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Dave A

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Everything posted by Dave A

  1. I have two pairs of KP-250's that are different than any I have had before. They have a cloth on masonite grille cover, K-42-K woofers instead of KP-42-KP's and a build date QA tag from 1989. The only information I can find from Klipsch talks about 2000 to 2004 for KP-250 builds. These are far more musical than the later KP-250's I have had. Does anyone have information on these?
  2. Hmm, well dogs chew. Of course some Dave's Insanity hot sauce applied to the chew marks quickly ends repeat episodes.
  3. No replies as of tonight. Parts Express has some sizes but mostly for their own speaker line and some flat pieces but then you have to cut and bend it from there if required. I am looking at some 4' x 8' sheets 16g with a 62% open area. Stainless steel is about 40& more than plain steel and I am thinking about using it since I like the color of Stainless and it will not ever need paint. Keep in touch and I might start making some as I have a shear and metal brake. I have about given up finding any for sale.
  4. I guess it depends on where you live. I am driving to GA tomorrow to pick up a pair of La Scalas with those "lovely" AL crossovers and paying $1,000 to do it. You absolutely can't buy La Scalas around here that I can find in good shape with desirable crossovers for less than $1,500 and even more with upgrades for the last six plus months. It seems like prices have just gone crazy. Maybe there are private sales where people know each other but not any public ones. Anyone within a few hundred miles of Nashville with a pair wanting to sell I am looking. Last pair I saw on Craigslist in this general area was up for almost two months and the guy would not budge on pricing. I figure he got what he asked for because he said he would take no less. He has had a pair of Belles for sale for just as long and has not sold them yet and I am sure it is because he is adamant about getting what he is asking. Yes I see them in southern FL and read about them out west but not around here. Oddly enough if you like Cornwalls there are some of those around for $900 to $1,000. They were scarce as hens teeth for some time but not now.
  5. And with those lovely AL crossovers to!
  6. I have had to go the Eminence route on some of my speakers but they were never the same exact size as the cast aluminum frame K-42-KP's were. I think they are proprietary manufactured for Klipsch to be different than any of the for sale to the public speakers. Sales reps at USSpeaker and Partsexpress do not have anything with the same exact physical dimensions. I have a collection of bad KP-42-KP's going looking for a good re-coner.
  7. Thanks Edgar for clarifying that. This SAE stuff comes attached to a Cornwall I would like to get but I think I will pass. My setup will not yield the very best audio experience and I know that since my "sound room" is out in my metal working shop where hard flat surfaces abound so I think I will stick with what I have for amplification and source. Oddly enough I go through cabinet speakers and invariably end up back with my Pro La Scalas since they seem to have the ability to overcome my listening environment limits better than anything else I have had in here. I do like the bass in the Cornwalls though.
  8. OK does anyone who is reminiscing have an opinion of fair price or whether these are worth getting? My questions were is it worth getting equipment this old and if so what would be a fair price to pay. I have a limited amount of time to respond before these go away and I have no idea of what I am looking at. Personally I am happy with a good PC with an HDMI signal splitter and Crown XLi 800. I have been to all the sites referenced and more but no current real world values and they are sites with an SAE love fest going on so they are not impartial sources of information. Very few sites too I might add which has always been an alarm bell for me. I really like what I have now where I can hook up to my Quadro M4000 graphics card HDMI port and get pretty good quality sound and this older stuff has no where near the hook up options.
  9. Not right now. You don't happen to have any K-42-KP's do you?
  10. The KP-260 will go down to 50HZ and up to 15KHZ according to specs. The crossovers were rebuilt by Crites and there are new Eminence woofers in there. To darned hard to find K-42-KP woofers or even get them reconed at any reasonable price so eminence it was. Duratex coated. These sound pretty darned good and are in very good shape now. I have two pairs and they are $500 per. Personally I prefer these over the KP-262's KP-262's which have been talked about in various places in the forums before. See attachment for specs. These have the crossovers rebuilt and recoated with duratex and are in very good cosmetic and aural condition. They do not have grilles and came from a church where they were flown. These are $475 per pair and I have two pairs. If there is interest I will post pictures. Did not today because I have to get my camera back before I can do so. KP-262.pdf
  11. I have a guy who called me with an old stereo system and I want to get feedback on the components. They are as follows. SAE T102 turner, SAE C102 cassette, SAE P102 pre amplifier, SAE A502 power amplifier, Sound shaper equalizer/analyzer model SS-525X and finally a Pioneer PD-M450 CD player. I have looked online for info and there is some but not a lot of feedback on reliability and actual user comments on quality. Normally on something this old I would have absolutely no interest but I don't want to pass up something worthwhile. Boat anchor or vintage thing of beauty? Whats a fair price on a system like this assuming it all works right?
  12. Add to that Erse. Never used Misicaps but I have used the other three on probably 12 sets of crossovers now and every time was a noticeable to very noticeable improvement and they don't break the bank like fru fru fancy caps do.
  13. I think even though the one looks like black measles it will be OK. If I ever sell these things though I figured they would beat me down because of it. That is why I want to know about the weights because if I can make the perfect KG4's work properly in the Fortes I will switch them in a heart beat. So I am back to can anyone tell me specifically the difference between KD-12's and 13's. I think you are probably right on the slight weight differences audibly and I have switched them and can't hear any notable differences. My big concern was travel on the passive cone meant for different woofers and I have no idea what the other ramifications of substitution will be. Klipsch did not just arbitrarily decide to make these different.
  14. I have a specific reason for asking by the way. I have a pair of Fortes with little bitty cat claw holes in the passives. I need to either slobber some speaker cone glue on them and hope or replace them. I can't find any KD-13's but I do have a pair of KD-12's if they could be made or are already a sonic match for the 13's. Anyone with knowledge on this I would sure like to hear from you.
  15. " Don't go by Houston prices. Used prices in Texas seems to be retail plus 10%! It's hard to find a deal where you are. " Don't go by middle Tennessee prices either because by your standards we are 10%++ I wish I could find prices as low as you are always talking about. For the past year and a half I have never seen Fortes or Chorus I's or II's or La Scalas for sale even close to your "average" prices in the middle Tennessee area. How do you generate your averages? Speakers are scarcer now than a while back and more expensive unless they are beat up. Heresy's sometimes can be bought for $400 never less if in good shape. So where are the deals located that generate your low averages? Maybe there are some around here that have sold as cheap as you claim but they must go really fast.
  16. I had a KD-12 and KD-13 side by side today and I could see no difference. Could someone explain what the difference is and can a KD-12 be altered to work as a KD-13?
  17. Just think John, it could be all your's
  18. OK what would make it tuned for a large theater environment and what impact does that have on regular two channel stereo use?
  19. I like these better than Heresy's. The 262's have Crites rebuit crossovers and new Eminence woofers. recoated in Duratex. I am not sure what the difference here is between these and 260 since they sound the same to me. The 260's do not have grilles but otherwise are in top shape. Rebuilt crossovers and recoated with Duratex these look good and sound good. $450.00 per pair and if there is interest I will upload pictures later today. The price on the 260's will go up soon If I end up buying a sheet of perf metal to make grilles with. Southern middle Tn is the location.
  20. Looks to be a variant of a Heresy but way more complicated crossover. What was the purpose of doing this and did it require different woofers and mids/tweets than the Heresy's? If this crossover does something special I would like to build a pair. The guy had just the two cabinets and one TH-SR-2 and one TH-SR-3 crossover and all the guts were gone so I am left guessing. It wont take much to upgrade the TH-SR-2 which was designed to work without a tweeter. Why would Klipsch elect to do that anyway? Kind of wondering if all the extra stuff on the crossover was for a K42 and not a K22 woofer.
  21. Dave A

