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  • Gender
  • Location
    UK, Land of the Concrete Cows.
  • Interests
    Electronics, Engineering, Travel and of course, Audio.
  • My System
    System: PrimaLuna EVO 400 Integrated Amp, Innuos Zenith MK3 1TB, Topping D90 MQA DAC, Rega Planar P2 Turntable, Rega Fono MK3 Phono Amp, Klipsch Forte III Speakers, Pioneer PD-S904 Stable Player CD Player, Pioneer CT-W806DR Dual Cassette Player

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  1. I do not believe so. The Samsung Phone does not have an inbuilt MQA decoder but the sound is amazing none the less. Completely took me by surprise. Then.... I connected my Samsung phone to my DAC, USB -C adaptor to USB female, then on to my Primaluna EVO 400. Gosh! That sounds fab! MQA fully unfolded via my Topping D90 MQA. Only started out as an experiment but I may use this method from now on.
  2. Oh.. OK. I'll try to run the phone through my DAC and see what happens. Otherwise, as it is... sounds awesome directly from phone to amp. So much more detail, clarity and thump.. Can't believe what I'm hearing really..
  3. Wow! I've just connected my Samsung Note 20 Ultra 5G Mobile Phone to my EVO 400 via the Samsung USB-C output to RCA in of the EVO 400 playing via the Tidal App and Masters recordings. You've got to give this a go! Amazing sound!
  4. I found those KT-170's Fido! http://www.banzaimusic.com/kt170-tungsol-platinum-matched.html I know you like your KT-150's but I wonder what these being to the table played through Forte 4's 😳
  5. Ah... Found some in Germany. Unfortunately, the US eBay seller does not ship to the UK. http://www.banzaimusic.com/kt170-tungsol-platinum-matched.html
  6. Hi Fido, What a fascinating (and envious) lifestyle you've led! Mine only comes close by way of working for Sir Ralph Halpern who owned a chain of stores in the UK called Top Shop & Top Man.... I worked for him whenever there was a Miss World Competition as they sponsored it way back then.... Used to meet each of the winners for six years, chatting and drinking with them, then taking official photos for promotional material and then the Public store appearances which were also taken by myself. That was a most enjoyable period for me!
  7. Are they available for sale now? Can't seem to find them....
  8. Congratulations! I look forward to hearing how they sound on your Primaluna Amp!
  9. Yes. I understand the issue Darkscience. Perhaps you could either: remove and replace the attached plinth with a taller version as these are only screwed on to the underside of the cabinet or place them on inert blocks of the same square area as the speaker base?
  10. I hear where you're coming from Darkscience 😀
  11. On gosh...! 😱 What are Museum Forte 4's!! My wallet is getting more and more squeaky as more info comes in.... 💸
  12. Oh Boy!! I shouldn't have watched that! 😜
  13. Gosh.... Only had mine for ten months... Hope I don't get the upgrade fever... 😷
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