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Everything posted by denzien

  1. The walnut cabinets look sharp. And they'd match all my mid-century furniture... And I'm just down the road in GSO... And my my wife would throw me out on my ear if there were another pair of Chorii in the living room. Wanna trade for some Chorus 1's in oak, with Crites tweets and caps? Seriously, best of luck with the sale. You're in a good market.
  2. Man, I wish I needed another one of those. I love my ST202. That's a decent price for one, too. I'm sure it'll make somebody very happy.
  3. If you can build a walnut box big enough for both racks, i'll take 'em!
  4. Followup: After weeks of vintage hunting, I found an Outlaw RR2150 for a decent price and couldn't pass up the chance to give it a spin. Should be here in a few days.
  5. Really nice looking indeed, and decently priced. While not the same series, I love my ST-202.
  6. Yes, too expensive for stock Fortes. I'm not familiar with the market in your area, but I'd think closer to $500 is reasonable.
  7. Galactic in Winston-Salem, NC last weekend. Great show!
  8. First off, Happy Birthday! I'm still in the process of rainbow catching, but I can think of much worse (and more expensive) hobbies to persue. I've only been at it for 6 years or so, and there is so much gear in the world to try... Congrats on finding a lady that's amenable to your love - wish I could get my wife to do her holiday shopping with Bob Crites! And I feel your pain in regard to speakers who stand silent. My B&W 603 S3's haven't made a peep since I scored my Choruses earlier this year. Nor have the NHT 2.5s....
  9. What a score! With the way your luck is going, you may as well buy a lottery ticket!
  10. Interesting. There's a CR-840 on my local Craigslist right now that I've eyed a couple of times. They're good looking pieces, that's for sure.
  11. Looking to keep it at $450 or less. I know the Yaqin can be had for less than that, but I need a tuner, and would prefer a one-box solution with tuner and phono... Haven't seen a Mac1700 for less than ~$525+shipping, so that will remain on the once-the-kid-graduates-from-college wishlist. Leaning now towards Sansui or Luxman. Any other opinions on either of those vs Pioneer or Marantz?
  12. Yep, I've considered the Mac 1700, but haven't found any in my price range so far. I keep reading there's good synergy between vintage Mac gear and the bigger Klipsch, though it's out of my league... for now. Looking at your system in your sig, I'm interested in your opinion of the Yaqin VK2100. Pretty sure it's your comments about that piece that I've read a dozen times on this site while looking for good info on hybrids. Still happy with it? How's the sound vs the 1700? Would it be a good fit with the Chorus I's do you think?
  13. I'll look into the bigger Concepts. I've got a Concept 2.0 doing duty in my vinyl rig, with a B&K ST-202 doing the heavy lifting. It does sound good, with prodigious bass, though the room it's in needs some treatments to tame the bass down a hair or it can sound bloated.
  14. Willand- Not quite my cup of tea, design-wise. Needs more metal! And VU meters. heh. I've read much about the lovely match of Luxman and Klipsch, though, and wonder... Does the 80's stuff sound better than its (far) sexier predecessors?
  15. Hi there, Klipsch folks. Long-time lurker, first time poster. I've got a pair of Chorus I's with Crites tweeter diaphragms and new crossover caps in my living room (both money well-spent!) currently powered by an old NAD C730 with 30 WPC, which also feeds a Hsu STF-2 sub. The room is about 20' x 13'. While the sound is pretty good, that poor NAD just doesn't have the guts to move as much air as I'd like. I listen to rock, electronic, and bluegrass primarily, love the low-end, and have a teensy tendency to turn it up once the wife and kids leave the house. I've always heard that the big Klipsch need tubes, but I'm not ready to go full tube yet (kids and $$$). I've looked at hybrids like the Peachtree Deccos, Jolida 301 and 1501RC, but not having a tuner turned me off- we listen to the radio a pretty fair amount. As a result, I've been looking at primarily vintage receivers. I dig the design aesthetic of the era of the Monster receiver, with wooden cases, big knobs, etc. and would enjoy having a one-box solution.Based on hours of googling, auction-site perusing, and forum reading, and personal design sense, I'm leaning toward a Luxman 1070 or Sansui G5000 or bigger. Maybe Marantz or Pioneer. I do have an standalone amp and tube buffer that can be used in combination with any new purchase: one B&K ST-202 amp (150WPC), and a Grant Fidelity B-283 tube buffer. Requirements: 50+WPC. Pre-out, main-in plugs, phono input, tuner. Difficulty: Budget: $450 max, preferably less, and attractive enough to be wife-friendly, front and center in living room, and reliable (as possible). Any suggestions? Thanks! -denzien
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