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Karsoncookie last won the day on June 9 2016

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    TX/LA border - Toledo Bend
  • My System
    Bang for the $ - 1980's Yamaha R8 receiver (85w @8 x 2), a pair of 904 like 2x15" bottoms , 2 way passive stock Klipsch xovers,Topped w Eminence PSD2002 drivers on unknown small horns Engineered by Bill Hendrix. Thank you Bill.
    Adding a Crown K2 when I get the hookup figured out.

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Community Answers

  1. Crown K2 amp in excellent condition purchased approx 5 yrs ago from a fellow forum member, don't recall who. Located in Hemphill, TX 75948 Delivered to me Pony Express from Hope Pilgrimage by Carl CECAA850 Interests changed, and my little fish in new 100 gal tank would not appreciate me using the wattage, so I got by feeding my 456 like Frankenklipsches w a smaller amp.Never hooked up the K2 since I received it, stored blanketed and boxed in AC'd non smoking home. Advertising and selling on only this Forum where this amp was known and I had some history a few years ago. Will only deal w well known members, or otherwise pre pay. Willing to properly pack and ship, but that will add buyers expense ballpark $75 estimate Photos can be taken when serious prospect requests. Thank you , Marc Jassky 409 579 3860 eves best
  2. Hey all, haven't been here for awhile.... Watching Currently Online, streaming, looping, if anyone is interested. No other comments, not to be censored, just sayin. This is NOT about Religion, but of a Public Figure passing. Only the fourth civilian in the history of our Country reposing in Death in our National Capitol rotunda. Also, previously, Rosa Parks. "You GO" Guys and Gals. Marc https://memorial.billygraham.org/liv...954.1519886994 __________________
  3. Posting this for an acquaintance from another forum I frequent. Have already been in contact w Paul at ManyMoons. I have NO connection to this other than trying to help someone... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sansui-BA-3000-/182636063040?hash=item2a85f52940:g:kKYAAOSwbopZTsC2
  4. Paul - PM response sent. Thank you Jim and others. Marc
  5. Tryin to help someone here. I may suggest to him to list here for honorable prospects as compared to the Bay, , but feeling kinda shy due to lack of feedback here. I know I'm not in the Clique here, but this is irrelevant of that. I have no dog in this fight other than trying to help a good guy from another Forum I frequent, , not an Audio guy. Marc
  6. Any more guidance? If the intent is to sell, any advantage to having it serviced first? Any ballpark idea as to value as is? Told the guy I'd let him know what ya'll sed tonight. Thank you again, Marc
  7. Jim - I will point him to that. Gonna give him this thread link after some more feedbacks. Thank you !! Marc
  8. Hey All ! I have an acquaintance that works at a school as a Music teacher. Somebody donated a Sansui BA-3000 in apparent excellent cosmetic shape to the school, it's his job to maximize this donation. Anything he sells it for goes into the school music department. He did hook it up, and "it seems to work fine" But he has NO history of service or any other details. Asking you Folks for suggestions as to to how / what venue/ etc.. how to best sell this to get fair $ return back to the school. Some others are suggesting ebay, sounds potentially scary to me for a bigger ticket item. In his position in this, of course he needs to be careful that nothing negative happens. Thank you, Marc
  9. Looking for someone that lives where the Post Title is , to possibly maybe help w a simple but VERY important to me project. If you live near the Lake there, or get to the MN North Shore often, and have a few hours to spare in next few months, no rush to do the job, chime in Please. I'm MN Native, stuck in TX, . Thank you All, Marc
  10. I, myself, have not seen these before. With my limited knowledge, they are not the Speakerlab ones, no "ribs". They were not made by Klipsch, were they? Thought someone may have interest. Not cheap, $250/ pr + $95 ship. Marc http://www.ebay.com/itm/252802642188?ul_noapp=true
  11. Not discounting the point of the post, a separate technical issue. That link is to one of those websites with a separate series of photos on different pages, that tries to divert you to all kinds of crap. When I went there, a number of tries, all different , no matter what I clicked to continue to a second house picture, it brought me to some totally unrelated stupid Uber related link. So I was still curious to see the other houses, and finally directly tried the mcmansionhell.com, and it does not go there. Am I that internet stupid, or what? Rarely have trouble. Anyone else w this problem???? Marc
  12. Thanks All. I will direct him to the two links above. Marc
  13. OMG I'm going to kill myself. UNBELIAVABLE stuff, AND, I have made MANY things in my time, including a 1976 Jeep CJ5 from totally rebuilt totally bare naked bare frame up to a daily driver for 12 years. Marc
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