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Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. Anyone have any thoughts on the NAD 522? Seems to be quite reasonably priced.
  2. Very helpful thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. So after completing a few extra jobs as well as off-loading some stuff, I find that I have a little extra cash to upgrade some components of my systems. I normally listen to my turntable but thought it time to get a proper CD player (as I'm just using a JVC DVD player that I picked up at a thrift store). Now, I want to add that I am usually pretty skeptical of CD player upgrades because I don't really know what I'm getting into. For me, the difference between a nice turntable with a great cartridge against a junk table has been night and day. I don't know if I've heard a CD player that has provided me the same difference. That being said, I'd like to lean on some of you here that probably have more experience in the CD player department. While I don't know much, I know that part of what you're paying for when you're buying a CD player is the DAC, and that some players are known to have much better DACs than others. This is where I could use some help because I know absolutely nothing about that stuff. BRASS TAX: So, I'd like to buy a used CD player below $300. That's not a lot, but I got other things in mind for the money too. Questions: What are some nice brands and models I should be looking into for that kind of money? I've heard Rotel and Adcom are good. I know Marantz to have made great vintage receivers, but that's about it. What should I be looking for? Am I hopeless if i don't have an external DAC? My current power sources are a Marantz 2230 and Sansui AU-717.
  4. I really hate Craigslist sometimes... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I emailed him earlier. Nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Would love a pair of KLF-30s for that price!
  7. For that kind of money, you should be able to find a great pair close by. One of the forum members might let go a nice pair for that money. I'll keep a look out, but you should try search tempest. Google it and put in your zip code. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. A pair of the Chorus IIs: http://chicago.craigslist.org/sox/ele/5067278494.html
  9. The Cornwalls will rock, but many here will point you to the Chorus II that has a much tighter bass. Not Heritage exactly but close to it. They can fill a room, too. With that kinda space, you might look into some other options like the K-horns or Scalas. For me, they need an added subwoofer. Some other things to consider is your budget and how far you're willing to travel. Some guys around here go cross country! Welcome to the Forums!
  10. Nice budget table. Designed by MIT students. Very comparable to Pro-Ject stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Year, not hear. Mercy I'm bad at typing. [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Do you happen to have the hear on your Crossovers here? Welcome to the forums!
  13. Also, that's was my hundredth post. Seemed ceremonial and appropriate! Cheers!
  14. Jim, It was our great pleasure to meet you, too. Mike and I are only a year into buying and listening to Klipsch and it's helpful for us to learn. Thanks for being such an amicable fella and I'd love to be included in any kind of Chicago meet up in the future. This is a great community! Trevor
  15. Glad it was a good find. I love my Chorus IIs, (listening to them now) and would love to see pictures when you get a chance.
  16. Nice pair of headphones going for a very limited time. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B3QD94O?ref_=gb1h_img_c-2_0842_1d355430&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  17. You get them home yet, Stump? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Four is the limit. Didn't you read the Craigslist handbook???
  19. I hate when that happens and it happens to me with some regularity. People apparently hate it when you ask questions about what they are selling. He probably unloaded it onto someone who asked fewer questions. In my experience, the seller usually goes quiet once I've sent a third e-mail asking about the stuff. This, by no means, indicates that you're at fault. I like when people ask me about what I sell because it means that what I'm selling is meeting a specific need in someone's home. That being said, most people on Craigslist go for the path of least resistance. I've gotten to the point where, if it's close, I just show up. And if it's not, I ask questions and hope they're not the type to get annoyed.
  20. Can't say anything new that hasn't been said: buy the Chorus IIs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Popular opinion is that the Chorus II are better than the Cornwall. Cornwall goes only slightly deeper, but people don't like that the cabinets resonate so much. I have Chorus IIs, which I love, but I must admit that the Cornwall is probably my favorite speaker. The soundstage is much larger. That being said, Chorus IIs are a fantastic speaker that most prefer over the rest. It's got a smaller footprint than the CW and the sound is "less muddy" on bass heavy hits. You will not be disappointed with the CIIs, they are fantastic.
  22. I love Heresys. While I love a good stockpile of Klipsch, I would be satisfied with a pair of Heresy IIs and a small tube amp. Of course, if you can snag Quartets or Forte IIs, those are great options too. WAF is a little lower on those, I'm afraid.
  23. This is 10 minutes from my house. Anyone feeling the itch?
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