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Everything posted by eth2

  1. Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now. Any of you old enough to remember that one?
  2. The guilty party is: Mrs. Plum, on the flight deck, with a candle holder.
  3. They look absolutely perfect, flawless, and like new. Although I did not get to hear them, I am certain they will sound as good as they look. Thanks to Brac for meeting me in Dexter and bringing me all the way to the sellers house, and then staying for hours. The seller was very gracious, especially given he had sold them at a fire sale price. Also thanks to some very nice moving men who were getting the sellers last few things loaded, and together with Brac, got them loaded in my Uhaul. I NEVER realized they were so heavy. Without Brac and those moving guys the khorns would not have left Maine. In fact they are so heavy that I think I will need to integrate the truck into the living room as a sound stage since the truck has no ramp and Arnold Schwartzeneger will not fly out to my house to unload them. ( hey Brac, would it be too much to ask for you to drive ten hours to....ya, never mind) After 19 hours I finally stopped at a hotel in Andover Mass. I just can't stay awake like I could when I was younger. Home tomorrow! Thanks again to Brac. I know he felt bad as they were driving away. You can visit them any time, Brac. Thanks again, Earl
  4. Crossed over to Maine. Blue skies and 39 degrees
  5. Just got to NH! Left at 4:30 am. 3 hours left
  6. Yes. Not only are they in Maine, but they in Northern Maine. Nice day for a drive...I hope.
  7. But how will her divorce lawyer respond?
  8. Cal, Glad things are improving, even if they are improving slowly. Taking your mind off of the current situation (as if that was possible), I just bought a pair of Klipschorns. I am excited, but I have violated the promise I made when I decided to get into this escape from reality. That promise was only to buy things I could fund from the "toy" account. I was able to avoid temptation earlier with respect to a pair of Cornwalls that I really wanted. While I was patting myself on the back for my restraint, I saw the Klipschorns. Ah what the hell, food and heat are overrated anyway. Now I have to drive 550 miles each way to pick them up tomorrow, explain this to my wife, and explain to my son why he now must transfer to a state college. How did my priorities get so messed up in just two months?
  9. Sale Pending. God, help me when my wife finds out. Can anyone think of a way to disguise a set of Klipschorns...maybe make them look like a lamp??
  10. eth2

    Party Warriors

    Shu. Transparency is overrated...and dangerous. Just ask Edward Snowden
  11. eth2

    Party Warriors

    There are so many years I just cannot remember.
  12. Cal, One step at a time. That is all you can do. Keep good music playing in your head. All our prayers and best wishes, Earl
  13. Gantnoop, First of all I did not comment on whether OP's price was too high, too low, or otherwise fair or unfair. Please check your facts. My point was simply that discussions about pricing help those of us who are not yet familiar with pricing for vintage equipment. Secondly, virtually all posts regarding high end items result in others commenting about price. Most often the comments are favorable. In this case the person expressed his opinion that it was high. I took this as a warning to those of us who were looking, but inexperienced, to check further. Since you do not seem to object to pricing comments which are favorable to the OP's pricing, I am at a loss as to why you think an opinion to the contrary, if expressed respectfully, is "rude." As for your contention that a seller has the "right" to get the best price he can, are you suggesting he has that "right" to the exclusion of others right to express themselves? As once said "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - (Beatrice Hall summarizing Voltaire)
  14. Gnatnoop, See my reply to your post in https://community.kl...ping-honey-pot/
  15. Of course the drive to Anchorage, Alaska is a bit off putting.
  16. Another option for anonymous searches is ixquick. It searches 10 search engines (including Google) and provides privacy for the user. https://www.Ixquick.com/ It is a little spooky to search for a product, and then see it come up when you log into Amazon or another seller's site. The same with Facebook, which I stopped using due to HUGE privacy concerns. ‎
  17. Cal, Please keep us up to date if you can. Some of us have been through similar trials recently and feel like we are there with you. Best wishes to you both!
  18. Amy, How about the buyers; they are forum members as well? I just do not see what is "rude" concerning discussing a price which may or may not be out of line. Very often posts discuss a price as being "fair" or "crazy low" or one of many other characterizations which are favorable to the seller. There has never been a discussion about such comments being inappropriate or rude, nor do I believe they are rude or inappropriate. In my case such a characterization caused me to buy. It is not just when a price seems out of line on the high side that members post. As I said, I would not know where in the spectrum a price falls given my inexperience without forum members insight. I will respect the rules, but they seem a bit one-sided. Being the "Queen" has its advantages. This will be my last post on the subject as I think it will devolve from here. All the best, Earl
  19. I respectfully would suggest that we are missing the point. Clearly Crouse has the right to try and sell his LS's for whatever he wishes. For me the issue is whether others have the right to discuss whether that price is in line with other sales. As I said before, those of us who are new to higher end audio in general, and Klipsch in particular, come here to learn. One of the things I have learned was that original selling price is irrelevant and that resale prices vary widely. When I recently bought a pair of Cornscalas as a result of a positing on this site I depended on Shu and others telling me it was a fair deal. I continue to seek their expertise as to the characteristics of different speakers/amps/preamps, etc., price and technical information. Thanks.
  20. Justin, But the question is tube preamp or amp?
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