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  1. You definitely want a measurement mic and then you download freeware REW which takes the measurements and is pretty easy. I use several amps for mains, mbms and subs. They all have peq capability which i find to help in all cases. But the sub eq is critical and really the key element to fixing room issues. Even if you dont use peq, the crossovers, delay, gain, dynamic eq and other functions all have some potential benefit. A minidsp for the subs is a great start.
  2. Subs are a certain distance from where you sit. Your avr autocalibration typically sets up the distance of your speakers and sub. When you have more than 1 sub, they often have to be fine tuned to integrate them for best results as even an avr with 2 sub inputs often cant autocalibrate 2 subs properly. Usually the most critical factor is where you place them...nothing influences response more tr han puttimg the subs in good spots. 2nd is distance, if they are different distances this should be incorporated in setup...with external amps with dsp there are actually distance settings. For most commercial subs they have a phase option which is similar and likely what you need to adjust to make them work together constructively.
  3. A few things..... subs. one sub allows a very good sound in one place in the room, other places (say the seat next to that main spot) will not. when you add a 2nd sub, you greatly improve seat to seat consistency. some use multiples to provide higher spl treatment. position of treatments matters ONLY with regards to absorbing near reflections...i.e. in most rooms treating where the front three are bouncing off walls is very key to "unsmearing" the sound field. when it comes to bass traps (properly called broadband absorbers) if they are in the room they are equally effective...thus putting big bass traps in the back will have equal effect to the front no matter their exact distance. i have 18 bass traps in my small room! and another 20 or so absorbing early reflections (so many to cover my front wall and even absorb the surround reflections. yes i have them on the ceiling...but most dont go there). i built my own panels as its cheap and easy. about 1/3 the cost of buying them. its a long explanation i will skip...but bass frequencies are huge wavelengths. your goal with treatment should be to reduce early reflections of your mains, and some bass traps which combined with the other panels will work to lower and make more consistent the decay times in your room. very few understand decay times...the reason many rooms sound bad when loud is because they have resonances that make certain frequencies ring way too long. also, bass hangs around in a room too long, and the traps reduce that decay time in a big way. while that may seem like it absorbs your bass, in fact it does but only in a way to smooth out frequencies that resonate too much. my overall decrease in spl was maybe 2db...and the result is so clear i will never have a home without at least one treated theater space. treating a room this way results in a WOW in how clear music is, and dialog from the center channel and a WOW in hearing bass that never creates boomy scares, instead it perfectly follows the recording. bass gets "tighter" want cheap good subs and willing to build or buy? avsforum has a vbbs thread,and a $29 jbl sub thread. and a martysub thread, all easy diy options. most are also for sale used in classifieds. but yes, music will benefit on the bottom end, especially if you listen toanything with hard beats. movies prefer a sub that can go down to at least 20hz with authority music benefits from punch provided by designs tuned higher and mains with large woofers they are somewhat interchangeable and somewhat a tradeoff for each other
  4. have you seen first man and if so, can you compare them for me please?
  5. Subs are never too big or capable performace-wise -- they can be dialed down bigger subs - driver and box - provides deeper extension and/or require LESS power the room and aesthetics are the true limits. what is reasonable? Any 15 or 18" ported sub with good capabilities 2 is better, not for volume, for seat to seat consistency
  6. screens are usually picked to match the player...i.e the brightness of your projector provides direction as to whether a brighter or grayer screen is selected, as is how you watch i.e. always dark, lit room, etc projectorcentral.com is a great resource
  7. They need a few inches behind to allow ths port to breathe, about 3 or 4 inches minimum. very unlikely it colors your sound -- the colorization would come from the cabinet itslef, not the port. so if you have bookshelf speakers on those shelves now expect no worse than current imo. i have the 160ms, version before the 600
  8. Loud and deep are very different characteristics You have to time align subs in any room to get the most out of them.
  9. This is no issue at all. Blend them together, its a very simple situation for you...same brand, similar size drivers, both ported. Willands example is much more challenging as he has sealed and ported in that setup and that makes for some challenges especially down low. But even that can be done and done very well. I have 4 subs and 2 mbms in one theater, with 4 more subs coming in a week or 2. At that point i will have 10", 12", 15" and 18" drivers in both ported and sealed configs. And it will play down flat to under 10hz and play reference levels + across all the seats with great consistency. It does that now pretty much 😀 Subs are the one area where mixing and matching can work and work well. Mains are much more important to match timbre.
