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ACV92 last won the day on August 13 2019

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  1. Well, I'm selling my 5.5's. I've got a really nice pair of black RF-7 II's in their place. Like a 5.5 on steroids. Love the height of the drivers with them. 5.5's will always be a favorite as they were the first Klipsch speakers I ever owned/used. Listened to them for over 20 years. When they do go, I just may shed a tear........
  2. Pretty sure they're not Heresy's. They have radiators in the back if you look at the second pic. I just bought some 2 year old RF-7 II's a few weeks ago so my Klipsch funds are a little light at the moment.
  3. Looks awesome. I would just tell the wife that you've incorporated more air circulation in the room having the bins thus lowering heating and cooling costs. Plus, with enough juice you may be able to fire small children out of them. Everybody wins.
  4. I believe you guys are right. Looks like (3) 4's and a Forte. Thanks for the assistance and yes I'll pass considering I'd have to decontaminate them just to begin.....
  5. Maybe, I'll have to do some looking. I'm thinking it's one Forte and 3, if you're right, 4's. The riser on the one that's stacked on top looks like a Forte, judging by the riser. Then one is missing a riser that's against the wall. It's like a Klipsch puzzle.
  6. So, the first pic looks like Forte I's and Heresy's. The second pic is what throws me, the radiators on the cabs of the smaller ones. What say you? They need a lot of work, even though he says they're in excellent condition, but I'm curious as to what we've got here. https://spokane.craigslist.org/ele/d/spokane-klipsch-home-speakers/6934426248.html Only asking $300 obo.
  7. OT, I'm not trying to dispute any of the efforts. Just pointing out some of the side affects. I agree that the global issue is ours to contend with but how do we get the rest of the world to follow us? I've seen sooo many images lately of plastics lining beaches, Chinese rivers that look like something out of a Sci-Fi movie, so on, and so on. Humans are destroying the planet, period. Maybe a bit harsh, but true. Can we correct it? Possibly, but we'd have to have a global consensus and understanding to do so. The reality is, as was said in a movie, humans are a parasite. What does the host do when parasites try to take over, eradicate it, if possible, or the host dies. We are at critical mass right now. How do we convince billions to do the right thing?
  8. Agreed. Not to mention where they think the electricity is generated from to power these cars. Coal plants, some nuke one's, dams, etc., etc. I've read where some of the solar panel fields in Silicone Valley actually vaporize birds when they fly over them. When all of the panels are aimed at the sun it's like a magnifying glass to an ant. Just the other way around but a lot more intense. Maybe we should drop back to the early 1800's. Horse and buggy. The only problem with this is down winding some methane from the horses.
  9. Apparently, the OP only responds to texts.
  10. I've owned my 5.5's since '97, purchased new. I would stick with the 20's. I had a pair of Heresy II's for about a year and sold them recently. What I wanted from the HII's was the 'presence' of the 5.5. The one thing I liked about the HII's was the midrange horn. The mid horn crushed the mid of the 5.5's. To me, the KLF series would be the way I'd want to go. To bad Klipsch won't recreate the KLF series versus the RF-7 2 way series. I think they could make a phenomenal 3 way with DR supported bass. I'd be interested.
  11. What I thought. I'll just keep waiting to get what I really want. Thanks.
  12. More to a question than an alert. Would the first series RF-7 be that much better than the KG 5.5's? The driver height I believe would be impactful for imaging, 8" taller than the 5.5's. He's asking $1,250 which I feel is a bit too high. What's the going rate on a clean set of RF-7's? Or, more to the point, what would you pay. Thanks. https://kpr.craigslist.org/ele/d/richland-klipsch-rf7s/6897535896.html
  13. I've got a pair of HII's that I wouldn't mind selling, but you're literally across the country. Mine are about a 7 - 7 1/2 overall. One had water damage on the bottom, refinished it, added Crites slant risers, tweet diaphragms, reworked the finish, it's still original, and recapped the Xovers with Crites supplied caps. I'm just not overly a fan of them. I've been listening to my 5.5's since new, while they aren't as strong in the midrange, the HII's are almost too much. They image well, but are lacking with newer music in my opinion. They sound good with 30's and 40's Big Band, 60's and 70's rock, but after that not so much. Anyway, hope they fit your bill. Here's a pic of mine after some rework.
  14. I'm rehabbing an Acoustic Research XA TT now and bought an ART phono stage for $50. The stage has a ton of good reviews and I felt it was a decent place to start. I didn't want to drop a ton of money out of the gate. Figured I'd start here and move up if I'm liking what I'm hearing. Just haven't got to the hearing part yet. Phono stage: https://www.amazon.com/ART-DJPREII-Audio-Turntable-Preamplifier/dp/B000AJR482/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=ART+Phono+stage&qid=1556202208&s=gateway&sr=8-3 Our own PMSummer uses an XA and he's a heavy vinyl guy. You can find one usually in the $250 - $350 range in decent condition. Pretty basic looking but highly revered and there are lots of customization's you can do to them. As an example: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Acoustic-Research-AR-XA-Turntable-with-Dust-cover-Original-Box-With-Stanton-500/223490525936?hash=item340912caf0:g:QQYAAOSwyKlcrkTR Here's one that's been modded. Sold for $650. Just a thought.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. I thought it was an illusion at first. I looked at more pics of Heresy Industrial's and they all seem to have the slotted port.
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