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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. On 1/21/2025 at 6:51 PM, k-banger said:

     I don't understand the people on boards who say they don't need them because they're doing music not movies.  I guess that may be true if you have a very narrow musical taste from a specific era

    I am a subwoofer person and have predominately used them in all my 2 Ch systems.  They can offer a bit to the lower end.  Human hearing is most sensitive much higher in the frequency spectrum.  People favor midrange. Hmmm. FR vs personal enjoyment?

  2. 2 hours ago, winglet said:

    Plots don’t lie..  They extend much lower, have stronger mid bass, and sound much more balanced.  No more shouty, angry little box…

    Even a small speaker can have significant bass problems in a small room. Sealed or ported box?  The two will sound different. Never met a mod that didn't get praise?🤠

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  3. You can always get two sub and bass shakers or Crowson tactile transducer which will be stronger than 2 16 in subs for vibrations in movies.




    Two subs will give you all the volume you need and the transducers can shake things up without enormous wooferage.  Cheaper also.

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  4. Without knowing more about your amp and setup, for now, my answer is no to using a KT 66 in place of a 6v6  that the amp may have been designed for. The KT 66 is a stronger power tubes, pin configuration may not work, and the bias requirements between the two tubes, 8v8 and KT 66 are significantly different.


    Damaged amp, damaged tube and poor performance is a likely reward. The SQ is not based on tube size or power. An El 84 can sound as good as a 300b in the right setting.  The key is to build a system that fits you and not end up with a bunch of gear and excess tubes sitting around.

  5. It looks like you have plenty of choices.  First, why tube roll- better/different sound.  Tubes in the same family such as Sylvania, Tung-Sol, etc generally sound the same. Using something like a 7n7 vs 6SN7 may have a slightly different sound than a Sylvania 6SN7 being from a different family.  There are also substitutes like the 6GU7.  Note, the 6GU7 and 7N7 are just the 9 and 7 pin electrical equivalents and no concern of filament voltage.


    Tube rolling can be fun but know your amp circuitry. Tube adapters are available on the internet. The adapters usually just convert sockets and not filament.  It is possible to roll a lot of tubes in an amp but, if the tube is not operating in its optimal range, no improvement in SQ most likely. 


    What is your amp and other gear?  It may help to get others to chime in.



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  6. High current amp and good capacitors allow for power to get through dynamics and impedance dips. Changing the tap from 8 ohms to 4 ohms has it's trade-offs and in most cases, makes no real difference.  I have owned the RF 7, and 7II's.  I used them with SS, hybrid, pro and tube gear.  


    The amps ranged from  25 watts to 3000.  I didn't do it knowingly but, put the 25 watt amp through some significant test on the RF 7's. The 25 watt amp made it through reference levels movies even pushing the volume up to 120 db.  A 101 sensitivity speakers does not take much to shine.

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