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MEH Synergy

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Everything posted by MEH Synergy

  1. Not mine but since there has been some talk in the forums lately and people looking.... https://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/ele/d/tad-td-4002-compression/6695988512.html
  2. Congrats on finding your well being for the moment.
  3. 2500 for 8k speakers says the man that posts his laptop for the price of a new unit and publicly analyzes others pricing on items for sale. The irony is quite interesting.
  4. And I know that as well. And I know where to make that happen. Last time I checked, OBO meant OR BEST OFFER. If the seller is or isn't aware of the fact that they can be had elsewhere new at that price, I'm sure he would negotiate.
  5. Yeah I have never seen a pair of these used outside of the forums here so It got my attention. I didn't look closely at them as they are outside of my price range at the moment.
  6. Not disagreement there. Alert was just to inform someone that might be looking.
  7. A simple phone call can fix that pricing. It is OBO.
  8. Yeah I have seen it on a few speakers and in general I would agree with you on that one.
  9. https://orangecounty.craigslist.org/ele/d/klipsch-la-scalla-2-speakers/6689101218.html
  10. NOT mine. You don't see these for sale. Maybe someone is interested.
  11. One of a kind. No they aren't mine. Doubt I'll ever see another pair like em. Comments welcome 😎 https://visalia.craigslist.org/ele/d/klipsch-la-scala-speakers/6663137901.html
  12. How did you come to that price? I want to know. Figured I would return the favor.
  13. https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16834234553?ignorebbr=true&ignorebbr=true&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile-_-pla-_-Notebooks-_-N82E16834234553&gclid=CjwKCAjwrNjcBRA3EiwAIIOvq6e1gsVmGSng9W_droANkQaBj9QE5kdFMdQtirb7IIbxRtl0S0lr8BoCdqEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  14. MEH Synergy


    I get it trust me. But @Emile and I will certainly drink to their burial I'm sure...
  15. MEH Synergy


    Damn. Well in my future life if I move anywhere near you, well stay in touch
  16. You didn't post in header to wear sunglasses....... Bad on your behalf...
  17. MEH Synergy


    With uship you can be extremely lazy and do NOTHING. they will usually just pick them up.
  18. MEH Synergy


    Ship them! Take PayPal gift only. Buyer risks all. Place them on a pallet. R+L OR USHIP only. Nothing else. Buyer pays. Period. Don't hack them up please.
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