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  1. the last year that serial numbers were stamped into the cabinets was 1983 (with a "Y" in the serial number). after that, as @wuzzzer said, they were just on the labels.
  2. the sonos amp will work, but the hk amp you mentioned would be better with the heresys. plug a sonos port into the hk and enjoy. an even better option would be to use a bluesound node for the same money.
  3. those are insignificant temperature differences. AND those temps are nothing. why are you so concerned with this? you definitely should be concerned with loss of hearing.
  4. i would not use a sonos amp with your heresys -- i don't think it would be a good match. you're better off with what you have matched with a sonos "pre amp".
  5. the "y" means 1983. sounds like you've done all you need to do to the speaker. whether a heresy ii or iii or iv sounds better than you speakers is personal. "most" would say the iv models sound the best -- personally i preferred by 76 heresys with new factory caps. your heresys can sound quite good with the right amp and set up properly. i'd sit back and enjoy.
  6. so you're saying the link doesn't work for you? i think you'll need a google account for it to work. works for me.
  7. if you're talking about older forte risers, they were the same as the chorus in design, obviously different in terms of dimensions. PWK used the enclosed risers to help reinforce bass -- he didn't want the heritage speakers to be suspended on stands, compromising the bass. you can have them built like they originally were or like they are on the current fortes (leaving about an inch of overhang on the front and sides.
  8. Best of luck. Hoping for a full recovery for you.
  9. what year are you heresys? they look like they're in great condition. most likely, the only "update" that you could choose to do is to update the capacitors if they are h1s. otherwise, the only thing to do is exterior cosmetics. enjoy!
  10. thanks for the pic -- the texture of each of the layers is quite uniform. any chance it could be layers of mdf? maybe with real wood outer layer? edit: in looking for additional information, i found this post. @HDBRbuilder worked at klipsch building heresys. klipsch didn't always start changes at the beginning of a calendar year to make it nice and clean. anyway, the post indicates that mdf might have started in 1989 but certainly by 1990.
  11. call klipsch parts at 800-554-7724
  12. the best place i know to hear the jubilees is audio video therapy in nashua, nh -- right outside of boston. give them and call and make an appointment -- they'll treat you right. john, the owner, said they sound great. edit: i hadn't read your earlier response. sounds like you've found a/v therapy already.
  13. both are great amps -- the 590axii is a class a integrated; the mcintosh units are class a/b units. both are way more than needed for heresy ivs. i ran a luxman sq-n150 with heresys (10 watts/ch) and it was more than enough power and would be cheaper: https://luxman.com/product/detail.php?id=33
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