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Everything posted by winglet

  1. Thanks. Saw them.. I can wait vs paying their 30% markup. Since posting, Klipsch recommended to me the k-28-st for the forte 1 and the k28-e for the forte 2 if originals cannot be sourced. Not in a hurry, so holding out for something used for now..
  2. Have to ask that question elsewhere or risk your thread being disappeared… @Deang is authorized by klipsch to replace the caps in your crossovers with the tecate caps that klipsch recommends. JEM is a source for those caps if you want to do the work yourself
  3. Soundstage was lacking in the previous owner’s house as well? May want to start with recapping the crossovers and ensuring that all the drivers are hooked up correctly. If the kg4 sing and the chorus don’t, I’d suspect the speakers and/or the room is the cause before the amp is.
  4. No affiliation and no pics posted… https://newhaven.craigslist.org/ele/d/redding-ridge-pair-of-klipsch-forte-iv/7614347483.html
  5. His look like they are way worse off than than those facebook ones I posted…
  6. How do you have them placed in the room? Have you tried 9-12” off the front wall and zero toe in? I have chorus ii in a small basement family room. I was using older adcom gear, but now using a cheap yamaha (htr-5540) for a 5.1 system. For music, they sounded significantly better to me with the adcom. If you are going to give vintage adcom a try, the smaller gfa-535 amp (original, not version II) is considered the best sounding of the line. Conservatively rated at 60 watts per channel. WAY more than you’ll ever need in that room. I have it paired with a gtp-500 pre. (Good phono stage if it matters to you, and a remote control…). Should be able to pick them both up for less than a few hundred.
  7. Or you could just list them on facebook and dump them… 😜
  8. Preferably need one (or two) k-23 for a pair of forte I picked up recently. Will consider a pair of forte ii woofers (k-25) or a pair of k-28 also. Or a suggestion of what ever else works well in the original forte
  9. That may work if it’s an air bubble in the veneer. More likely it’s water intrusion that’s caused the mdf to swell below the veneer. I have a pair of kg3.5 in satin black oak veneer with similar swelling and I’m leaving them as is. I think anything to try to fix it may make it worse.
  10. These are the KI version I tho. k52ti on a k604 horn. The version II got the k70g. KP262 has a k65 (eminence psd 2002). https://2d73e25b29782b6d6766-9c8af5cbfef16739445bc76457060528.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/ki262_635042123775440000.pdf 3 Versions of these: KP-262 KI-262 KI-262-II
  11. K53ti driver.. that 12k is a spike after it rolls off at 7.5k too Horn is good for a lot higher with a driver swap tho
  12. That 118.9 is for a pair of kg, wall loaded and at 3’ away.. Not a realistic way to listen obviously, but they’ll get plenty loud in an average room on way less than 65 watts
  13. Not mine. Can't imagine these come up often. https://www.ebay.com/itm/404240086961?hash=item5e1e9637b1:g:C2QAAOSw2AVkNG6x&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4KCK8syMvNoAngnZ2h1MGo6TRCotY38y8novsZ0ZdDhMlidNE4f1pfm8QD5ao7nVS%2BuNpnQvY6TBMYtuhrUrNl%2BD4ycn5Ay%2BlTcd%2Fu%2BWcr5GDdPhHvISNJ21xBUYnDaf6dbtwTlve7HOqmktvYuzdxK7rRGIvrYwSYWkW28k1OB%2BetjyUCw7k5hRVBS86e29BvbsvPT1yqzcwmzps5mPLYypOEyPBFNzhoQvZ5OFrlJirF8LE1O3IcslEDxgqyYyXl2isR7ouf05wXEmXxbf5qpUjTZ9NB0lNk9zsJ1zBRbU|tkp%3ABk9SR4Sv8d_tYQ
  14. You said you listened at comfortable levels. Home environment you have nothing to worry about. Here's a simple spl calculator to give you an idea of how little power your speakers are actually using: http://www.hometheaterengineering.com/splcalculator.html
  15. I assume you're measuring the resistance of the entire speaker from the terminals? The k-1002 woofer in the kg3.2/3.5 is a 4 ohm woofer. Probably accounts for your lower total resistance reading of all the drivers and network together.
  16. Inside photos of heresy 1 vs 1.5. You can see on the 1.5 the k77 tweeter was mounter higher on the motorboard to clear the straight upper flange of the resin k701 mid horn.
  17. Incorrect woofer?.. looks like a k24
  18. No affiliation https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2112568912279526/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Ad386c12f-3cce-425b-898f-be30f2d60c9c
  19. Why not a Heresy I with a k55 mid? I personally prefer the tractrix mid of my quartet to my heresy I, but I’d think the heresy will better match your la scala.
  20. Quartet really isn’t that much bigger than a Heresy.. only 28” without the riser. What mid driver is in your La Scala?
  21. Agree with the plan. Only suggestion I have is to extend the new ply/mdf out beyond the motor board like on a current forte or heresy and recess a new full length grill made of heritage style fabric.
  22. I assume he has a pair of these 2 way theater surround heresy and wants to add a tweeter to make a heresy i. Not sure what the crossover in them looks like, but you’ll need to modify it to probably a type E.
  23. Stock k77 cutout is 4.1" by 1.6" with rounded corners that match the mid cutout radius. On the Heresy 1 the bottom of it is about 3/4" above the mid cutout for the k700. Heresy 1.5 with the rear mounted resin mid horn (k701) it is a little higher because the upper flange of the the mid horn isn't notched like the metal mid horn is. Google interior pics and you'll see what I mean.
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