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Everything posted by WillyBob

  1. Uh huh!!! What the name of that construction company? I could watch them all day. Might even make coffee and lunch for them. I self-censored a lot of comment/s.
  2. anyone get out to see the meteor shower ? Me either. If/when I do, it is for as long as it takes to have a smoke. I'd rather look at the inside of my eyelids. last of the Kona... Yay! I know some of you are thinking I'm nuts.... join the club. Looking forward to cracking the bag of Mexican. It don't need to be fancy to be good. still scanning cl for upgrade stuff for the doghouse. I see a pair of CW for $1000. Would be nice, though the footprint is a wee big. I don't have much space to work with .... before I need to eject some stuff. Been some nice gear for sale. I don't know that much of it is a deal or not. Kinda looking for a [this is a little incongruous] decent sounding pair of bookshelf speakers. Dumb Q How long of a horn does one need for a sub? Thinking a straight [as opposed to folded] horn. I know... A lot of variables. What frequency range. Size of driver. Efficiency.... Any general "rules of thumb"?
  3. that is very common in my convos with myself..... usually followed or preceded by a string of profanities I like to think I not stupid and then do one of those.
  4. I think you'll blend right in...
  5. +1 those are some nice speakers.
  6. always nice to get home. The grass needing to be cut is way better than coming home to a brown stubble field.
  7. to take @DizRotus's joke one step further "Que sarong? So wrong!"
  8. see? I didn't even show up and made it interesting. lol by the by I'm known for my robe, not the sarong.
  9. I've travelled cross country twice for little get-togethers. Once to Montana and again to Maine. Not a waste of time. Always nice to know the folks you're chatting [online] with.
  10. around 30hrs of driving time each way, from here.
  11. Think I'm gonna save this Kona coffee for company. I bought a bag of Mexican.... for $10.... another [past] few days of dire predictions for rain. 70% As is typical, we got cloudy, warm, humid and drizzle. That's how it is here. Too much humidity will actually stifle the rain. in 3 days of "rain", I bet we picked up a whopping 1/2 inch total. rethinking the spiderlings running all over the house. Wolf Spiders carry their babies on their backs... not sure how long... But, when/if you dispatch one, it's like a little explosion. Wife and I were discussing the kittens. Think they will be getting a new home toward the end of next week. She was talking after they are box trained. I told her that they are good to go as soon as they wean. We would like to give them as a pair. Two entertain each other and are less trouble than one. However they go, it will happen soon. They are at that cute stage. There will be a collective sigh of relief in the house. Granddaughter may not like it... She'll get over it.
  12. That's funny. Wonder what kind of exchange he wants/gives. Seeds can cost upwards of $15ea. Bet I could scrounge around and find a dozen. lol
  13. he/they were hustling the other speakers.... maybe a better commission/mark up. ... then maybe, just maybe, he hasn't taken the time to appreciate what we know.
  14. I know. I didn't ask for these kittens.
  15. fried corn dog sounds good. another hatch of spiders in the house. Think they are tarantulas. Tiny buggers, running all over the place. I bet I swept a dozen out yesterday AM. They aren't making webs or climbing, is why I think tarantula. Had to usher an adult out last night. before we moved down here, my mom was afraid of spiders. She got over it after a few years and even had her "pet" tarantulas that would hang by the outdoor lights. Tarantulas are so mellow that is easy to develop a more relaxed attitude. the kittens are close to weaning. One bit the nipple off the bottle today. I'll be glad for that. Their feedings are cutting into my nap time. I'm getting tired.
  16. prolly doesn't care for a lady with some backbone/spunk still bottle feeding kittens. I'm too old for this being up every 4 hours to feed. Not cut out for motherhood. They're getting to starting to bite/chew... softened food is coming soon. Had to take the little girl to the vet. Monday, it was like someone let the air out of her. Spent the day force feeding her. She's doing OK now. Bought a bag of Mexican beans. I prefer the Mex over [this] Kona. Call me crazy... you won't be the first
  17. most the time, it's "I have to go back to work to rest up from the weekend/holiday" I will take the blame for breaking the site. Sorry, folks one time, I came back from holiday to the boss telling me how much smoother thing ran w/o me. Guess he dinna like the mechanic telling him about up and coming disasters. He called me to come fix machines about 6 months later. The worse part of maintenance mechanic. If you are good, it looks like you aren't doing anything. back to Kona coffee.Still think a medium/light roast would be better than this medium/dark. Dark roast coffee reminds me of burnt . It does "keep", as in, cold - it tastes the same as hot. FWIW
  18. WillyBob

    Pepper variety?

    did you use rubber gloves after the first trip to the can?
  19. WillyBob

    Pepper variety?

    they do fine in pots. Bring them in. They are susceptible to spider mites while indoors. they set fruit fine outdoors. The wind is enough. If you do them indoors, they will need to ride the washing machine thru the spin to set fruit. ..
  20. no sub out... H/K630. Figure I'll run them as a 2nd set of speakers. Whether passive or not, horns are what it will be. Think Danley had sensitivity at 104db in their line. Price?... if you have to ask.....I didn't look Knowing that such animals are around is good enough [for now]
  21. does it come into play if you want to run them on the "B" speaker outs of the same amp driving the speakers?
  22. it might not be too bad if you change your attitude about it. Make sport of the commute. from the interstate to here, it would look like I was weaving all over the road. In reality, I was all over the road, running over MexicanGeneral grasshoppers. You could feel the thump when driving the Honda.
  23. Damn, Tarheel You're out of martinis. I used to carry a manikin [ladykin] for the passenger seat, at the truck stops. That dinna stop them... "Hey buddy, wanna 3some?" anatomically correct/lingerie. Picked it up when I was driving for a chain of women's ready to wear.. She broke at the hips and sat perfect in the seat. She drew more than one second look if she went out topless. ------------------------------------------------ been getting up at 3:30 to feed these kittens. That's a little early, even for me. I'm normally up at 4. But it takes an hour and a pot of coffee to come to life.
  24. I wouldn't even attempt Boston. As a passenger, I wanted to crawl under the seat. People pulling into traffic and no space for them... Here's a traffic anomaly... On Kauai, people wait for lefts turners at the lights where there is no arrow. Don't be surprised when traffic doesn't move immediately after it changes. on my trip back from IN, a gentleman was trying to recruit me into driving, again. Pass. I'm a home body now. I did plenty of travel in my younger days. Hitchhike, deliver drive away, semi... Even a few car trips. I spent enough time at the LA truck stops to know who "lot lizards" worked where. Spent a lot of time talking to them. Better than looking at hairy, stinky men. A hairy, stinky woman wins most of the time.
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