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Everything posted by kev313

  1. Thanks guys! The only problem is that I'd have to dig 'em out (not that much of a problem), refoam them (not a big biggie) and (real problem) chase down the wiring. I have no idea where the speaker wiring leads to! I checked along the walls for an obvious location but no luck. The layout of my house is kind of strange. It's four levels - two below ground - in sort an alternating stack configuration. For example, the third level is to the partially to the side of and mid-way between levels 2 and 4. Kind of hard to explain, but cannot imagine running down wires in these walls.
  2. Yep...foam surrounds (which are dead). Don't know if the phenolic spider is adjustable, though. These are the "Super 8/fs/al" model which designates a foam surround / aluminum voice coil.
  3. Could you post a pic of the exterior of your house when you get a chance, if you don't mind...sounds really interesting. Welcome back.
  4. What happened to Welbourne anyway? Does anyone have the inside scoup? I don't have the scoop, or the amps I ordered, but he's got my $1800.
  5. I don't know a darn thing about this unit, but it is very heavy and appears to be very well built.
  6. Inside was a very nice 8" Wharfedale Super 8. Needs a re-foam but otherwise in mint condition.
  7. Not wanting to disturb 50 years of paint, I decided against opening them up. Until today:
  8. There is one of those in each of my four bedrooms. Here is the sophisticated volume control in each room:
  9. Two years ago I moved into a split level ranch built in 1957. The original owner, from whom I purchased the house, had a whole house audio system installed at the time of construction. For the life of me I cannot figure out how the thing is wired. Due to advanced age, the original owner could provide no assistance. In any event, I have five of these speakers spread throughout the house:
  10. Finally, tears for my beers, my old Shindo Sinhonia push pulls using the F2a that I had to sell:
  11. Not my cup of tea, but the type of work Ron Welborne was capable of before he went a$$head (the Moondog Audio division of Welborne Labs 2a3 monos):
  12. This game I can play ll day. The innards of an Ocellia (France) 300b amp:
  13. Let me know if you want to sell that Grey clone that it came with.
  14. Fini - Will you just get yourself one of these and stop asking questions!:
  15. Yikes! Somebody go rescue these from this guy...those beauties are sitting on the grass!
  16. 3.75 to 3.79 in the west and northwest burbs. A few nights ago I was on the bike in downtown and needed gas - the Amoco (?) on Congress Parkway was 4.19 for premium. Goes to show how fast it is going up...THAT is the Amoco I paid $4.30 at yesterday!
  17. $4.298 / gallon yesterday. I could hardly sit down after that pumpin'!
  18. I've been paying $4.09 for a week.
  19. Looks like someone put a microphone on top of the speaker. It's like 2 totally separate things instead of a designed whole. Hope it sounds good, though...
  20. Continuing the Belgian theme, next up (better do this while I can!) is a favorite:
  21. St. Bernardus. Known in this house as a glass of Happy Monk.
  22. I find my single drivers to be better on "complex" music (what I find complex, anyway, so let's not assume there is agreement on that term) as it isn't shooting it out across 2+ drivers. It is a more coherent sonic picture to these ears. Jazz is very good on them. It does, however, miss the high high and the low lows, if that is what you are referring to.
  23. This discussion reminds me of an interview that Fremer did with Rick Rubin. Apparently Rubin feels vinyl is superior, although this was certainly a fluff piece and has nothing by way of a technical discussion. It is also enlightening in that Rubin clearly gives the audiophile crowd a big finger on the issue of compression. Bottom line is that compression is good for business and audiophiles ain't. That said, Rubin, who can clearly afford to indulge himself in such things, uses fancy pants power cords to the great dismay of snake oil theorists. http://www.musicangle.com/feat.php?id=38
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