  10. My own experience started much like yours, 20 years listening to Bose then upgrades! Bigger mains would give you a little more punch but not much else. The 2 things to consider are room treatments and bigger subs. Treating the room has an ROI off the chart. Few do it, but those that do, understand. You can upgrade 50x and never achieve the benefits of some good basic room treatments. Bigger subs will dig deeper, get you down to 20hz or even 10hz if you want to get there. No need for outboard amps, speaker upgrades or anything else yet imo. Treat the room, then reassess. I could show you graphs of treating a room but that does little to let you HEAR that difference. Decay times are tamed and made more uniform...giving you a much clearer, less boomy experience. One of my theaters easily blows away any theater and its just a bunch of work or money (diy or buy them for 3 or 4x). Ask about anything you want help or direction with. 👍
  11. Bohemian Rhapsody Now that im old enough to have grown up through bands now considered ancient (lol) it was a fun to relive Queen in an especially nicely amped up movie. Skipping most of the old rock band tropes (i.e. dwelling on sex, drugs, addiction, snobbery) the movie focused solely on the music, its magic and the band that understood the audience had a roll to play. An interesting dichotomy of avoiding dwelling on homosexuality and trans issues it instead highlights their unrepentant purpose to be who they truly were. Most of the history was handled accurately. As a fan, i was only disappointed once, in a very small way. One of the great highlights of Queens career was writing the soundtrack for Highlander, a fun and exciting movie from long ago that spawned many sequels. In the movie, they play Who Wants To Live Forever in the theme of AIDS, which was dramatic but false. Although it can be transferred to that cause, it was a very fun, exciting movie track (and full soundtrack) that spoke only to the movies themes. But this is quite minor. Rami who played Freddy was fantastic, a revelation of acting and so well directed he won an Oscar, and I cant say i was surprised. A movie that fans and non fans can borh like, a moving, fun and hard rocking experience. 3 solid stars, 1 of which was earned just by the casting choices, so well done!
  12. First Man Ocassionally, often when i post here, i come across a movie that sounded so good, yet was executed so badly i find it almost hard to fathom they actually released it. First man is a movie that dupes the viewer...first man means first on the moon, right? Well it is actually a reference to his family life....which was a total disaster of worry, heartbreak and somber sullenness. If armstrong ever was happy, it certainly never showed in this movie. And i dont blame gosling, hes a good actor put into a horrifying badly executed script. Even the landing wasnt very exciting. Only the sense of how small the moons surface was made for an errie feel. I thought often of apollo 13, and how inspiring it was, how exciting. This movie was honestly one of the most depressing ive seen, and ive seen a lot of movies! I see a movie called apollo 11 is coming out, i only hope it is an inspiring film. This movie is truly ZERO stars. Unredemptive in every way, a 2 hr movie you will hate. I had to fast forward after about 75min as it became unbearable, then the landing was still weakly done. Ugh! It made Split look good, which is hard to do.
  13. I am a huge fan of all things Floyd! 5.1 is quite a better experience imo! Run, rabbit, run
  14. One of the most popular choices in the diy world are coaxials, which put the tweeter in the center of the woofer and disperse sound well in a 360 fashion.
  15. I have 2 15inch subs in diysg 4cft net ported boxes and yes they work perfectly. Only because the particular drivers work well in 4cft though... The marty sub concept is not a rigid set of parameters, it was in fact a brillant thread offering a thorough account of exactly how to build a great ported sub. Any part of the design can be modified. If you have existing 15s switching to ported is just that, you are not restricted to existing designs...but yes the benefit is being confident those particular builds WILL result in success. Originally 15s were envisioned as an option as LTD says, but SI used to offer an 18 with a compliant enough suspension to work in a small box about 5cft net. As always the driver is key...i.e. a 15in ultimax does not want a 4cft ported box....too small. It wants 6cft. So if you have the ultimax, go bigger. Ltd is a sub designer and a pro so his words should be valued above mine but i am correct you want 6cft for a umax15 (minimum, which is why he says minimarty, which is about 10cft)....4cft for a ultimax12, 6 for a 15 and ar least 8 for an 18 --- ultimax.
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