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Everything posted by dirtmudd

  1. I did not read the whole thread.. did you do ultrasound ??? my father has had kidney stones.. I remember back late 60s and early 70s...where the medication would make ..urine turn blue... then the nasty scares after surgery..
  2. skype is a internet phone call... I don't think they have a right to recored the conversation ... but it is in real time...up to 25 people.. and it's up to everyone to moderate their views... and with all people ...sometimes we all get out of line.... and the biggest you can opt out.. no one as the power over you.... only you or others can do the same.. till cooler heads prevail... then opt back in...if the conversation is still going....or have a side chat... with the person ..you might have a issue with... it's hard to convey what you type.. with skype you view the person I'm real time...and watch body language and hear spoken word... and there's no cut and paste... it's you and your verbs..no typing ..
  3. a dollar saved is a dollar earned.. for a deal on what you need...
  4. there it is with the 89 Yamaha xt350.. sitting behind a early bronco tub.. that's in the whirly jig pro rotisserie.. the tube as been blasted...and primer epoxyed...than I sprayed it flat black....for protection...
  5. hey Mark.... I don't spread bs... I like to be straight to the point.. everything I have ...I can prove !!! and you have my phone # too!
  6. had the te 450 dynoed....47 at the rear wheel.. dry weight the bike came in at 240 lbs....then plus my fat as a and fluid... - coffee consumption...
  7. sometimes I forgot what I have... I want to go riding in the woods !!!
  8. I have the rekluse auto clutch.. and rekluse left hand brake... and the ims 4 gallon tank...
  9. I want the bmw...but I have the te450.. it's been collecting dust since 2010.....
  10. just made more coffee... looked in the fridge...and seen this.. Chuck it's his and her coffee additive gf and lf
  11. so it's not the w with the scale ? https://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/baratza-vario-burr-grinder-with-metal-portaholder?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrbG9hZ2E1wIVhUCGCh2XdwIxEAQYAyABEgL90PD_BwE. https://clivecoffee.com/product/baratza-vario-w-coffee-grinder/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6rrh0piE1wIVRECGCh2u3QhMEAQYBCABEgIdMfD_BwE
  12. nice grinder with built in scale... does it double as kief grinder..
  13. you can wear a dress if you want...
  14. I prefer the fripp..... New standard tuning https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_standard_tuning I did not say the stones...did not have any good songs... it was the other way..
  15. reissue Roger Waters amused to death....vinyl
  16. I have yet to use them....I found the receipt for them ..dated back to 69... with a bunch of other items... my grandfather was a salesman.. sold Italian products and wares... I also have the boxes for those too..
  17. it's the standard 1/2 inch mount.. it doesn't matter if it's s , j , or straight tonearm...in less it's a p-mount , or a b&o turntable....
  18. I vintage nos stove top models... a 12 cup and a single...
  19. do you know what time it is ? Coffee !
  20. I also have a pair of kg1's with the box..
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