    WTB K-53-K

    Anybody have some they wish to sell? I bought an oddball set of Theater Heresy cabinets and now I need to fill them.
  22. "This speaker-repair-center is kind of a crap shoot unless there are some folks here who have used them. " Yes for sure. I bought a re-cone kit from simply Speakers where they stated it was a direct Klipsch parameter replacement and then when I asked for exact specs it was 96db and not 98.5. My problem is the pile of growing speakers like K-43 and K-42-kp"s I have and would like to restore these. Klipsch is expensive and for the money Eminence makes fine speakers. I have never tried Crites but I don't believe he had a direct replacement for the K-42-KP's of which I now have five. The K-42-KP is a problem because the recommended replacements I have bought all are a bit different in the casting size so either the four clamps wont clamp or the woofer hole needs to be routed out or both. Finding quality speaker repair has become a real problem for me and new Klipsch prices take to much out of my pocket to ever come out ahead in repairing Pro speakers for sale. I may just start machining clamps for the KP speakers myself and eliminate that problem at least. The only Nashville speaker repair guy left has had a set of K-42-KP's for over four months now and I have had next week done promises five times and he was paid in advance for this. Went by his house last week on an unrelated trip and he told me, after promising me they would be done the day I stopped in, the re-cone kit people had sent the wrong one.
  23. Hi John, I had the same fuse question for a pair of KP-320's I bought recently. Marked on the input cup was 4 amp low and 1 amp hi. What was in there was 20 amp and the woofers had been blown up literally. I was told that pro speakers came with 20 amp fuses from the factory per installer requests so they would not have to climb up in the air to fix things. The speakers were supposed to be protected electrically downstream from either remote fuses or other electrical circuit limiters. If this was not done then follow what is on the input cup was the advice I was given.
  24. Parts Express has a new link to a re-cone service with prices so cheap I wonder about it. I may take a chance on it for one speaker just to see. https://www.speakerrepaircenter.com/studios I wonder just how does one check a kit out for specs that duplicate the original. Is there some way to measure this?
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