bueller... LOL
  20. Well I brought the CHT-15 home tonight. Initial impressions are good. It is kind of a booger to tune though. Going to have to play around with it this weekend, placement & controls. It has a nice tight sound and the odd placement does not seem to slow it down nor cause a directional effect. One thumb up for now. Perhaps, after I get it dialed in, we'll see two thumbs to the sky.
  21. yeap, believe them be the Frats... Damn memory 🤨 edit: just remembered, the 1st Betty's were factory black and that is how they ended up staying black. However, can't remember for the life of me where I originally got the Scala's I have now. 7 or 8 pairs later, I loose track...
  22. I think you are correct, Sir. The whole reason for the coating you applied to them. Damn memory was never very good to start with. Not getting any better HaHa. Forgot all about you taking a pair of the beaters...
  23. I do not think these are the Frat house speakers. The Frat house must have been the original Black Beauty's... The tops and corners are just in too good of shape to have been those
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