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Everything posted by rockhound

  1. rockhound


    Did this sell I'm interested.
  2. Im running my twins with the bash 300.
  3. You are right Carl I see more in my future lol. How is your "lil" project coming?
  4. Got the second box done. I could not wait to fire it up got it all wired in and NOTHING! Called Carl and we went through a few things to tbshoot, finally found the problem. I had wired the binding post to driver wrong. In my defense I did use a different style binding post than the first box but really that no excuse I should have tested it. Anyway on the first box I had the driver terminals points up and the binding post just a bit higher than the driver. I didn't like the way the wires laid on the board when I test fitted it. So on this box I rotated the driver so the terminals on the driver were pointed down and mounted the binding post below them. THANK GOD I did this as I was able to reach through the mouth opening and unscrew the binding post and rewire them correctly. This build would have been a lot easier if I would have gotten a flat pack but I don't think I would have learned as much and I'm pretty proud of the fact that I did all this with no experience just a skiilsaw and a straight edge. I still need to sand them down and duratex them but for now I'm going to grab a cold beverage and enjoy them. All is well in my listening room and I got to say I'm very impressed with how these things perform. If you have a small listening room and want to add more bass with a minimal foot print these are an excellent choice. I will never buy a commercial sub again not to say they are not worth it but I had a blast building these. Thanks again to Carl for all the help you are the man. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQelFoei1GVXUwN0E&authuser=0
  5. Thank you Carl for all the help!! Got the first box done, learned a lot on this build the most important being test fit the darn thing before glueing it. I had glued the internal folds and pressed them overnight. The next morning I started cutting the panels for the second box once I got all the panels cut I went back to the first box. I messed up and glued the internal folds and the outside panels BEFORE test fitting the side. Laid the side on and put my clamps on it to get the beloved seq. out of PL. Well I had a board cut to long on one of the inside panels because I had a good crack all the way down one die I could not get it to close. Carl advised to PL the crap out of it and keep my fingers crossed...I did and it worked. This lil sucker sounds so clean and compliments my H2's perfectly. Going to start glueing the second one today and yes I will test fit the last side before putting it on!!!!!! Hope the link works. Nothing but wood and time https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQNW9nSldVcUllZWc&authuser=0 Panels cut https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQZ1RtQmU0SEU5R28&authuser=0 Internal folds sketched out https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQNmlPOWVqWnhnaEU&authuser=0 First inside folds glued and that massive driver in place LOL. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQUnhkQ3c3VExpems&authuser=0 Inside folds glued and my home made press https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQMVBOUkFhblo1TWc&authuser=0 Inside folds done. (Also I should have rotted the driver so the speaker wire is not on top) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQUGdsOVhCNXVMZDg&authuser=0 Pressing side (I later used my home made press to try and get a better squeeze on old girl) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQQ081Y0ZUbHdIWEk&authuser=0 Here was the gap man I just have cut an inside panel to tall or something. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQaWx3QkY4RVI2anc&authuser=0 Still got to paint her (she aint much to look at right now) but was dieing to see if the thing would make music and it does!!!!!! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3yub8MsksaQR040VEs1QTg0OUU&authuser=0 This is a very fun build and is a great introduction to DIY audio. I'm no woodworker as you can see but it was a blast and it sounds fantastic. Thanks again Carl for all the help.
  6. What would be a good amp to run these? I think I'm going to give them a go for 300 bones what the heck! I'll need a amp to run them tho!
  7. I'll be down in Branson in April. Could easily be brought with me. Not too far from the border. Scrappy if the two I build sound like I expect them to I'll be happy to take those of your hands.
  8. Scrappy come to Arkansas lol.
  9. Cool story moved from MD several years ago. Live about 25min from the Klipsch factory.
  10. These things never come up in my area. Where are you in Maryland I used to live in Aberdeen for a few years worked at APG.
  11. I love my M8! Oh and if you don't have the poweramp app I would recommend getting it AWESOME media player.
  12. Scrappy - Why are they collecting dust, did they not live up to your expectations? To bad your not closer I would take them off your hands and blow the dust of them
  13. Moray thanks! I have a set of Chorus love em! Anyway these would be for a shop I'm building in the spring just didn't know if they were worth the drive which would be 3 1/2hrs one way.
  14. I have found a set of these semi local and thought about picking them up as I've always wanted to try a set of the pro line. Problem is I can't seem to find any real world experiences with them. Anyone here ever own a pair if so what did you like and dislike about them? I think these are basically industrial Cornwallis but not sure.
  15. Sent Carl all the info advised to build 2 of them double the pleasure lol! Pulling the trigger ion the driver and amp as we speak.
  16. I'm gonna give it a go, going to order the Anarchy's tonight and the bash 300, working with Carl offline, man what a help he is.
  17. Yea email Erich yesterday the flat pack kits are gone to bad snooze you loose is right.
  18. Diz that's cool did you build these yourself? What size room is that? I have tried many Klipsch speakers trying to get the bass I love and have finally come to the realization that I prefer a sub for my 2channel listening. My listening room is not that big, I'll take some pics today and provide measurements....I don't mean to hijack this thread but I believe the size of this particular sub is perfect for my room and should blend well with either the Heresy or Chorus. I have zero woodworking skills but my dad can help, I pulled the cut sheet thanks to Carl for the link, and to be honest it looks real simple even for a novice like me.
  19. Right but how the heck would this hook up to my existing equipment? I have a feeling I would need something else.
  20. Can you still get this kit? I think this would be perfect to put in my listening room my heresy 2's need something and I've always wanted to do one of these DIY kits. Also I'm not sure if I would need to purchase another amp as there are no "sub" inputs on my peach or Macintosh 2105????
  21. Wish you were closer I would snag em in a heartbeat.
  22. GLWS beautiful gear and good prices.
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